Postdoc Red blood cell deformability – MSC Paris

A post-doctoral position is available at the Laboratory ‘Matière et Systèmes Complexes’ (MSC), Paris, France ( to work on an innovative, cross-disciplinary project combining materials science, biology and clinical research. 

The project, funded by the IdEx Université Paris Cité, will be carried out in collaboration with the ‘Biologie Intégrée du Globule Rouge’ Laboratory (BIGR, INSERM) and the Necker Hospital.

The motivated candidate will conduct a comparative study of healthy red blood cells with intracellular nanorheology, an innovative technique recently developed at MSC, and ektacytometry, a reference technique for the diagnosis of red blood cell deformability (BIGR). This study will be followed by a clinical study on blood samples from sickle cell patients. We will investigate the relevance of intracellular nanorheology to facilitate patient monitoring for blood diseases affecting cell stiffness. 

You can find more details about the project and the application here:

The initial appointment is for 10 months starting October 1, 2022, as soon as possible, with the possibility of renewal for an additional 9 months.

We look forward to receiving your CV and cover letter (max. 1 page) and two reference contacts. Please send them by e-mail to Dr. B. Abou and mention the reference « Red Blood Cell Sinay ». 

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