Welcome to my home page at ESPCI Paris. I am a CNRS researcher at the PMMH lab, a joint research unit* at the heart of the Parisian scientific landscape. My research interests were born in physics and rapidly found an anchor in fluid dynamics, with a later admiration for biology that has served as inspiration for a large part of my research work. Mostly developed from an experimental fluid mechanics point of view, past and present specific topics include: ocean wave energy, geophysical fluid dynamics, wake instabilities, transition to turbulence, fluid-structure interaction, animal swimming and flying and bio-inspired propulsion. At PMMH I co-head the Biomimetics and Fluid-Structure Interaction group. You can find information on my work by following the links on this page. In particular, scroll down my Research blog to go back in time following my research and related activities. Information on our French-Argentinian collaboration effort in fluid mechanics can be found here: International Research Project IRP IVMF (for the past) and International Research Laboratory IRL IFADyFE (for the present and future).
*for those looking to get acquainted with the local jargon, PMMH means Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes and it is a UMR (which means Unité Mixte de Recherche, the basic structure of the CNRS collaborative network with French Universities) with four parent institutions: CNRS, ESPCI Paris–PSL, Sorbonne Université, and Université Paris Cité.