Ultrasound biological modulation for regenerative medicine
Our recent publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering reports the ability of ultrasound to activate oncogene receptor RET.
Mickael Tanter enters the French Academy of Sciences
We are proud to announce that Mickael Tanter has been elected at the French Academy of Sciences in the section “Interfaces”.
Science, art and infinite zoom
Watch the result of our art&science collaboration with Vaskange, an illustrator who shares our passion for multi-scale visualization.
Béatrice Berthon-Walker obtains an ERC Starting Grant
We are proud to announce our new ERC awardee Béatrice Berthon-Walker for a project on breast cancer diagnosis.
The 2024 William Feindel Lecture awarded to Mickael Tanter in Montreal, Canada
The 2024 William Feindel Lecture awarded to Mickael Tanter in Montreal, Canada
Mickael Tanter and Jérôme Baranger explain the Korotkoff sounds in La Recherche
La Recherche is a French popular science magazine. This month’s issue features our study on arterial pressure measurement.
Our PhD student Nicolas Zucker receives a Poster Award at EMIM 2024
Nicolas Zucker was awarded for his work on functional ultrasound localization microscopy of the mouse brain.
M. Tanter, M. Pernot and E. Messas awarded 2024 inventors prize of Le Point newspaper
Their invention, an innovative technology for repairing aortic valves using ultrasonic shock waves was developed in France by Cardiawave a spin-off company of our Institute.
World premiere of non-invasive ultrasound therapy of heart valve diseases published in The Lancet
Our research team reports for the first time the clinical effectiveness of a non-invasive ultrasound therapy of cardiac valves in collaboration with Cardiawave and APHP.
Korotkoff sounds: a century-old enigma of physics is finally solved
In an article published in front page of Science Advances, our researchers decrypt the origin of the “Korotkoff sounds”, commonly used for measuring blood pressure.
Cyprien Blanquart wins the Best Student Award at IEEE IUS 2023
Our PhD student receives the Best Student Award in Medical Ultrasonics at IEEE IUS for his work on wearable sensors.
Le Monde journal highlights our research works on sonogenetics
The research work recently published in Nature Nanotechnology by our team in collaboration with Institute of Vision Paris was highlighted in the french newspaper Le Monde on June 23rd 2023.
Publication in Nature Nanotechnology towards restoring vision using ultrasound Sonogenetics
Collaborative work between Institute Physics for Medicine and Institute of Vision leads to remote and high resolution brain activation using Sonogenetics
Spotlight on CardiaWave as one of the startups selected in the French Tech Health20 program
Jean-Noël Barrot, french Minister Delegate for digital transition announced Cardiawave as one of the startups selected in French Tech Health20.
Inauguration of Physics for Medicine Institute by the french Minister of Higher Education and Research
On February 15, our new facilities were inaugurated at PariSanté Campus by the french minister of higher education and research, Sylvie Retailleau.
Noemi Renaudin is awarded by the Fondation L’Oréal-Unesco for Women in Science
Noemi Renaudin receives a “Young Talent Award for Women in Science” for her PhD work.
Functional ultrasound microscopy: sensing the whole brain neuronal activity at the micron scale
A major achievement for micron-scale ultrasound neuroimaging has just been published in front page of Nature Methods.
Thomas Tiennot receives the jury’s Grand Prix at i-PhD contest for his project on ultrasonic treatment of drug-resistant depression
Our PhD student Thomas Tiennot was awarded at i-PhD contest.
M. Tanter is the 2022 researcher selected by Caltech, USA, for its prestigious Moore Distinguished Scholar Program
M. Tanter will join the California Institute of Technology as the Gordon Moore Scholar in June 2022
3D ultrasound microscopy of the brain on the front cover of eBioMedicine
Transcranial 3D ultrasound localization microscopy captures the whole-brain microvasculature of a mouse.
The heart microcirculation captured in 3D using ultrasound microscopy
The coronary microcirculation was imaged in the beating heart using 3D ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy.
Art & Science: ultrasound microscopy images featured in Cell Worlds project
Our images of the human brain microvasculature are displayed in Cell Immersion exhibition (Bordeaux, France).
Inauguration of PariSanté Campus
PariSanté Campus, a French hub for digital health, has settled in new premises located in Issy-les-Moulineaux.
Mathieu Pernot awarded an Innovator Prize by the region Ile-de-France
Mathieu Pernot received the 2021 Innovator Prize from the region Ile-de-France for the development of a device measuring the myocardial stiffness.
Olivier Pedreira wins the Best Student Award at IEEE IUS 2021
Our PhD student receives the 2021 Best Student Award at the International Ultrasonics Symposium for his work on myocardial stiffness quantification.
Three cover pages for ultrasound neuroimaging
Ultrasound neuroimaging was highlighted at the front page of three journals for three consecutive months.
Mickael Tanter and Mathias Fink named finalists for the European Inventor Award 2021
The co-inventors of Shear Wave Elastography are amongst the three finalists of the “Research” category.
Ultrafast ultrasound imaging of the spinal cord in front page of Pain journal
This month’s issue of Pain journal spotlights our study of pain mechanisms through ultrafast ultrasound imaging of the spinal cord.
Functional ultrasound as a read-out for brain-machine interfaces
Our collaborative work with the teams of Prof. Shapiro and Andersen at Caltech has just been published in Neuron.
Ultrasound reveals the human brain vasculature down to the microscopic scale
The first dynamic microangiography of the human brain is published in front page of Nature Biomedical Engineering.