Nonlinear Dynamics
I. Dynamical Systems (notes) (slides)
II. Convection and Lorenz Model (notes) (slides)
III. Symmetry (notes) (slides)
IV. Maps, Period Doubling and Floquet Theory (notes) (slides)
V. Quasiperiodicity and Intermittency (notes) (slides)
VI. Stripes, Patterns and Instabilities (notes) (slides)
VII. Reaction-Diffusion Equations (notes) (slides)
VIII. Hamiltonian Systems (notes) (slides)
IX. Codimension-Two Points (slides)
X. Practical Bifurcation Theory and Nonlinear Tourism (notes)
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations in Physics
Introduction to Python Numpy Matplotlib
I. Temporal Discretization (slides) (TD1)
II. Spatial Discretization (slides) (Intro to FFT) (TD2)
III. Spatial Discretization (TD3)
IV. Elliptic equations (slides) (TD4)
V. Hyperbolic equations (slides) (TD5)
VI. Curvilinear Coordinates (slides) (TD6)
VII. Computing Steady States (slides) (TD7)
VIII. Computing Stability (slides) (TD8)
Various explanations
Math or physics? Reflections on the nature of math, physics and natural philosophy. Normale Physics Review 7
Exercises sur les systèmes électoraux (pdf)
Exercises on voting theory (in French)
Deriving the Stuart-Landau equation (pdf)
Linear stability analysis (pdf)
Global or not? That is the question.
Open Flows
Introduction to instablities in wall-bounded shear flows.
The Eckhaus instability (pdf)
Bifurcation analysis in a finite geometry.
Polar coordinates (pdf)
How to avoid singularities at the origin.
Rotating frames and fictitious forces (pdf)
Pressure gradient or flux (pdf)
Why it is necessary to impose one of these conditions in any periodic direction
The Rayleigh criterion for inviscid Taylor-Couette flow (pdf)
Completing the story
Poisson operator in tensor product geometry (pdf)
How to apply or invert the Poisson operator with minimal time and storage
Non-dimensionsionalization of linear Faraday problem (pdf)
Notes on implicit time-stepping schemes (pdf)
Bifurcation Analysis for Time Steppers (pdf)
How to modify a time-stepping code to calculate steady states and traveling waves, and to perform linear stability analysis and compute optimal forcing
Recursion Relations and Influence Matrices (pdf)
Greens functions and the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula.
How can systems of differential equations with coupled boundary conditions be solved?
When can matrices be reduced to banded form?
When do there exist recursion relations for differential operators?
Computational methods for MHD in a finite cylinder (pdf)
In preparation:
Jacobians for PDEs: matrix-free methods and preconditioning
Considering a control parameter, rather than the growth rate, as an eigenvalue.
Ecole Polytechnique : Instabilités et Chaos (in French)
Enseignement d’Approfondissement en
Majeure de Mécanique
II. Convection et Modèle de Lorenz (pdf)
III. Dédoublement de Période
V. Systèmes Hamiltoniens
Ecole Normale Supérieure:
Hydrodynamics (M1)
Complete coursenotes by Steven Balbus
Hydrodynamics slides 1
Hydrodynamics slides 2
Hydrodynamics slides 3
Hydrodynamics slides 4
Hydrodynamics slides 5
Hydrodynamics slides 6
Hydrodynamics slides 7
Hydrodynamics slides 8
Hydrodynamics slides 9
Hydrodynamics slides 10
Hydrodynamics slides 11
Hydrodynamics slides 12
A Symmetry Primer for Fluid Mechanicians
(under construction)
Rectangular and centro-symmetry
Case study of channel flow