Pezet Sophie
Associate professor at ESPCI Paris
See ResearchGate profile >
- 2009 – “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”, Université Paris VI, France
- 2005 – Qualification for applying to an associate professor position in sections 65 (CellularBiology) and 69 (Neurosciences) of the French CNU.
- 1999 – PhD in Neurosciences, Université Paris XII, Créteil, France
“Implication of the Nerve Growth Factor in the neuronal plasticity processes underlying chronic pain states in a model for inflammatory pain: Freund adjuvant-induced arthritis in rat.” - 1995-1996 – Master of Science in Neurosciences, Université Paris VI, France
Professional experience
- 1996-1999 – PhD Neuroscience laboratory INSERM U421, Creteil.
- 2000-2002 – Postdoctoral fellow at King’s College London, UK. Laboratory of Prof. SB McMahon.
- 2003-2007 – Postdoctoral fellow among the London Paris consortium (King’s College London and University London).
- 2008 – 2017- Researcher at the laboratory ‘Brain plasticity, CNRS UMR 8249, ESPCI
- Since 2018 – Researcher at the laboratory ‘Physics for Medicine’, INSERM, CNRS, ESPCI
- since 2008 – Tenured lecturer in Physiology at ESPCI Paris, France
Activities and Responsabilities
- 2007- Now – Co-responsible of the practicals of Physiology at ESPCI, Paris
- 2015-2018 – Deputy dean for academic affaires at ESPCI Paris, France
- 2014-now – Co-director of the module ‘Drugs and pathologies’ at the PSL week.
- Since 2010 – Member of the ethic committee CEEA59.
- 2010-2017 – Head of the animal facility of the laboratory ‘Brain Plasticity, ESPCI, Paris’.
- 2018-2023 – Head of the animal facility at the laboratory ‘Physics for Medicine’, Paris.
Publications and citations
- Orcid number : 0000-0002-3305-3315
- Total number of publications in peer-reviewed journals : 58
- Total number of citations: 5779
- H index : 35
Research topics
- Brain plasticity
- Sensory disorders
- Migraine
- Behavioural studies
Main publications
Réaux-Le-Goazigo A, Beliard B, Delay L, Rahal L, Claron J, Renaudin N, et al. Ultrasound localization microscopy and functional ultrasound imaging reveal atypical features of the trigeminal ganglion vasculature. Commun Biol 2022;5:330. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-03273-4.
Koorliyil H, Sitt J, Rivals I, Liu Y, Bertolo A, Cazzanelli S, et al. Specific and non-uniform brain states during cold perception in mice. J Neurosci 2024:e0909232023. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0909-23.2023.
Claron J, Hingot V, Rivals I, Rahal L, Couture O, Deffieux T, et al. Large scale functional ultrasound imaging of the spinal cord reveals in depth spatiotemporal responses of spinal nociceptive circuits in both normal and inflammatory state. PAIN 2020;Articles in Press: https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002078.
Osmanski B-F, Pezet S, Ricobaraza A, Lenkei Z, Tanter M. Functional ultrasound imaging of intrinsic connectivity in the living rat brain with high spatiotemporal resolution. Nat Commun 2014;5:5023. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms6023.
Pezet S, McMahon SB. NEUROTROPHINS: Mediators and Modulators of Pain. Annu Rev Neurosci 2006;29:507–38. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.neuro.29.051605.112929.
Latest publications
Koorliyil H, Sitt J, Rivals I, Liu Y, Bertolo A, Cazzanelli S, et al. Specific and non-uniform brain states during cold perception in mice. J Neurosci 2024:e0909232023. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0909-23.2023.
Renaudin N, Pezet S, Ialy-Radio N, Demene C, Tanter M. Backscattering amplitude in ultrasound localization microscopy. Scientific Reports 2023;13:. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-38531-w.
Renaudin N, Tanter M, Pezet S. L’imagerie fonctionnelle ultrasonore à résolution microscopique. Société Des Neurosciences 2023;64:.
Matei M, Bergel A, Pezet S, Tanter M. Global dissociation of the posterior amygdala from the rest of the brain during REM sleep. Communications Biology 2022 5:1 2022;5:1–13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-04257-0.
Morisset C, Dizeux A, Larrat B, Selingue E, Boutin H, Picaud S, et al. Retinal functional ultrasound imaging (rfUS) for assessing neurovascular alterations: a pilot study on a rat model of dementia. Sci Rep 2022;12:19515. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23366-8.
Renaudin N, Demené C, Dizeux A, Ialy-Radio N, Pezet S, Tanter M. Functional ultrasound localization microscopy reveals brain-wide neurovascular activity on a microscopic scale. Nature Methods 2022 19:8 2022;19:1004–12. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-022-01549-5.
Réaux-Le-Goazigo A, Beliard B, Delay L, Rahal L, Claron J, Renaudin N, et al. Ultrasound localization microscopy and functional ultrasound imaging reveal atypical features of the trigeminal ganglion vasculature. Commun Biol 2022;5:330. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-03273-4.
Delay L, Tanter M, Pezet S. Neuro-imagerie fonctionnelle ultrasonore : vers une meilleure compréhension de la physiologie et de la physiopathologie des douleurs aiguës et chroniques. Douleur et Analgésie 2022;35:251. https://doi.org/10.3166/dea-2022-0237.
Demeulenaere O, Bertolo A, Pezet S, Ialy-Radio N, Osmanski B, Papadacci C, et al. In vivo whole brain microvascular imaging in mice using transcranial 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy. EBioMedicine 2022;79:103995. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.103995.
Heiles B, Chavignon A, Bergel A, Hingot V, Serroune H, Maresca D, et al. Volumetric ultrasound localization microscopy of the whole rat brain microvasculature. IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 2022;2:261–82. https://doi.org/10.1109/OJUFFC.2022.3214185.
Nov 21, 2022 |