Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

mini-colloque « Physique statistique, fluctuations et dissipation : nouveaux apports théoriques et expérimentaux » JMC (27-31 aout 2018)

Dans le cadre des prochaines Journées de la Matière Condensée, qui se tiendront à Grenoble du 27 au 31 août 2018, nous organisons un mini-colloque sur le thème :
« Physique statistique, fluctuations et dissipation : nouveaux apports théoriques et expérimentaux. »

Le but de cette rencontre est, de manière informelle, de mettre en relief les avancées de ces 10 dernières années dans la description des phénomènes hors-équilibre sous l’angle de la physique statistique, que ce soit par des approches expérimentales, numériques ou théoriques.

Plus de détails sur le site des JMC :

Le mini-colloque comprendra notamment trois présentations invitées, par Sergio Ciliberto (ENS Lyon), Stéphan Fauve (ENS Paris) et Jean-François Rupprecht (Mechanobiology Inst., Singapour).

Vous pouvez proposer jusqu’au 15 avril une courte présentation orale (environ 15 min, questions comprises) dans le cadre de ce mini-colloque :

Une sélection sera effectuée parmi les présentations orales proposées. Il est également possible de proposer un poster.

Nous ne serons malheureusement pas en mesure de fournir un soutien financier aux participants.

Nous espérons néanmoins vous retrouver nombreux à ce mini-colloque ! N’hésitez pas à faire circuler l’annonce dans votre équipe.

A. Naert, S. Aumaitre, É. Bertin

PS : avec nos excuses pour les envois multiples.

2 postdocs on impulsive motion in biological/bio-inspired systems (UMass@Amherst)

Two post-doc positions are open to application in the group of our colleague Alfred Crosby in Polymer Science and Engineering department at the University of Massachussets, Amherst, USA ( Motivated candidates should directly contact​ with required materials (see below).

Position1:Impulsive Motion MURI Postdoc (Position 1)

Applications are currently being accepted for a unique postdoctoral position within a multi-university, interdisciplinary team of researchers focused on the fundamental principles that describe extremely rapid, impulsive motion in biological and bio-inspired engineered systems. Specifically, an energetic and engaged team member with a strong background in applied mathematics, physics, mechanics, or biomechanics is sought to aid in the development of a unifying mathematical framework to describe the physics of impulsivemotion. Theexpertiseofteammembersrangesfromroboticsandmaterialsscience, to biomechanics and evolutionary biology. The hired post-doc will have the opportunity to work across disciplines and move between labs including the Patek lab (​​) at Duke University, the Wood lab (​​) at Harvard University, the Bergbreiter lab (​​) at University of Maryland, the Azizi lab (​​) at UC Irvine, and the Crosby lab (​​) at UMass Amherst. Successful applicants will have a strong quantitative and mathematical background, a desire for or history of working on an interdisciplinary team, as well as strong writing and presenting skills. The initial appointment is for one year with potential for renewal for an additional year. Interested applicants should send cover letter, CV, and a list of three references to Professor Al Crosby at ​​. Application materials will be shared with the other co-PIs.

Position2: Impulsive Motion MURI Postdoc (Position 2)  

The hired postdoc will be part of a multi-university research project focused on large magnitude, high speed elastic mechanics, especially associated with biological and bio-inspired impulsive movement. Project efforts will focus on the characterization and modeling of small size scale, complex geometry materials used in biological and synthetic impulsive movement systems. Successful applicants will have strong writing and presenting skills, will be highly creative, possess a strong quantitative and mathematical background. The initial appointment is for one year with potential for renewal for an additional year. Interested applicants should send cover letter, CV, and a list of three references to Professor Al Crosby at ​​.

Active Matter and Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics (Les Houches aout-sept 2018)

Les Houches Summer School on « Active Matter and Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics », to be held in the French Alps, from August 27 until September 21 this year.

For this school, we have gathered both experts from the subfields that make up the Active Matter community (statistical mechanics, hydrodynamics, soft matter, theory & experiments, simulators) and leading experts in the surrounding field of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, to provide world-class training in the methods that are currently used in and around active matter. The purpose of this school is thus to provide the audience both with a solid training in all the basic methods of non-equilibrium physics and to expose them to the recent trends in the Active Matter field in a pedagogical way.

The full cost per participant is 1800€. It covers housing, meals and the book of lecture notes. The deadline for applications is April 1st, 2018. Answers to applicants will be sent by the 1st of June. More details can be found on the school website:

The list of lecturers and seminar speakers can be found below

Gerhard Gompper, Cristina Marchetti, Julien Tailleur, Julia Yeomans
Long lectures:

  • M. Cates Active Field Theories
  • E. Dufresne  Experimental Approaches to Active Systems
  • D. Frenkel  Modeling of the Microscopic Origins of Active Transport
  • E. Frey  Self-Organization of Protein Patterns
  • R. Golestanian  Phoretic Active Matter
  • J.-F. Joanny  Biological tissues as active materials
  • M. Kardar  Fluctuation forces in non-equilibrium systems
  • J. Kurchan  Glassy dynamics in and out of Active Matter (I)
  • L. Berthier  Glassy dynamics in and out of Active Matter (II)
  • M. Shelley Fluid dynamics of swimming & active particles, from one to many

Seminar speakers

  • A. Baskaran  Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of model active matter systems
  • C. Bechinger Active Brownian Motion in Complex Fluids; Nanotribology of Driven Colloidal Monolayers
  • H. Chate  Dry, aligning, dilute, active matter (DADAM)
  • L. Cugliandolo  Effective temperatures in active matter
  • O. Dauchot  Model Experiments of Active Matter : at the interface between living organisms and theoretical models
  • S. Fielding Complex flows of complex fluids
  • Y. Kafri  Statistical forces in active matter
  • B. Ladoux  Mechanobiology of collective cell behaviours
  • F. Sagues  Features of interfaced and confined experimental active nematics
  • J. Toner  Why walking is easier than pointing: Hydrodynamics of Active Matter

postdoc numerical simulation of liquid coating (Univ. Liège)

Extension of the Particle – Finite Element Method (PFEM) for the simulation of liquid entrainment and coating process

voir l’annonce en pdf : Postdoctoral fellow position – ULiege


postdoc sur la friction (ENS-Lyon)

Voir l’annonce en pdf : Postdoc-announcement-friction-ENSL

contact : Elsa Bayart
ENS de Lyon
Site Monod – 46 allée d’Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 7

Rencontre du Non-linéaire date limite 26 février (27-29 mars)

Rappel : soumission des résumés pour les posters/exposés courts et/ou pour la soumission des articles pour les comptes-rendus.

Nous remercions tous ceux qui ont déjà soumis un résumé. Pour ceux qui ne l’ont pas fait, la date limite est le 26 février 2018 inclus.

du 27 au 29 mars 2018 à Paris, Université Paris-Diderot

La Rencontre du Non-Linéaire rassemble tous les ans l’essentiel de la communauté francophone travaillant sur la dynamique non linéaire (hydrodynamique, optique, plasmas, mécanique, mathématiques appliquées, physico-chimie, biophysique, …).

La 21e Rencontre du Non Linéaire 2018 aura lieu les 27, 28 et 29 mars 2018 à l’Université Paris Diderot, à l’amphithéâtre Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris 13e.

Cette année, les orateurs invités seront :

  • Christophe Clanet (LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique) “Physics in modern Olympic Games
  • Keith Moffatt (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK) “The Navier-Stokes Singularity Problem« 
  • Salima Rafaï (LIPHY, CNRS, Grenoble) “Du plancton comme modèle de particule active?
  • Agnese Seminara (INPHYNI, CNRS, Nice) “Fungal spore discharge and dispersal in the atmosphere

Cette année, le mini-colloque aura comme thème “Non-linéarité et tremblements de terre”.

Calendrier et renseignements pratiques :
* 26 février 2018 : date limite de soumission des articles pour les comptes-rendus
* 28 février 2018 : date limite de soumission des résumés pour les posters/exposés courts
* 27, 28 et 29 mars 2018 : RNL 2018

* Vous êtes tous conviés à participer à cette manifestation et à présenter une communication.
* L’inscription est gratuite et recommandée pour faciliter le travail des organisateurs. Elle est exigée pour présenter une communication.
* Pour plus d’informations et inscription :


Le Comité d’Organisation :

E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis et C.-T. Pham

Le Comité Scientifique :

S. Barland, J. Barré, E. Falcon, M.-C. Firpo, D. Gérard-Varet, M. Haragus, X. Jia, P. Marmottant, F. Pétrélis, C.-T. Pham, B. Roman, V. Vidal


Yielding versus depinning in disordered systems ( October 2018- Paris)

Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a small informal workshop at the ENS in Paris, at the end of October, on the analogy between the yielding transition of amorphous materials under load and the depinning transition of elastic objects driven in a quenched disordered landscape. It will take place from Monday October 22 till Wednesday October 24, 2018. Please check the following website for more details:

The workshop will consist in six review talks (1h each), with a lot of time devoted to informal discussions. We thus expect fruitful exchanges on the topics related to the connection between the depinning and the yielding phenomena.

Hoping to see you on this occasion in Paris,
Best regards,

Elisabeth Agoritsas and Francesco Zamponi

PS. This workshop is a follow up to the workshop on yielding that we organized in 2017. Information on the previous workshop, and the slides of the speakers, can be found here

Elisabeth Agoritsas – Postdoc

Email :

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (LPT-ENS),
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris,
Rue Lhomond 24
75005 Paris, France

Simons collaboration:

International Conference on Nonlinear Localization in Lattices – Spetses Island (18-22 June 2018)

Subject: Update- International Conference on Nonlinear Localization in Lattices (NLL -2018) , Spetses Island-18-22 June 2018

Dear Colleagues

With this message we are pleased to announce the organization of the International Conference « Nonlinear Localization in Lattices » that will take place in the island of Spetses in Greece during 18-22 June 2018.

The conference marks the 30-year anniversary of the pioneering paper of Sievers and Takeno of 1988 that started an intense theoretical and experimental activity in Intrinsic Localized Modes or Discrete Breathers in nonlinear lattice systems. The intention is to both celebrate the glorious past of intrinsic localization and look into the present and future of nonlinear and complex phenomena in extended systems and their applications.

In addition to covering topics related to classical and quantum nonlinear localization, such as statistical and dynamical properties, thermalization of nonlinear lattices, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam dynamics, applications of nonlinear localization and related phenomena in materials, biological systems, optical systems and metamaterials, many body effects, self-organization in nonlinear lattices and other relevant topics we also intend to link the area with other growing fields. Specifically we plan to have focused sessions on non-Hermitian phenomena wave phenomena and applications in optical and materials science. Additionally, due to the growing interest in machine learning applications in physics we will interface with recent work in the area that is in contact with the general theme of the meeting. We welcome contributions from all these areas and fields.

The conference webpage is

. Please follow the updated information and plan early your trip to Greece since the summer of 2018 is expected to be a busy year for tourism in Greece.
Spetses is a small, quaint island island off the coast of Peloponnese and off the main tourist attraction loop that may be reached either from the port of Athens by fast boats or by land and a short sea crossing.
The conference will take place in the Anrgyreios-Korgialeneios School of Spetses (AKSS) with comfortable facilities in a unique location next to the sea and close to the main island town.

Please register now through the conference web page and arrange for your trip.There is accommodation in the premises or in nearby hotels. Please make reservations through our web page and/or contact us if you have questions or need assistance.
It is best if you do your reservation before March 9, 2018, especially if you are planning to stay in the premises of AKSS.

Interested scientists are invited to apply by completing the online NLL registration form, which is available at:, until 30/03/2018.

Please note that we anticipate having some funding to be used towards covering local expenses of students & young scientists.

Our email database is being continuously updated. Please inform us if you wish to be added (if you did not received the announcement directly) or wish to be removed from the list.
Looking forward to seeing you in Spetses for a celebration of 30 years of nonlinear localization in discrete systems!

On behalf of the International Organizing Committee

G. Tsironis

International Organizing Committee:
David Campbell, Sergej Flach, Yuri Kivshar, Konstantinos Makris, George Tsironis, Alexey Ustinov

For more information on the organization of the Conference please communicate with:

Mrs Froso Kasotaki

CCQCN Operations Specialist
Department of Physics, Univ. Crete,
Voutes Campus,
Heraklion 71003, Greece
Tel 30-2810 394262
FAX 30-2810 394301

Ecole d’été Mécanique et Physique MEPHiSTO à Cargese, du 7 au 17 aout 2018

Le GDR MePhy participe à l’organisation de l’école d’été internationale MEPHiSTO (MEchanics and PHysics of STretchable Objets) qui aura lieu du 7 au 17 aout 2018 à Cargese.

voir le site web de l’école.


The School is aimed primarily to PhD students, postdocs, and other young scientists wishing to broaden and deepen their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities.
A strong emphasis is put on basic concepts with several classes reviewing classical mechanics and physics. In order to keep the lectures as tutorial as possible, the 20 academic lecturers will give 1-3 talks.

The school will include

  • Main lecture courses (1h20 long, including questions).
  • Some « experimental lectures » based on a series of table-top experimental demonstrations by the speakers, with experiments available to the students during coffee breaks.
  • flash presentations for posters, and poster sessions.
  • ample time for discussion (coffee breaks, meals, and a long afternoon break)

Classes will start on August 7th in the morning and end on August 17th.

Academic talks

Basics mechanics/physics

Material failure and friction


Complex materials and « extreme mechanics’’

Summerschool Complex Motion in Fluids : Sports physics and collective phenomena (8-14 juillet, Normandie)

We are glad to announce that the 2018 edition of the “Complex Motion in Fluids” summer school is now open for applications. Please visit the website:

This year the school organised by Christophe Clanet and myself will be held at Moulin d’Andé in Normandy from July 8th to 14th.

This edition will focus on the physics of sports (sailing, rowing, skying etc.) and collective phenomena (in physics, fluid mechanics, biology, and social systems). We have invited a large panel of specialists in their fields to cover these two subjects and discuss common grounds. Registration deadline is April 30th.

With best regards,
Christophe Clanet and Michael Benzaquen

Michael Benzaquen
LadHyX – CNRS – Ecole Polytechnique
Tel (+33) (0)1 69 33 52 87