30 years of colloidal quantum dots
From may 26 to 28 2014, the group is organizing a conference for the 30th anniversary of colloidal quantum dots. http://www.30-years-qds.com/
Nanoplatelets can now shine two colors
The team recently developped bicolor emitting nanoplateletrs by careffully enginereering a core crwn heterostrcture made of a CdSe core and an alloy shell the results are published in J phys Chem C
Now nanoplatelets also shine light in the near infrared
Eva and Sandrine develloped a method to synthetize nanoplatelets of HgTe with optical features in the near infrared. Their work has been accepted in JACS
New review on 2D colloidal system
Our review on the growth of 2D colloidal system is just being accepted in Chemical Review
New infrared quantum dots
Our group reports the synthesis of HgSe quantum dots with the reddest infrared properties ever reported, with peak absorption up to 20µm. once coupled with As2S3 as ligand the film of these nanocrystals present large mobility close to 100cm2V-1s-1, which is very promissing fro their integration into photodetectors. For more details : Infrared photo-detection based […]
Botao’s paper just gets accepted in Nature Nano
Ji, B.; Giovanelli, E.; Habert, B.; Spinicelli, P.; Nasilowski, M.; Xu, X.; Lequeux, N.; Hugonin, J.-P.; Marquier, F.; Greffet, J.-J.; Dubertret, B. Non-blinking quantum dot with a plasmonic nanoshell resonator. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2014., in press