Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

report du symposium en l’honneur d’Yves Couder

Dear all

Unfortunately due the actual situation the symposium in the memory of Yves Couder initially scheduled in June is postponed to october 2020.

We will keep you informed as soon as the situation will permit. Information will be also updated on the conference web site

We wish you all the best and of course to remain safe.

Matthieu Labousse for the organizing committee.

postdoc « Membranes élastomères diélectriques utilisées comme haut-parleurs : analyse et amélioration des couplages électromécaniques »

à l’IMSIA, ENSTA-Paris MSSMAT, Centrale Supélec GEEPS, Centrale Supélec

postdoc statphys of active/driven matter (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK)

Two postdoc vacancies in statphys of active/driven matter at DAMTP, Cambridge, UK

We are currently seeking two Postdoctoral Research Associates in the 
Soft Matter Group in Cambridge’s Department of Applied Mathematics 
and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) to work on Statistical Physics of Active 
and/or Driven Matter.

From: Mike Cates <>

postdoc limitation du gonflement crystallin des argiles (laboratoire Navier)

Voici une offre de postdoc au Laboratoire Navier (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech) sur la limitation du gonflement crystallin des argiles. C’est un sujet à l’interface entre la physique des milieux poreux adsorbants et la mécanique.

Poste prof ENSMM « mécanique des matériaux et des surfaces » (Femto, Besançon)

Voir l’annonce en pdf :

poste MCf section 60 (ICS, Strasbourg)

Poste MCf section 60 (ICS, Strasbourg)

La Faculté de Physique et d’Ingénierie de l’Université de Strasbourg recrute un-e Maître de Conférences en Mécanique (Section 60), qui participera aux enseignements de la mécanique et de la gestion des projets pédagogiques au sein de la licence « Sciences pour l’Ingénieur », la licence professionnelle « Prototypage de Produit et d’Outillage », le Master « Sciences et Génie des Matériaux » et le Master « Génie industriel ».

Le profil de recherche sera celui d’un-e mécanicien-ne-physicien-ne des polymères ayant idéalement travaillé sur le rôle de la structure sur les propriétés mécaniques en volume, pour développer une activité de recherche en mécanique des surfaces dans un environnement favorable. La personne recrutée sera intégrée à l’Institut Charles Sadron (UPR22) dans l’équipe MIM (Mechanics of Interfaces and Multiphase Systems).
Mots-clés: interfaces; mécanique des matériaux; rhéologie; tribologie
Plus de détails sur Galaxie:

Poste MCF section 28 Université de Paris (PMMH, MSC, ou LIED) « Physique, Mécanique et Ingénierie du vivant »

Poste MCF section 28 Université de Paris (PMMH, MSC, ou LIED)
« Physique, Mécanique et Ingénierie du vivant »

Vous trouverez en pièce jointe le profil paru dans Galaxie pour le poste MCF « Physique, mécanique et ingénierie du vivant » en section 28 à l’Université de Paris.
La recherche pourra s’effectuer au sein du laboratoire PMMH, du laboratoire MSC ou du laboratoire LIED (cf le profil de poste joint). Le dossier est à déposer pour le 26 mars.

Contacts :
– Damien Vandembroucq, Directeur du PMMH :
– Christophe Goupil, Directeur adjoint du LIED : ;
– Laurent Limat, Directeur du MSC : ;
– Atef Asnacios, responsable équipe physique du vivant MSC : ;
– Matteo Cacciari, Directeur de l’UFR Physique : ;

tenure-track group leader in Designer Matter (AMOLF Amsterdam)

Research institute AMOLF (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) is looking for a tenure-track group leader in the field of Designer Matter.
For this opening, possible topics include:
– metamaterials and systems that process information;
– spatiotemporally complex chemical pathways and assembly;
– the use of machine learning to analyze and design new materials.
Other inspiring research topics in this area will also be considered.

If you know of suitable candidates, I would be most indebted if you would forward this email, or contact me directly.

AMOLF is highly committed to diversity. Therefore, we strongly encourage women to apply. The deadline for applications is April 10, 2020. This date may be extended to ensure a diverse pool of applicants. For further information and to apply, please visit:

Warmest wishes, Martin van Hecke

AMOLF is a world-leading interdisciplinary research institute focussed on the Physics of Functional Complex Matter. Central to the mission of AMOLF is to initiate promising new research directions. We offer a scientifically inspiring collaborative environment, state-of-the-art infrastructure and an interdisciplinary research program. AMOLF is located at the Science Park in Amsterdam, in close proximity of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Our tenure track system is modeled on the US system, with similar independence and career perspectives, and with a generous start up package (investment and personnel). The Dutch funding system is particularly attractive for junior staff building up a new group, as there are a variety of substantial personal grants available for junior people. Successful candidates will be able to start a group as independent principal investigator, with a clear path to a permanent position after 5 years.

poste chercheur Ifremer « conceptualization and numerical sediment transport modelling » (Brest)

A permanent research position is open at Ifremer (Brest, France) on
conceptualization and numerical sediment transport modelling.

Anticipating future trajectories of coastal seascapes and related sediment habitats in response to global changes and actual pressures requires
determining and modelling the main mechanisms driving sediment dynamics.
In this context, the IFREMER/DHYSED laboratory has developed over the last
decades the MUSTANG <>
process-based numerical model. This model can simulate the main processes
driving the coastal sediment dynamics and is coupled with hydrodynamics
and ecological models, hence contributing to provide an integrated
approach of the ecosystem dynamics.

As the successful candidate, you will be in charge of developing
innovative approaches for modelling mixed sediment dynamics (sand/mud)
and associated processes. Various mechanisms can be considered, among
them (but not exhaustively):

Analysing and conceptualizing inter-granular processes, and related
vertical structuration of the sediment matrix,
       Investigating the cohesive behaviour of sediment mixtures and its
consequences on sediment erosion/resuspension,
       Extending the 1DV approach of the sediment compartment toward a 3D
Developing the innovative continuous modelling approach, originally
conceptualized in the laboratory and fully complementary to the more
traditional partitioned sediment/water column approach,

The researcher will also be in charge of managing and maintaining the
MUSTANG numerical model at the state of the art, closely interacting with
the researchers and engineers in the laboratory, and users both in Ifremer
and in a national/international context. This position also provides
opportunities to collaborate with modellers in ecology for predicting the
future of coastal ecosystems.
Requirements :

PhD in physical oceanography or numerical modelling,
Solid knowledge on sediment dynamics, sedimentary processes and their
Strong/Advanced experience on numerical modelling,
Strong skills in programming languages under intensive computing
Good synthesis, writing and communicating skills,
Fluent English.

Applicants can contact Dr Romaric Verney (
<>) for further information. Applications
must be completed online through our portal (follow the link

postdoc Dissipative and Active Metamaterials (U.Amsterdam)

————————–Dear colleagues, 
I would like to advertise openings for Postdoc position my group ( at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, funded by an ERC Starting grant in the area of « Dissipative and Active Metamaterials”.

Further details about the position and the application procedure can be found at this link for the postdoc opening

I would be most indebted if you could forward this email to excellent and highly motivated potential candidates.
Kind regards,
Corentin Coulais