Ecole d’été Mécanique et Physique MEPHiSTO à Cargese, du 7 au 17 aout 2018

Le GDR MePhy participe à l’organisation de l’école d’été internationale MEPHiSTO (MEchanics and PHysics of STretchable Objets) qui aura lieu du 7 au 17 aout 2018 à Cargese.

voir le site web de l’école.


The School is aimed primarily to PhD students, postdocs, and other young scientists wishing to broaden and deepen their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities.
A strong emphasis is put on basic concepts with several classes reviewing classical mechanics and physics. In order to keep the lectures as tutorial as possible, the 20 academic lecturers will give 1-3 talks.

The school will include

  • Main lecture courses (1h20 long, including questions).
  • Some « experimental lectures » based on a series of table-top experimental demonstrations by the speakers, with experiments available to the students during coffee breaks.
  • flash presentations for posters, and poster sessions.
  • ample time for discussion (coffee breaks, meals, and a long afternoon break)

Classes will start on August 7th in the morning and end on August 17th.

Academic talks

Basics mechanics/physics

Material failure and friction


Complex materials and « extreme mechanics’’

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