Postdoc Theoretical physics of curved multi-cellular systems – CENTURI Marseille

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in my lab at the Center for Theoretical Physics (CPT) in Marseille, France.  The project will study the interactions of tissue flows with curvature in the fruit fly embryo, in a collaboration with the developmental biology team of Thomas Lecuit.  A combination of analytical approaches, experimental data analysis, and computer simulation will be employed to examine how tissue-scale changes in Gaussian curvature interact with cell-scale processes during fly embryogenesis.

A recent preprint from our collaboration can be found here:

The two-year position is fully funded by the Alan Turing Center for Living Systems (CENTURI,, an interdisciplinary research hub in Marseille that brings together physicists, biologists, engineers, and mathematicians.  To apply for the position in my group (, please send cover letter, cv, and email addresses of two references to  Applications will be considered continuously until the position is filled.

Matthias Merkel

3rd Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials, Nîmes, France (19-21 Oct.)

Dear Colleagues,

As you may have noticed our annual event was missing during the last two years, for obvious reasons.

We now have the pleasure to disclose the details of the next edition!

The 3rd « Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials » (SAM) will be held from 19th to 21st October 2022 in Nîmes (France), organised by YRAM (Young Researchers in Acoustic Metamaterials).

The Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials is mainly targeted to Early Career Investigators, PhD candidates, as well as to anyone wishing to learn more about acoustic and elastic metamaterials. SAM aims at sharing new advances and breakthroughs, as well as fostering the community of young researchers in the field of acoustic metamaterials. The 3rd SAM will be organised around 6 different sessions comprising 20 min talks and 5 plenary lectures.

Plenary speakers:

  • Prof. Romain Fleury (EPFL, Switzerland)
  • Dr. Gaëlle Poignand (LAUM, France)
  • Prof. Elke Deckers (KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Dr. Noé Jiménez (UPV, Spain)
  • Prof. Corentin Coulais (UVA, Netherlands)

Topics covered by the Symposium are listed below but are not restricted to:

– Acoustic/elastic metamaterials and phononic crystals

– Acoustic/elastic metasurfaces

– Non-reciprocal manipulation of acoustic/elastic waves

– Acoustic/elastic meta-devices based on transformation acoustics, parity-time symmetric acoustics, topological acoustics

– Novel physical concepts for harnessing acoustic/elastic waves

– New applications of metamaterial-based functional devices for acoustic sensing, cloaking, imaging, absorption, energy harvesting, etc.

Different social events and dissemination activities will be organised during the Symposium (a scientific concert, visit of Nîmes Arena, extra-day visit to Aigues-Mortes close to the Natural Parc of Camargue).

Participation fee for presenters/attendees at the Symposium is €250.00. This fee covers all 3 lunches + morning and afternoon catering + Thursday’s guided tour of Nîmes Arena from 19th Oct 2022 to 21st Oct 2022.

Registration is mandatory before submitting the abstractRegistration should be completed online before 8th October 2022. Please find enclosed the flyer of the event.

Abstracts submission should be performed simultaneously with the registration before 31st August 2022.

For more information, see the SAM website.

Looking forward to seeing you in Nîmes!

The Organising Committee

Matthieu Malléjac (EPFL, CH)
Théo Cavalieri (EMPA Zürich, CH)
Eric Ballestero (LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, FR)

Giulia Aguzzi (ETH Zürich, CH)

Yang Meng (LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, FR)

Louise Le Ridant (LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, FR)

Aleksi Bossart (EPFL, CH)

Xinxin Guo (EPFL, CH)

Antoine Demiquel (LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, FR)

Maxime Lanoy (LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, FR)

Joseph Beadle (Exeter University, UK)

YRAM network 

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One-year lecturer position (ATER) at ESPCI

We have an opening for a one-year lecturer position (ATER) at ESPCI, Paris in the Soft Matter and Engineering Laboratory. The research project will focus on the dynamics of complex interfaces in soft matter, probed at nanometric and molecular scales. Teaching is in Statistical physics and Soft Matter physics (135 h/year).

Jean Comtet

Postdoc physics-based approaches to urban traffic and mobility – ILM Lyon

I have an opening for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship on physics-based approaches to urban traffic & mobility, at Institut Lumière Matière, near Lyon (France). The position is funded by the Institute of Physics of CNRS and will ideally start in September/October 2022. The postdoctoral project will further our exploration of novel approaches, inspired from Statistical and Condensed Matter Physics, to derive the (statistical) laws that govern urban car traffic and pedestrian mobility. For this specific postdoctoral position, the focus will be put on the resilience of the transport system to small perturbations at the local scale. More information, as well as details about the application process, can be found here:

Alexandre NICOLAS <>

Workshop Graphyz 2 (16-19 octobre 2022 )

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to announce that the second edition of Graphyz will be held on October 16-19 2022 at the Saline Royale d’Arc-et-Senans (France)

The aim of Graphyz is to bring together the Computer graphics and Physics/Mechanics communities: various systems such as fluid flows, hair and fabrics, folds and crumpled sheets, bubbles and foams, programmable materials, snow avalanches, etc. are studied using different approaches: in graphics, the focus is primarily on developing numerical models that are visually convincing, efficient and controllable so as to serve narrative and artistic goals, while physics/mechanics is all about developing predictive mathematical models and confronting them to real experiments. We believe that there is much to learn and to gain from the interaction of these communities which have been expanding since the very exciting first edition of Graphyz in 2019 (

Important dates

  • Registration and submission of optional oral presentations: from 20th June 2022R
  • Registration deadline: 16th September 2022
  • Workshop: 16th October-19th October 2022

The registration will open on June 20th. It is free and includes on-site accommodation. The number of participants is however limited and the available seats are expected to fill up quickly. If you plan to submit an oral presentation (new for this second edition, see below), have your title ready before you register, ideally on June 20th.
The workshop will start on Sunday October 16th before dinner and end on Wednesday October 19th after lunch. Participants are required to be present during the entire period. The schedule will include comfortable time slots for informal discussions.

Keynote Sessions (to be presented in duets, except for the opening) 

  • OpeningKen Museth (Nvidia)
  • Knitted and Woven FabricSteve Marschner (Cornell University) & Frédéric Léchenault (ENS Paris)
  • Computational FluidsMathieu Desbrun (Inria Saclay – École Polytechnique)) & Stéphane Popinet (CNRS – Sorbonne Université)
  • Bubbles and FoamChris Wojtan (IST Austria) & Isabelle Cantat (Université de Rennes)
  • FoldsMélina Skouras (Inria Grenoble – Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann) & Hillel Aharoni (Weizmann Institute of Science)
  • Programmable MaterialsSylvain Lefebvre (Inria Nancy) & Corentin Coulais (University of Amsterdam)  
  • CrowdsJulien Pettré (Inria Rennes) & Cécile Appert-Rolland (CNRS – Orsay)  
  • Validation of physical models: Florence Bertails-Descoubes (Inria Grenoble) & Sébastien Neukirch (CNRS – Sorbonne Université)

Contributed oral presentations

Graphyz2 will also include sessions with contributed oral presentations. The goal is to foster discussions and collaborations by showing ongoing work of interest to both communities.
Upon registration, you will be given the option to submit a title and a few lines of abstract. Abstracts will be selected based on their interest to a mixed (computer graphics and physics/mechanics) audience. There is no obligation for the presenter to have a record of published work at the intersection of these two fields. Student presentations are warmly encouraged.
Particular attention will be given to the following themes on which La Saline is committed on the long term:

  • medical applications
  • musical applications (motion and gestures capture)
  • biodiversity, sustainable development & landscapes
  • architectural monuments & digitization

Submissions on topics not included in this are welcome as well, such as

  • computational architecture, structural mechanics
  • slender bodies, shells, cloth simulation
  • granular materials
  • biological applications (plants, locomotion)
  • sport

Looking forward to seeing you soon at the workshop!

With kind regards,

 Basile Audoly (CNRS – École Polytechnique)   Florence Bertails-Descoubes (Inria – LJK)     Benoît Roman (CNRS – ESPCI)     Mélina Skouras (Inria – LJK)

Applied Mathematical Challenges and Recent Advances in the Micro-Mechanics of Matter 2022 , 1-2 September 2022 in Bristol, UK

Understanding the mechanical behaviour of solids, liquids and soft and biological materials requires insight into phenomena at different length scales (from bacterial films to volcanic flows). They are both a scientific challenge and an important technological problem. An overarching framework is provided by the name “micro-mechanics”. Combining techniques from continuum mechanics, dynamical systems and statistical mechanics, micro-mechanics uses knowledge of their microscopic structure to make predictive models of the mechanical properties of liquids, solids and soft matter. 

If you would like to attend, please register at