M. Tanter is the 2022 researcher selected by Caltech, USA, for its prestigious Moore Distinguished Scholar Program
Established in 2000 by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore and his wife Betty, the Moore Distinguished Scholars Program invites researchers of exceptional quality who are acclaimed at both the national and international levels to visit Caltech for a designated period of time. The program carries no teaching or other obligations during the appointment, allowing Moore Scholars to focus on their research.
Renowned for his research on biomedical engineering and Ultrasound, Mickael Tanter, Inserm research professor and director of Institute Physics for Medicine (ESPCI PSL Paris/Inserm/CNRS) will spend four months in residence in Caltech’s division of engineering and applied science. “We already have a strong connection with Caltech research labs with several collaborative grants in the past years with Professor Mikhail Shapiro and Richard Andersen. During my stay in Caltech, I plan to pursue fundamental research in the areas of molecular ultrasound imaging, ultrasound in neuroscience and Brain Machine Interfaces. I am looking forward to collaborating with great colleagues in Caltech and further strengthening bridges between their teams in Caltech and our lab at ESPCI PSL Paris” he said.