Archives de l’auteur : jmarthel

Symposium Mechanics Morphogenesis Development and Evolution (Institut Pasteur, 12-13 Dec 2022)

How can mechanics constrain the evolution of shape or be a source  of morphogenetic innovation? The Qbio initiative at Institut Pasteur is organising a two-day symposium in the campus on December 12th and 13th 2022 which will cover the interplay between mechanics, evolution, morphogenesis and development.

This interdisciplinary symposium will combine a large range of approaches (morphometric analysis, modeling, soft-matter physics, comparative morphogenesis, epistemology) and diverse organisms (plants, yeast, algae, cnidarians, insects and vertebrates) with diverse and excellent speakers. This symposium is meant to be an open platform for discussion between physicists, mathematicians and biologists on relevant biological questions, and to foster interactions between topics/systems which normally have few occasions to interact.

The full program can be found on our website .

Registration is free but mandatory (before November 14th):

If you have any query, please contact:

Two junior faculty positions in Mechanical Engineering (EPFL Lausanne)

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to inform you that we have two open faculty positions at EPFL’s School of Engineering, one in BioMechanics and one in Sustainable Manufacturing. These positions target applicants at the level of tenure-track Assistant Professor. You can find more information on the following link (or the attached flyer):

For the position in Sustainable Manufacturing, we seek applicants who will broadly address the engineering challenges related to developing intelligent manufacturing systems while attending to the multiple facets of sustainability. 

For the position in Biomechanics, we seek applicants with a mechanics background who will address research challenges related to developing theoretical and computational models to investigate, and potentially control or design, biological materials and systems.

Could you please circulate this announcement as widely as you see fit? If you know potential top-level candidates for this position, I would be most grateful if you could encourage them to apply and/or let me know.

Best regards,
Pedro M. Reis
Professor, Institute Director
fleXLab: Flexible Structures LaboratoryInstitute of Mechanical Engineering
EPFL, Switzerland  

Postdoc liquid jet impingement on a horizontal surface (IEMN Lille)

Dear colleagues,

We have a funded postdoctoral position opening for a researcher with a physics of liquids / soft matter background in the FILMS team at the IEMN (Lille, France). The postdoc is expected to start during the first semester 2023. 

Goal of the postdoc project is to investigate the mechanisms occurring in the liquid jet impingement on a horizontal surface. The research work will be mainly  experimental and part of a wider project (ANR).

For more information, see the attached announcement and/or contact me for more details ( Candidatures  through:

Please do not hesitate to share with your students or with colleagues.

Best regards,

Alexis Duchesne and Farzam Zoueshtiagh

PS: We expect to have fun within this project!

Postdoc on crack propagation in anisotropic and heterogeneous materials (ENSTA Paris)

A post-doctoral or research engineer position is open in my group at ENSTA Paris (Palaiseau, France). The topic is about crack propagation in anisotropic and heterogeneous materials. It aims to use additive manufacturing as a way to design materials with controlled microstructure.

Available funding can cover up to 45 months. The start date is flexible but preferably in January 2023. European citizenship is required.

Additional details on the project and position can be found here :

Veronique Lazarus

Biological fluid mechanics of transport, growth and actuation at the APS March meeting (Las Vegas, March 6-10, 2023)

We are writing to draw your attention to the upcoming March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Las Vegas (March 6-10, 2023). We are organizing a session on Biological Fluid Mechanics of Transport, Growth and Actuation (02.01.20). 

Sessions at APS consist of several 10-minutes talks. We will have a long invited talk by Jake Socha (Virginia Tech) on fluid transport in insects. 

One of our goals is to get contributions from diverse and complementary communities, across biomechanics, applied mathematics, and engineering to bring fresh viewpoints and exciting new problems to the audience of APS March meeting, traditionally focused on soft matter, non linear and statistical physics. 

The deadline for abstract submission is October 20, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Abstracts can be submitted here:

Organizers: Joel Marthelot (IUSTI), Martin Brandenbourger (IRPHE) and PT Brun (Princeton University)

Postdoc Single-charge nanofluidics (ESPCI, Paris)

I have an opening for a postdoctoral positon to investigate solid/liquid interfaces at the single-charge scale using single-molecule microscopy techniques.

Details on the project and position can be found here :

Our group is based in the Soft Matter and Engineering Laboratory at ESPCI, Paris, France.

Jean Comtet

Workshop Fragmentation dynamique pour les solides (Marseille, Nov 24-25)

Le GDR MecaWave organise un workshop le 24-25 novembre sur la fragmentation dynamique, au Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique à Marseille. 

Le fichier joint décrit plus en détail l’objectif de ce workshop, le nom des orateurs et les détails pratiques. Pour vous inscrire, merci d’envoyer un mail aux organisateurs.

Les organisateurs (Nicolas Favrie, Bruno Lombard, Joël Marthelot)

Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials (Nimes, Oct 19-21)

This Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials is mainly dedicated to Ph.D. students andEarly Career Investigators  (i.e. researcher whose career spun less than 8 years since the date of the PhD) and aims at sharing new advances and breakthroughs as well as fostering the community of young researchers in the field of acoustic metamaterials. The third SAM will be organised around 6 different sessions comprising 20 min talks and plenary lectures. 


Workshop Machine Learning Glassy Dynamics (Nov 7-11, 2022 – Paris)

The goal of this 2-day workshop is to understand the role that machine learning can play in understanding glasses from a fundamental perspective. The workshop is open to all and will take place at Collège de France (rue d’Ulm). Registration is free but mandatory (before September 30) at:


L. Berthier, G. Biroli, and G. Jung