Archives de l’auteur : jmarthel

Physics of Living Matter (Marseille/Cambridge, Sep 27-30, 2022)

The PLM series started 15 years ago from an interest to promote the interface between the Life and Physical Sciences in Cambridge.

This year, the conference has been divided into two parts:

  • September 27 & 28 in France : organized by CENTURI, this part of the event will take place at the Palais du Pharo, in Marseille, with an online access for Cambridge participants.
  • September 29 & 30 in England : organized by Cambridge University, this part of the event will take place in Cambridge, with an online access for Marseille participants.

Program and registration:

EuroTechTalk – Magneto-active soft materials and structures (22 September 2022)

Pedro Reis (EPFL) and Kostas Danas (Ecole Polytechnique)

In this joint seminar, we will present the complementary expertise and recent research of our two groups at Ecole Polytechnique (France) and EPFL (Switzerland) on magnetorheological elastomers (MREs); a novel class of active materials capable of exhibiting a coupled response under external magnetic and/or mechanical stimuli.

Info and registration:

Workshop Physics of microbial motility (ESPCI Paris, Nov 2-4 2022)

We would like to draw your attention to the workshop Physics of microbial motility that our H2020 ITN PHYMOT organizes from November 2nd to 4th, 2022 at the ESPCI in Paris, France. This workshop aims to bring together senior scientists and students with interests ranging from marine microbiology, and environmental biology to experimental and theoretical biophysics. For further information and to register and submit an abstract, please visit the workshop website:

 Best wishes,
Anke Lindner, Eric Clement, Thomas Kiørboe, Roberto Di Leonardo, Gerrit Vliegenthart and Gerhard Gompper

Workshop on Physics and Biology of Plant Growth – Ein Gedi, Israel (Jan30-Feb2 2023)

The growing plant is a fascinating system involving multiple fields. Biologically, it is a multi-cellular system controlled by complex bio-chemical networks. Physically, it is an example of an « active solid » – an extended solid system, whose element (cells) are active, performing mechanical work to drive the evolving geometry. Computationally, it acts as a distributed system, processing a multitude of local inputs into a coordinated developmental response. The goal of this meeting is to provide a rare opportunity to bring together researchers from these different but complementary disciplines, and study the plant as a living, information-processing organism, which uses physical laws and biological mechanisms to alter its own shape, and negotiate its environment.

Please visit: for relevant information

Idan Efroni, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Yasmine Meroz, Tel Aviv University
Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Eran Sharon, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Winter Aspen Conference on Active Matter in Complex Environments (2-6 Jan 2023)

Active matter is a prominent area of research in soft matter and biological physics: it gives us the opportunity to learn new physics (active materials are out of equilibrium), engineer new materials (e.g., « intelligent » responsive materials), and understand more about biology (e.g., cells, migratory animals, and even subcellular motor proteins are active materials). While a tremendous amount of work has focused on the physics of active matter in bulk/unconfined environments, recent work is starting to demonstrate the rich physics associated with active matter in complex environments characterized by tortuosity, confinement, and complex interactions. This Aspen Winter Conference will focus on this new direction in active matter research at the interface of soft matter physics, statistical and nonlinear physics, biology, and engineering.  

This Conference will bring together a diverse group of leading theorists and experimentalists to discuss (1) Fundamentals, (2) Collective behaviors, (3) Interactions with complex fluids, (4) Biological active matter, (5) Synthetic active matter/assemblies. Our ultimate goal is to foster new collaborations, clarify unifying/open questions for future research to address, and brainstorm new directions for the field that cut across physics, biology, materials, engineering, and other disciplines. 

The workshop will be in-person, over five days spanning January 2-6, 2023 (the last day will be a half day).  We are putting together the agenda to have extensive Q&A and discussion sessions as well as recreational breaks each day.  There will also be a welcome reception on the evening of Sunday January 1.  We are currently fundraising with the intention of being able to help offset some costs associated with meeting registration, housing, and travel. 

To register, click the « Apply now » link here; the registration deadline is at the end of the month. 

Sujit Datta, Cynthia Olson Reichhardt, Paulo Arratia and Moumita Das

Postdoc Red blood cell deformability – MSC Paris

A post-doctoral position is available at the Laboratory ‘Matière et Systèmes Complexes’ (MSC), Paris, France ( to work on an innovative, cross-disciplinary project combining materials science, biology and clinical research. 

The project, funded by the IdEx Université Paris Cité, will be carried out in collaboration with the ‘Biologie Intégrée du Globule Rouge’ Laboratory (BIGR, INSERM) and the Necker Hospital.

The motivated candidate will conduct a comparative study of healthy red blood cells with intracellular nanorheology, an innovative technique recently developed at MSC, and ektacytometry, a reference technique for the diagnosis of red blood cell deformability (BIGR). This study will be followed by a clinical study on blood samples from sickle cell patients. We will investigate the relevance of intracellular nanorheology to facilitate patient monitoring for blood diseases affecting cell stiffness. 

You can find more details about the project and the application here:

The initial appointment is for 10 months starting October 1, 2022, as soon as possible, with the possibility of renewal for an additional 9 months.

We look forward to receiving your CV and cover letter (max. 1 page) and two reference contacts. Please send them by e-mail to Dr. B. Abou and mention the reference « Red Blood Cell Sinay ». 

Postdoc Study of interfacial adhesion in multilayer polymer films – PIMM / d’Alembert

The main goal of the project is to develop a clever mechanical test allowing to quantify the interfacial adhesion for films having up to several thousand layers.

This experimental project will be done in collaboration between the PIMM institute (ENSAM, Paris 75013) and d’Alembert Institute for Mechanics  (Sorbonne Université, Paris 75005)

The project is funded for 12 months, starting in November-December 2022. 

Salary: about 2600€ net/month

Postdoc Biosourced epoxy foams for thermal and elasto‐acoustic insulation – ICMPE

We seek a post‐doctoral fellow with an interest for methodological developments with the application to real engineering materials. Background knowledge in imaging techniques, image analysis, numerical methods (including numerical homogenization) are required. Programming skills would also be appreciated. Applications (cover letter, electronic copy of PhD thesis and all publications, at least two referees) should be sent to A. Rios.

Camille Perrot,
Augustín Ríos, agustin.rios‐de‐anda@u‐

Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris Est (ICMPE)
Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi‐Échelle (MSME)
Laboratoire Navier 

Postdoc Theoretical physics of curved multi-cellular systems – CENTURI Marseille

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in my lab at the Center for Theoretical Physics (CPT) in Marseille, France.  The project will study the interactions of tissue flows with curvature in the fruit fly embryo, in a collaboration with the developmental biology team of Thomas Lecuit.  A combination of analytical approaches, experimental data analysis, and computer simulation will be employed to examine how tissue-scale changes in Gaussian curvature interact with cell-scale processes during fly embryogenesis.

A recent preprint from our collaboration can be found here:

The two-year position is fully funded by the Alan Turing Center for Living Systems (CENTURI,, an interdisciplinary research hub in Marseille that brings together physicists, biologists, engineers, and mathematicians.  To apply for the position in my group (, please send cover letter, cv, and email addresses of two references to  Applications will be considered continuously until the position is filled.

Matthias Merkel