Kick Off Meeting
Santiago, 2- 21 Jan. 2012

During the two weeks starting on 2 Jan. 2012, the project was launched at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago. The meeting was hosted by the Departamento de Fisica de la Facultad de Ciencias Fiscas y Matematicas, and organized by the local ProCoMedia members. All the members of the project, french and chilean, were present, and gave a series of talks. The subjects spanned the wide spectrum of interests of the network, including Electromagnetism, Water waves, Acoustic waves, Elastic waves. The group made a meeting in the french «Service de coopération scientifique et universitaire de l’Ambassade» in Santiago with Pierre Pellat-Finet, attaché de coopération scientifique et universitaire to present our program. The group also made a visit to the ALMA observatory during their stay in Atacama, with Massimo Tarenghi, representant of ESO in Chile and Maria Teresa Ruiz, astrophysicist in the Universidad de Chile.