Transport Phenomena


Course notes (adapted from M. Fermigier):

Transport equations: Heat and Mass balances


Problems sets

1. From Brownian motion to transport equations

Lecture notes

2. Solving transport equations (simple situations) #1

Lecture notes

3. Solving transport equations (simple situations) #2

Lecture notes

A cool video misconceptions about temperature from Veritasium channel:

4-5. Forced convection: convection vs. diffusion

Last part on champagne bubble based of the article « Kinetics of gas discharging in a glass of champagne: the role of nucleation sites » from G. Liger-Belair et al., Langmuir (2002)

Lecture notes

6. Natural convection
Lecture notes

Visualization of the thermal heat plume emanating from a human being through « schlieren » optical technique

7. Natural convection & Convective instabilities
Lecture notes

Dissolution of a lollipop in water

Démonstration of Rayleigh-Bénard instability


8. Radiative transfer & 9. Thermal imaging
Lecture notes

A great experimental conference on Thermal Imaging by Jean-Michel Courty & Edouard Kierlik (in French)


10. Some illustrations  of different transport processes (with solution)



Did you ever wonder why do penguin feet do not freeze? Thanks to counter current heat exchange!

A nice web page from here


Exam 2023 (with solution)