Archives de catégorie : conférences/écoles

Ecole Physics of integrated biological systems (Cargese, Sept 2018)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention the following EMBO/CNRS summer school that we are organizing September 11-21 2018 in beautiful Cargèse (Corsica –, and would be grateful if you could share the poster and link with your young colleagues.

The objective of this summer school is to help biologists grasp basic concepts of Physics applied to Biology, such that they could more easily interact with physicists and design their experiments with physics concepts in mind. To help reach this objective, we have planned the programme along three lines:
1/ Some invited speakers will give tutorials to introduce key concepts or tools of physics and mathematics useful to biology.
2/ Almost all invited speakers are coming as pairs of biologists and physicists who have collaborated in the recent past to address a common biological problem; they will share how their collaboration unfolded and which obstacle they had to sometimes to overcome.
3/ In addition, there will be two prestigious Company of Biologists-sponsored keynote speakers, Jacques Prost a father of Physics applied to Biology, and Eric Wieschaus, Noble Prize in Medicine for his contributions to Drosophila development.

Additional info can be found on the following links:

The price for the course will be 850€ (including accommodation, breakfast and lunch). Please note that the deadline for applying is June 1st 2018.

We thank you in avance for making your colleagues aware of the event, and apologize in advance if you receive this mail more than once.

With best wishes,

Michel Labouesse and François Robin

6th Southern Workshop on Granular Materials (Chile, 3-6 December 2018)

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to participate and submit an abstract to the 6th Southern Workshop on Granular Materials (SWGM6). The conference will be held in Puerto Varas, on December 3-6, 2018. The SWGM6 will comprise a broad range of granular-system subjects providing an up-to-date view of the field in topics such as non-local rheology in granular flow, discharge flows, soft and non-spherical particles, shear-thickening suspensions, active macroscopic particles, impact on granular beds, propulsion in granular media, invasion phenomena, among others.
The SWGM6 will take place in the Hotel Cabañas del Lago at the city of Puerto Varas on the shores of Lake Llanquihue. Puerto Varas is famous for its architecture that uniquely combines its German heritage with a breathtaking landscape. The city is surrounded by beautiful sites, such as the All Saints Lake, the Petrohué Falls, the Osorno Volcano, Puerto Montt and Chiloe island.

For more information about the conference, we kindly ask you to visit our website at:
For details about Puerto Varas, we suggest you to visit the website of VisitChile: guides/puerto-varas/

– Felipe Pacheco Vázquez, Institute of Physics in Puebla
– Hiroaki Katsuragi, Nagoya University
– Scott Waitukaitis, Universiteit Leiden
– Xiang Cheng, University of Minnesota
– Daniel Goldman, Georgia Tech
– Bruno Andreotti, ESPCI (PMMH)
– Luis Pugnaloni, Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Facultad Regional de la Plata
– Ken Kamrin, Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT (TBC)
– Romain Mari, Université Grenoble Alpes (TBC)
– Olivier Dauchot, ESPCI (TBC)

– Abstract submission deadline: June 1st, 2018
– Registration fee (accommodation and meals included): 500 USD (regular) / 800 USD (late)
– Abstract notification: July 30th, 2018
– Early registration: until Sep 15th, 2018
– Late registration: until Nov 1st, 2018

We look forward to having you at the SWGM6.

Sincerely yours,
Gustavo Castillo, Leonardo Gordillo & Germán Varas
(On behalf of the organizing committee)

Active Fluids and Crowd Motions (Days of condensed matter – Grenoble 27-31 aout)

Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the announcement of our mini-colloquium « Active Fluids and Crowd Motions » as part of the Days of Condensed Matter to be held in Grenoble from August 27 to 31. If you want to make a communication, you can already upload your abstract:

Abstract Submission: Choose MMH3 Active Fluids and Crowd Motions

You can also register on the same site.

The duration of the mini-symposium will be half a day during which we will be able to discuss the concepts and the tools associated with the two topics that we wish to bring together. The papers will be in English to facilitate the discussions. The duration of the communication will be determined according to the number of participants to the mini-symposium.

If our budget allows it, we will be able to financially help PhD students who request it within the limits of our possibilities.

Best regards,

Salima Rafaï (Liphy, Grenoble), Philippe Peyla (Liphy, Grenoble), Bertrand Maury (LMO, Orsay) and Sylvain Faure (LMO, Orsay)

We thank our sponsor: Fed3G


Dear Colleague,

The organization of the Solvay Workshop: « Mechanics of Slender Structures in Physics, Biology and Engineering: From failure to functionality » (27-29 August, 2018, ULB, Brussels, Belgium), is going well and we are excited by the substantial number of good quality submissions that we have received.

However, following many requests, we are pleased to extend the deadline for abstract submission to: April 15, 2018.

Please note that, due to organizational reasons, further extension of the deadline will not be possible.

We look forward welcoming you in Brussels in August 2018.

The scientific and organizing committee:
F. Brau, P. Damman, N. De Temmerman, Y. Forterre, P. Reis, D. Reynaerts, D. Terwagne


During the past decade, mechanical instabilities were exploited to design new classes of functional mechanisms making use of the geometrically nonlinear behavior of their post-buckling regimes. Using flexible structures is nowadays considered as a promising route to create devices with novel modes of functionality or metamaterials with tailored properties such as foldable 3D objects obtained from 2D sheets by combined origami and Kirigami, flexible/stretchable electronics, bioelectronics or soft actuators for robotic applications, etc. This shift in thinking leads also to new developments in biology, where slender and flexible structures are ubiquitous, such as a better understanding of the morphogenesis of organs, the motion and the shape of plants or the locomotion of aquatic animals.

The ambition of this meeting is to bring together internationally acclaimed experts as well as young researchers in mechanics, biomechanics, biolocomotion, material science and architecture to address the current scientific challenges in these various fields. The workshop will serve as a platform to stimulate discussions, to start long-term scientific collaborations and to promote progress at the porous boundaries between these research domains.


Ø Elastic Instabilities of Slender Objects

Ø Foldable Structures/Origami/Kirigami

Ø Elasto-capillarity/Fluid-Structure Interaction

Ø Biomechanics

Ø Bio-Inspired Robotics/Stretchable Electronics




Applications for contributed talks and posters are welcome. A one-page abstract of the proposed contribution should be sent to Fabian Brau (email:
Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2018.

Attendance is free of charge but registration via the website is required.
Registration deadline: August 1, 2018.

For more information about the workshop (venue, hotels, etc.), please visit the website:
We look forward welcoming you in Brussels in August 2018.

F. Brau, P. Damman, N. De Temmerman, Y. Forterre, P. Reis, D. Reynaerts, D. Terwagne

AUX RENCONTRES DE PEYRESQ (28mai-1er juin 2018)

Chers Collègues,

Nous vous informons de la tenue de la XXIIe édition de l’école d’été thématique “ AUX RENCONTRES DE PEYRESQ” qui se déroulera du 28 mai au 1 juin 2018.

Au programme: ‘Ondes Nonlinéaires”

Mécanique nonlinéaire: structures et dynamiques

Cours 1 Instabilités dans les ondes

F. Charru (IMFT, Toulouse)

Cours 2 Emergence de structures en turbulence optique

A. Picozzi (ICB, Dijon)

Cours 3 Optical Cloaking

P. Genevet (CRHEA, Nice)

Cours 4 Vibrations de bulle et acoustique en milieux complexes

V. Leroy (MSC, Paris)

Cours 5 Ondes nonlinéaires et applications

G. Theocharis (LAUM, Le Mans)

Cette école s’adresse aux étudiants en thèse, aux chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs jeunes ou plus expérimentés, intéressés par la dynamique non linéaire et ses nombreuses applications (mécanique, biophysique, géophysique, chimie physique, physique statistique, ondes, dynamique des fluides etc…).

Les thésards et post-doctorants auront la possibilité de faire un court exposé pour présenter leur travail.

Informations et inscriptions:

Des frais d’inscription de 200 euros pour les non permanents et de 250 euros pour les permanents seront demandés. Ils couvrent le voyage aller-retour depuis Nice, le logement et tous les repas.

Attention, le nombre de places étant limité, les dates d’inscription seront considérées.

Financements : Fédération W. Döblin, le Labex MEC et l’Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
Comité d’organisation: Médéric ARGENTINA (InPhyNi, Nice), Xavier NOBLIN (InPhyNi, Nice), Alain POCHEAU (IRPHE, Marseille).

Pour le comité d’organisation,

Médéric Argentina,

procédés et matériaux pour l’impression 4D (Nancy 29 mars 2018)

Le domaine de l’impression 4D, avec quelques milliers de publications, émerge et dispose déjà de promesses extraordinaires (avec en particulier en ligne de mire l’impression 4D du vivant ou Bio-Printing)… Mais dans le fond, les publications récentes attestent encore des formes d’induction ou plus prosaïquement de « bricolage savant » dans un domaine en émergence correspondant à l’apparition d’un sentiment de rupture technologique dans lequel la créativité, les sciences chimiques (biologiques) et les procédés de l’ingénierie prennent une place importante.

Après avoir rappelé ce que représentent les principes de l’Impression 4D, la parole sera donnée à des spécialistes des différents domaines concernés par le « 4D Printing » avec en fin de réunion la mise en place d’un débat approfondi avec les participants.

Informations pratiques

Inscriptions en ligne :
Pour présenter un poster, merci de nous contacter :
La journée se déroulera sur le campus de l’Ensic, Nancy, 1 rue Grandville 54000 Nancy


conference in honour of E.Charlaix (Bordeaux, 22-25 octobre 2018)

Dear Colleagues,

This is an announcement for the international conference in honour of Pr. Elisabeth Charlaix, organized jointly by the French CNRS Research Network (GDR) on Liquids at Interfaces and the LOMA laboratory in Bordeaux, France. It will take place at the University of Bordeaux, from October 22th to October 25th 2018. In addition to talks by invited speakers (list below), this meeting will give everyone the opportunity to contribute through oral presentations or poster sessions — and will include prices for the best contributions.

The website of the event is: Please share it with colleagues and students.

Registration is open until June 1st and is effective only after payment. Do not forget to submit your abstract too ! In case of any problem, please send an e-mail to: The 120€/600€ price for academia/industry includes the book of abstracts, conference fees, coffee breaks, welcome reception, gala dinner, and meals (lunches and dinners). Free accommodations, close to the conference site, are also available on the « first-come first-served » basis.

Warm regards,

The organizers


Invited speakers

Denis Bartolo (ENS Lyon, France)
Clemens Bechinger (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Lydéric Bocquet (ENS Paris, France)
Radha Boya (Manchester University, UK)
Jérôme Crassous (Institute of Physics of Rennes, France)
Jacob Israelachvili (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)
Jean-François Joanny (ESPCI Paris, France)
Hamid Kellay (University of Bordeaux, France)
Detlef Lohse (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Patricia McGuiggan (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)
Frieder Mugele (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Roland Netz (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Susan Perkin (University of Oxford, UK)
David Pine (New York University, USA)
David Quéré (ESPCI Paris, France)

+ Public outreach conference by Frédéric Restagno (Paris Saclay University, France)

Mechanics and Physics of Soft Materials, SES, Madrid, October 10-12, 2018

Dear colleagues,

As you may know, the 55th Society of Engineering Science (SES) Annual Technical Meeting will take place from October 12 to 14, 2018, in Madrid, Spain.

At the invitation of the organizers, we are putting together the Mini-Symposium 4.4 on the “Mechanics and Physics of Soft Materials” (see We would like to invite you (or one of your students or collaborators) to participate in our mini-symposium.

The deadline for abstract submission ( is April 15, 2018.

For more information, please visit the conference website:

We hope that you can accept this invitation and look forward to seeing you in Madrid,

Mini-Symposium Scope:

The study of soft materials continues to drive our community into new exciting directions. This mini-symposium will address recent experimental, theoretical, and computational advances in the mechanics and physics of solids capable of undergoing large deformations in response to mechanical, electromagnetic, chemical, and thermal stimuli. Topics of particular interest include:

  • Electroactive and magnetoactive elastomers
  • Gels
  • Shape-memory polymers
  • Liquid crystal elastomers
  • Multi-scale computational modelling of soft active solids
  • Instabilities in soft active solids with and without microstructure
  • Fracture and healing of elastomers and gels

With best regards

Oscar Lopez-Pamies (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Kostas Danas (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France)

Mechano-chemistry of active materials, SES, Madrid, October 10-12, 2018

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The 2018 conference of the Society of Engineering Sciences (   will be October 10-12, 2018 in Madrid.  We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to symposium 4.6 – Mechano-chemistry active materials.  Abstract submission opens on February, 1 2018 and closes on April 2, 2018.

This symposium brings researchers from a variety of backgrounds together for an exchange of ideas related to theory, computation, and experimentation in the area of mechano-chemistry active materials. Hoping to support mixing of ideas as well as setting new collaborations, we are looking forward to getting contributions including, but not limited to, following topics:

  • Chemically actuated biological tissues
  • Mimicking natural actuators by chemistry
  • Degradation and aging effects in ionic membranes
  • Gels
  • 4D printed materials
  • Coupled mechano-chemical oscillators
  • Mechanics and shape control of thin chemically activated structures
  • Mechanics and chemistry interplay in shooting mechanisms
  • Swelling behavior of fibered gels
  • Shape-morphing systems
  • Hydrogel composites


S.A. Chester (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

Nardinocchi (Sapienza Università di Roma)

mini-colloque « Physique statistique, fluctuations et dissipation : nouveaux apports théoriques et expérimentaux » JMC (27-31 aout 2018)

Dans le cadre des prochaines Journées de la Matière Condensée, qui se tiendront à Grenoble du 27 au 31 août 2018, nous organisons un mini-colloque sur le thème :
« Physique statistique, fluctuations et dissipation : nouveaux apports théoriques et expérimentaux. »

Le but de cette rencontre est, de manière informelle, de mettre en relief les avancées de ces 10 dernières années dans la description des phénomènes hors-équilibre sous l’angle de la physique statistique, que ce soit par des approches expérimentales, numériques ou théoriques.

Plus de détails sur le site des JMC :

Le mini-colloque comprendra notamment trois présentations invitées, par Sergio Ciliberto (ENS Lyon), Stéphan Fauve (ENS Paris) et Jean-François Rupprecht (Mechanobiology Inst., Singapour).

Vous pouvez proposer jusqu’au 15 avril une courte présentation orale (environ 15 min, questions comprises) dans le cadre de ce mini-colloque :

Une sélection sera effectuée parmi les présentations orales proposées. Il est également possible de proposer un poster.

Nous ne serons malheureusement pas en mesure de fournir un soutien financier aux participants.

Nous espérons néanmoins vous retrouver nombreux à ce mini-colloque ! N’hésitez pas à faire circuler l’annonce dans votre équipe.

A. Naert, S. Aumaitre, É. Bertin

PS : avec nos excuses pour les envois multiples.