Rameau Justin
intern (M2) justin.rameau@espci.fr Research topic Transcranial ultrasound stimulation Supervisor Jean-François Aubry
intern kenza.zekri@etu.u-pec.fr Research topic Neuro-modulation applied to drug-resistant depression Supervisor Thomas Tiennot
Guillot Paul
PhD student paul.guillot@espci.fr Research topic ZeUS project Supervisor Mickael Tanter & Thomas Deffieux
Bashaiweth Mohammed
PhD student mohammed.bashaiweth@espci.fr Research topic Neuromodulation Supervisor Jean-François Aubry
Reygrobellet Alec
PhD student alec.reygrobellet@espci.psl.eu Research topic Functional ultrasound localization microscopy Microvasc ERC project Supervisor Mickael Tanter & Thomas Deffieux
Salzburg Mathieu
intern (M2) mathieu.salzburg@espci.fr Research topic Sonogenetic Supervisor Sophie Pezet
Bolliet Lucas
Engineer lucas.bolliet@espci.fr Research topic Zeus Supervisor Mickael Tanter & Eric Julier
Julier Eric
Engineer eric.julier@espci.fr Research topic Zeus project manager Supervisor Mickael Tanter
Duprat Marie
Engineer marie.duprat@espci.fr Research topic Zeus network system architect Supervisor Eric Julier
Jorge-Silva Lara
intern (M2) lara.jorge-silva@espci.fr Research topic Migraine Supervisor Sophie Pezet
Bizouard Guillaume
intern (M2) guillaume.bizouard@espci.fr Research topic Rapid eye movement sleep in the rat Supervisor Nicolas Zucker
Henry Gwendal
Research engineer gwendal.henry@espci.fr Research topic Zeus project Supervisor Mickael Tanter & Eric Julier
Rideau Benoît
PhD student benoit.rideau@espci.fr Research topic Coronaries microcirculation Supervisor Clément Papadacci
Moisset Aure
Affaires réglementaires cliniques aure.moisset@espci.fr Supervisors Clément Papadacci & Mathieu Pernot
Bonnet Amandine
Postdoc abonnet@cyceron.fr Research topic brain imaging Supervisor Thomas Deffieux
Marullo Pierre
inter (M2) pierre.marullo@espci.fr Research topic Imaging of uterine contractions Supervisor Justine Robin
Sanchez Romero Patricia
intern (M1) patricia.sanchez-romero@parisantecampus.net Research topic Application of Deep-learning in ULM imaging Supervisor Clément Papadacci
Haddani Imane
intern (L3) imane.haddani@parisantecampus.net Research topic Ultrasound gel properties Supervisor Clément Papadacci
Chen Boyun
intern (P3A) boyun.chen@espci.fr Research topic headache project Supervisor Sophie Pezet
Guilluy Baptiste
inter (M2) baptiste.guilluy@espci.psl.eu Research topic How does microgravity affect the brain Supervisor Justine Robin
Bonnel Annaëlle
B.U.T. bonnel.annaelle@espci.psl.eu Research topic headache project Supervisor Sophie Pezet
Diebolt Samuel
PhD student samuel.diebolt@iconeus.com Research topic 3D fUS imaging for pharmacological fingerprinting of functional connectivity. Supervisor Thomas Deffieux
Baranger Jérôme
Researcher at CNRS jerome.baranger@espci.fr Research topic Blood flow imaging, functional ultrasound, row-column arrays,
Komo Nzon’s Fred Junior
IT support technician fred.komo-nzons@espci.frr Supervisor Alexandre Houdoin & Florian Segura
Esclozas Guillaume
intern (M2) guillaume.esclozas@espci.fr Research topic Cardiovascular Phantom Supervisor Eric Buffle
Zhou Yinshuang
intern (M2) yinshang.zhou@espci.fr Research topic Vector Flow imaging Supervisor Mathieu Pernot
Traore Oumou
PhD student oumou.traore@espci.fr Research topic Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Treatment Supervisor Mathieu Pernot
Mauny Raphaël
intern (L3) 2d per week raphael.mouny@espci.fr Research topic Communication & scientific mediation Supervisor Mathieu Pernot & Alexandre Dizeux