[In preparation]
– R. Baggio, S. Patinet, U. Salman, L. Truskinovsky, Crystal plasticity: mesoscopic tensorial model vs molecular statics.
– S. Patinet, J. Tchoufag and L. Proville, Thermal activation of the crossing of a solute atom by a dislocation.
– E. Lundheim, O.-U. Salman, S. Patinet and L. Truskinovsky, The Effect of Relaxation Dynamics on Plastic Criticality.
[Peer-reviewed articles]
– M. Mungan, D. Kumar, S. Patinet and D. Vandembroucq, Self-organization and memory in an amorphous solid subject to random loading, arXiv :2409.17096, submitted to PRL (2024) (pdf)
– D. Kumar, M. Mungan, S. Patinet and D. Vandembroucq, Self-organization and memory in a cyclically driven elasto-plastic model of an amorphous solid, arXiv :2409.07621, submitted to PNAS (2024) (pdf)
– D. Rodney, P.-A. Geslin, S. Patinet, V. Démery and A. Rosso, Does the Larkin length exist?, Model. Simul. Mat. Sci. Eng. 32 (3), 035007(2024) (pdf)
– B. Tyukodi, A. Barbot, R. Garciá-Garciá, M. Lerbinger, S. Patinet and D. Vandembroucq, Coarse-graining amorphous plasticity : impact of rejuvenation and disorder, Comptes Rendus Mécanique de l’académie des sciences, Special Issue: From everyday glass to disordered solids, 24, S1, 1-19 (2023) (pdf)
– X. Xiang, S. Patinet, S. Volz, Y. Zhou, Quasilocalized Vibrational Modes as Efficient Heat Carriers in Glasses, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 210, 124150 (2023) (pdf)
– D. Fernández Castellanos, S. Roux and S. Patinet, History dependent plasticity of glass: a mapping between atomistic and elasto-plastic models, Acta Mater. 241, 118405 (2022) (pdf)
– D. Kumar, S. Patinet, C. E. Maloney, I. Regev, D. Vandembroucq, M. Mungan, Mapping out the glassy landscape of a mesoscopic elastoplastic model, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 174504 (2022) (pdf)
– M. Lerbinger, A. Barbot, D. Vandembroucq and S. Patinet, Relevance of shear transformations in the relaxation of supercooled liquids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 195501 (pdf)
– D. Ruan, S. Patinet, and M. L. Falk, Predicting plastic events and quantifying the local yield surface in 3D model glasses, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 158, 104671 (2022) (pdf)
– D. Fernández Castellanos, S. Roux, S. Patinet, Insights from the quantitative calibration of an elasto-plastic model from a Lennard-Jones atomic glass, Comptes Rendus Physique de l’académie des sciences, Special Issue:Plasticity and Solid State Physics 22 (S3), 1-28 (2021) (pdf)
– B. Xu, M.-L. Falk, S. Patinet, P. Guan, Atomic nonaffinity as a predictor of plasticity in amorphous solids, Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 025603 (2021) (pdf)
– D. Richard, M. Ozawa, S. Patinet, E. Stanifer, B. Shang, S. A. Ridout, B. Xu, G. Zhang, P. K. Morse, J.-L. Barrat, L. Berthier, M. L. Falk, P. Guan, A. J. Liu, K. Martens, S. Sastry, D. Vandembroucq, E. Lerner, M. L. Manning, Predicting plasticity in disordered solids from structural indicators, Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 113609 (2020) (pdf)
– S. Patinet, A. Barbot, M. Lerbinger, D. Vandembroucq, A. Lemaître, Origin of the Bauschinger Effect in Amorphous Solids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 205503 (2020) (pdf)
– A. Barbot, M. Lerbinger, A. Lemaître, D. Vandembroucq, S. Patinet, Rejuvenation and Shear-Banding in model amorphous solids, Phys. Rev. E 101, 033001 (2020) (pdf)
– A. Barbot, M. Lerbinger, A. Hernandez-Garcia, R. García-García, M. L. Falk, D. Vandembroucq and S. Patinet, Local yield stress statistics in model amorphous solids, Phys. Rev. E 97, 033001 (2018). (pdf)
– D. Dumont, M. Houze, P. Rambach, T. Salez, S. Patinet and P. Damman, Emergent Strain Stiffening in Interlocked Granular Chains, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 088001 (2018). [COVER, PHYSICS, PRL EDITORS’ SUGGESTION] (pdf)
– A. J. Magana, M. L. Falk, C. Vieira, M. J. Reese., O. Alabi and S. Patinet, Affordances and Challenges of Computational Tools for Supporting Modeling and Simulation Practices, Comp. Appl. Eng. Edu. 25, 352 (3) (2017). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, D. Vandembroucq and M. L. Falk, Connecting Local Yield Stresses with Plastic Activity in Amorphous Solids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 045501 (2016). (pdf)
– L. Domino, M. Tarpin, S. Patinet and A. Eddi, Faraday wave lattice as an elastic metamaterial, Phys. Rev. E 93, 050202(R) (2016). (pdf)
– B. Tyukodi, S. Patinet, S. Roux and D. Vandembroucq, From depinning transition to plastic yielding of amorphous media: A soft-modes perspective, Phys. Rev. E 93, 063005 (2016). (pdf)
– J. Ding, S. Patinet, M. L. Falk, Y. Cheng and E. Ma, Soft spots and their structural signature in a metallic glass, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, 14052 (2014). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, D. Vandembroucq, A. Hansen and S. Roux, Cracks in random brittle solids: From fiber bundles to continuum mechanics, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 223, 2339 (2014). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, L. Alzate, E. Barthel, D. Dalmas, D. Vandembroucq and V. Lazarus, Finite size effects on crack front pinning at heterogeneous planar interfaces: experimental, finite elements and perturbation approaches, J. Mech. Phys. Sol. 61, 311 (2013). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, D. Vandembroucq and S. Roux, Quantitative prediction of effective toughness at random heterogeneous interfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 165507 (2013). (pdf)
– J.-B. Leblond, S. Patinet, J. Frelat and V. Lazarus, Second-order coplanar perturbation of a semi-infinite crack in an infinite body, Eng. Frac. Mech. 90, 129 (2012). (pdf)
– S. Patinet and L. Proville, Dislocation Pinning by Substitutional Impurities in an Atomic-Scale Model for Al(Mg) Solid Solutions, Phil. Mag. 91, 1581 (2011). (pdf)
– L. Legrand, S. Patinet, J.-B. Leblond, J. Frelat, V. Lazarus and D. Vandembroucq, Coplanar perturbation of a crack lying on the mid-plane of a plate, Int. J. Frac. 170, 1, 67 (2011). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, J. Frelat, V. Lazarus and D. Vandembroucq, Propagation of planar crack fronts in heterogeneous brittle materials of finite dimensions, Meca. & Ind. 12, 3, 199 (2011). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, D. Bonamy and L. Proville, Atomic-scale avalanche along a dislocation in a random alloy, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174101 (2011). (pdf)
– L. Proville and S. Patinet, Atomic-scale models for hardening in fcc solid solutions, Phys. Rev. B 82, 054115 (2010). (pdf)
– S. Patinet and L. Proville, Depinning transition for a screw dislocation in a model solid solution, Phys. Rev. B 78, 104109 (2008). (pdf)
[Peer-reviewed conference articles]
– D. Dalmas, L. Alzate, S. Patinet, E. Barthel, D. Vandembroucq and V. Lazarus, Etude expérimentale et numérique du piégeage d’un front de fissure par une interface hétérogène modèle, 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (2013). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, Substitutional Al solute interaction with edge and screw dislocation in Ni: a comparison between atomistic computation and continuum elastic theory, Proc. MMM 2008, 840 (2008). (pdf)
– S. Patinet, L. Proville, Modélisation du durcissement par solution solide des alliages métalliques cubiques à faces centrées, communication 20éme congrès CFM, (2011). (pdf)
– L. Alzate, S. Patinet, E. Barthel, D. Dalmas, Application de la théorie du piégeage à l’étude de l’influence d’une texturation interfaciale sur la ténacité d’empilements des couches minces, communication 20éme congrès CFM (2011). (pdf)
[Ph.D. dissertation]
– S. Patinet, Solid solution hardening in face centered binary alloys : Gliding statistics of a dislocation in random solid solution by atomistic simulation (2009). (pdf)
[Habilitation dissertation]
– S. Patinet, Modelling Plastic Deformation in Amorphous Solids (2022). (pdf)
[Technical notes]
– S. Patinet and L. Proville, Glide statistics of a screw dislocation in a random population of defects, Note technique du CEA, NT18 (2006).
– J. Tchoufag, S. Patinet and L. Proville, Thermal activation of dislocations anchored by solute atoms in face-centered cubic metals, Note technique du CEA, NT17 (2008).