Interdisciplinary Online Seminar Series on Biolocomotion

Dear colleague,

In our group, we have enjoyed the privilege to work in a highly interdisciplinary environment for many years, and the « Interdisciplinary Online Seminar Series on Biolocomotion » is born from the desire to continue our fruitful discussions online. While triggered by the Corona virus and the suspension of traveling, online seminars turn out to be a invaluable way of promoting international exchange and discussions with researchers around the world without the need for CO2 emissions from long-haul flights.

The idea of this seminar is to bring together researchers from Biology, Engineering, Numerics, Applied Math, Robotics and Physics working on the topic of biolocomotion. While our primary focus is on insect flight, we also welcome other contributions in related fields.

A non-exhaustive list of possible topics includes:

    * Biology (Locomotor behaviors and control, muscle function, sensors and sensory processing, feedback cascades, neural coding, interactions with the environment, mechanics)
    * Mathematics (applied) (Modeling, numerical methods, scientific computing, reduced order models, sparse data representation, wavelets)
    * Physics (Modeling, elasticity and fluid-structure interaction, aero- and hydrodynamics, turbulence, material science)
    * Engineering (Biomimetics & bioinspiration, robotics, flight control, manufacturing, autonomous systems)

We explicitly welcome contributions employing experimental, numerical and theoretical methodology, as well as all forms of locomotion: flying (primarily), swimming and walking. Speakers are invited by the organizing committee, but you can also contact us at if you want to give a presentation.

Researchers and students at any level (B.Sc., M.Sc or Ph.D) from any university or research institution are very welcome to participate and listen to the seminar. If you want to participate, please register at You cannot participate without registration. There is no registration fee or any other fee, the seminar is free of charge and will always be. We value your privacy and will send emails only to announce seminar talks about a week in advance, and to communicate the link for participation a few hours before the talk. Currently, talks are given via the ZOOM software, but that might be changed in the future.

Please share this invitation with your students and colleagues who might be interested!

Typical presentations are around 40 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for questions. The usual slot for seminars is Wednesday 14:00 CEST (Rostock / Marseille time), but for speakers from overseas the slot can be shifted to 10:00 CEST (17:00 Tokyo time) or 16:00 CEST (10:00 New York time).

Please see

for further details and the updated list of speakers.

The first talks will be:

« Fish-like locomotion using bio-inspired plates« 
27.05.2020, 15:00 CEST Ersan Demirer, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

« Insect locomotion in granular materials: context and mechanisms« 
03.06.2020, 14h00 CEST, Prof. Dr. Jérôme Casas and Dr. Miguel Piñeirua, Tours Université, France
« Bio-inspired actuation and aquatic locomotion using piezoelectric materials »
10.06.2020, 15:00 CEST, Prof. Dr. Alper Erturk, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

« Numerical simulations of a butterfly-like flapping wing-body model: effects of wing planform, mass, and flexibility« 
01.07.2020, 10:00 CEST Prof. Dr. Kosuke Suzuki, Shinshu University, Japan

We are very much looking forward to exciting presentations and fruitful discussions,
the organizing committee,

Dr. Thomas Engels, Universität Rostock
Prof. Dr. Fritz-Olaf Lehmann, Universität Rostock
Prof. Dr. Kai Schneider, Aix-Marseille Université

EML Webinar, Every Wednesday (4pm, Paris-time)

Every Wednesday at 10 am Boston, 3 pm London, 4pm Paris, 10 pm Beijing. 
Join in two ways:

Upcoming EML Webinars

27 May 2020, Norman Fleck, The University of Cambridge.

3 June 2020, Rob Wood, Harvard. Discussion leader: Rob Howe, Harvard.

Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML) seeks to publish research of immediacy, depth, and originality. Through lectures and discussions, EML Webinars shed light on the forefront of research, as well as the formative years of researchers. Videos of EML Webinars are posted at YouTubeFacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Weibo

Recent EML Webinars

20 May 2020, Metin Sitti, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Soft-bodied Magnetic Small-scale Mobile Robots. Discussion leader: John Rogers, Northwestern.

13 May 2020, Katia Bertoldi, Harvard. Multistable structures – from energy trapping to morphing. Discussion leader: Davide Bigoni, University of Trento. Video: Youtube and Weibo.

6 May 2020, Xuanhe Zhao, MIT, Extreme mechanics of soft materials for merging human-machine intelligence. Discussion leader: Dave Weitz, Harvard. Video: YouTube and Weibo.

29 April 2020, Huajian Gao, Nanyang Technological University, Institute of High Performance Computing. Simulation-assisted discovery of membrane targeting nanomedicine. Discussion leader: Markus Buehler, MIT. Video: YouTube or Weibo.

22 April 2020, John A. Rogers, Northwestern University. Enabling Ideas in the Mechanics of Bio-Integrated Electronic Systems – From COVID-19 Patients to Engineered Mini-Brains. Discussion leader: Jimmy Hsia, NTU.  Video: YouTube or Weibo.

15 April 2020, John W. Hutchinson, Harvard University. New developments in shell stability. Discussion leader: Zhigang Suo, Harvard.  Video: YouTube or Weibo.

postdocs INRIA (interface simulation numérique /physique)

Nous proposons plusieurs sujets de thèse ou de postdoc à l’Inria Grenoble en modélisation numérique, à l’interface entre simulation numérique et physique

Ci-dessous deux sujets, l’un sur la modélisation physique de nœuds, l’autre sur la modélisation physique de textiles tricotés (encadrants: Mélina Skouras, Thibaut Métivet, et Florence Bertails-Descoubes) :

Un autre sujet sur la modélisation de plumes est également ouvert (me contacter pour plus de détails si intéressé(e), profil expérimental ou numérique bienvenu pour ce sujet).

N’hésitez pas à faire suivre à tout(e) étudiant(e) susceptible d’être intéressé(e).

Bien cordialement,

Florence Bertails-Descoubes

Post-doc « Cracking the glass problem »(LPTMS Orsay)

A Post-doctoral position is open at LPTMS Orsay on the Statistical Physics of 
Glassy Systems within the Simons collaboration « Cracking the glass problem ». 
The post-docs will work in collaboration with S. Franz and other researchers in 
the Paris area and beyond on the following themes: 1. Statistical mechanics of 
disordered systems: glasses, spin glasses, elastic disordered systems, elasto-plastic models, etc. 2. Applications of statistical physics to other disciplines 
(computer science, inference and statistics, biology). Funding is available for at 
least two years of employment. The position can start at flexible dates but 
preferably in Autumn 2020.

Applications should be sent to
and They will comprise a CV, a publication list and two recommendation letters.

A new journal in solid mechanics

Dear colleagues and friends,

Many of you know that with few motivated colleagues, we have been working on the creation of a new journal in solid mechanics.
Our main motivation was to create a journal, which would be completely free for authors and readers, a high quality journal free of any commercial interest.
And the work on the journal is almost completed, its name is 

Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM)

and we are planning to start to receive first papers already in June.
The journal is based on the Overlay publication model, in which the preprints of submitted papers and accepted papers are to be stored on open-archives such as 
arXiv, HAL, engrxiv, that is what ensures zero charges for authors and readers.
It is a Diamond Open Access journal or fair-open access journal, without any Article Processing Charges!
All the authors keep their copyrights, and the Creative Commons (CC) licence will be attributed to all the papers, if no extra restriction is imposed by agencies funded the presented research.
The DOI for all the papers will be provided (and paid) by INRIA.FR and the journal will be referenced in various databases.
The journal and the publication policies are aligned with the ideas and principles of Open Science.

Recently, the journal was accepted by the Epi-Science commission and is hosted by platform, which was created by CCSD, which also created HAL open archive.

Journal’s web-site is :
Do not hesitate to visit it, look through our constitution, editorial policy, scientific board, etc.

An important message for you.
At this stage, we are looking for candidates for the positions of Handling Editors (Associated Editors), who will take care of the organization of the review process for the journal.
The handling editors will be helped by the Scientific Board of renowned scientists and assisted by Managing Editors, who will take care of all technical aspects.
The call for applications is attached to my email and can be also downloaded from,
here’s the direct link:
The call is open until the 15th of May 2020. After this date, the Editorial Board will select the best candidates for these positions, at least eight Handling Editors will ensure the high-standard review process.

If you are passionate about Open Science, 
if you are interested in the future of Free and Fair Scientific Publications,
I invite you to share this information with your colleagues and/or I also invite you to consider applying for the honourable positions of Handling Editors of 
JTCAM, the first overlay journal in solid mechanics !

The last but not the least, we are looking forward to receiving your future papers for consideration of publication in JTCAM!

Kind regards,

P.S. If you are interested in being updated about the journal advancement, we could create a mailing list, please let me know.

Technical Editors: Vincent Acary (INRIA, France),François Gibier (Univ. Montpellier, France), Mathias Legrand (McGill Univ., Canada), Maurine Montagnat (CNRS, France), Vladislav A. Yastrebov (MINES Paris, France)

Vladislav A. YASTREBOV

report du symposium en l’honneur d’Yves Couder

Dear all

Unfortunately due the actual situation the symposium in the memory of Yves Couder initially scheduled in June is postponed to october 2020.

We will keep you informed as soon as the situation will permit. Information will be also updated on the conference web site

We wish you all the best and of course to remain safe.

Matthieu Labousse for the organizing committee.

17èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée: report de la date de soumission

Compte tenu de la situation sanitaire, la date limite de soumission d’abstracts aux 17èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC17) a été repoussée au 13 Mai 2020.

Cette nouvelle date s’applique en particulier aux deux mini-colloques suivants, qui sont soutenus par le GDR Mephy:

MMM11: Milieux Granulaires: du micro au macro, du grain aux écoulements naturels et industriels

MMM12: Frottement solide: des échelles microscopiques à la dynamique macroscopique

postdoc statphys of active/driven matter (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK)

Two postdoc vacancies in statphys of active/driven matter at DAMTP, Cambridge, UK

We are currently seeking two Postdoctoral Research Associates in the 
Soft Matter Group in Cambridge’s Department of Applied Mathematics 
and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) to work on Statistical Physics of Active 
and/or Driven Matter.

From: Mike Cates <>