mini-colloque « Interfaces en milieu confiné : de l’inerte au vivant », Société Française de Physique (Grenoble, 27-31 août 2018)

Bonjour à tous,

   Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue du mini-colloque « Interfaces en milieu confiné : de l’inerte au vivant », aux 16e Journées de la Matière Condensée de la Société Française de Physique (Grenoble, 27-31 août 2018).

   Ce mini-colloque se propose de discuter les effets du confinement sur la création, la dynamique, et le transport de bulles, gouttes, ou plus généralement d’interfaces. À différentes échelles, cette problématique concerne des systèmes variés, allant de milieux micro- ou mésoporeux synthétiques ou naturels (roches) aux systèmes vivants (cellules, plantes, arbres, …) en passant par les systèmes micro- ou nanofluidiques (lab-on-a-chip). Dans ces systèmes, le confinement affecte non seulement le transport à travers les effets hydrodynamiques, mais aussi l’énergétique des interfaces à travers plusieurs effets (interaction directe avec les parois du milieu confinant, déformation élastique de ce milieu, compressibilité du fluide, …).

   Un ou deux exposés invités généraux poseront le décor et introduiront des contributions expérimentales ou théoriques, sélectionnées parmi les propositions des participants au mini-colloque pour une présentation orale ou un poster. Pour cela, déposer vos abstracts avant le 15/04/2018 sur : en choisissant le mini-colloque MMB2.

Mots-clés (liste non exhaustive) : mouillage / gouttes, bulles, interfaces / milieux poreux / végétal / micro-fluidique / surfaces texturées / effets individuels et collectifs / mousses / nucléation et cavitation / transition(s) de phase, comportement critique / élastohydrodynamique

Organisateurs : Xavier Noblin (InPhyNi, Nice) – Catherine Quilliet (LiPhy, Grenoble) – Pierre-Etienne Wolf (Institut Néel, Grenoble)

En espérant vous voir bientôt à Grenoble

Physical approaches to understand microbial life (Paris 28 aout- 6 septembre)

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the opening of a PALM international summer school Microbiophysics 2018 entitled


It will take place in the south of Paris at Gif-sur-Yvette (France), from August 28th to September 06th.

This PALM international and multidisciplinary summer school aims to bring together world-leading physicists and biologists interested in microbial life, international students (masters students, graduate students, post-docs) and young and senior scientists, to provide a comprehensive overview of the current progress, and to stimulate further interactions and collaborations. Microbiology lecturers will introduce the fundamental concepts of microbes and will present the most recent research results in biology while physics lecturers will expose the many facets of the current biophysical understanding of microbial processes.

This School is funded by the « Laboratory of excellence » PALM (Physics : Atoms, Light and Matter)


The lecturers : Rosalind Allen, Harold Auradou, Bonnie Bassler, Romain Briandet, Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino, Nicolas Desprat, Jean-Marc Ghigo, Raymond Goldstein, KC Huang, Terry Hwa, Edo Kussell, Christian Marlière, Bianca Sclavi, Agnese Seminara, Victor Sourjik, Howard Stone, Aleksandra Walczak.

The organizers (Pietro Cicuta, Knut Drescher, Eric Raspaud)


Workshop Rheology of Polymeric Systems (Pierre Carreau) 21-22 juin – Lorient

L’IRDL organise en juin à Guidel un workshop en l’honneur de Pierre Carreau sous l’égide du GFR (Groupe Français de Rhéologie).

Ce workshop se déroulera sur deux demi-journées constituées d’une  dizaine deprésentation de rhéologues français. Ils apporteront un éclairage surles avancées récentes en rhéologie et exposeront les nouveaux défis à relever.

Vous trouverez ci-joint les détails de ce workshop: Flyer workshop Carreau en pdf

Ecole Physics of integrated biological systems (Cargese, Sept 2018)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention the following EMBO/CNRS summer school that we are organizing September 11-21 2018 in beautiful Cargèse (Corsica –, and would be grateful if you could share the poster and link with your young colleagues.

The objective of this summer school is to help biologists grasp basic concepts of Physics applied to Biology, such that they could more easily interact with physicists and design their experiments with physics concepts in mind. To help reach this objective, we have planned the programme along three lines:
1/ Some invited speakers will give tutorials to introduce key concepts or tools of physics and mathematics useful to biology.
2/ Almost all invited speakers are coming as pairs of biologists and physicists who have collaborated in the recent past to address a common biological problem; they will share how their collaboration unfolded and which obstacle they had to sometimes to overcome.
3/ In addition, there will be two prestigious Company of Biologists-sponsored keynote speakers, Jacques Prost a father of Physics applied to Biology, and Eric Wieschaus, Noble Prize in Medicine for his contributions to Drosophila development.

Additional info can be found on the following links:

The price for the course will be 850€ (including accommodation, breakfast and lunch). Please note that the deadline for applying is June 1st 2018.

We thank you in avance for making your colleagues aware of the event, and apologize in advance if you receive this mail more than once.

With best wishes,

Michel Labouesse and François Robin

post-doc : analytical, numerical and experimental study of uniform elastic rods (EPFL)

Assistantship in the Maddocks group at the EPFL

A position is available to work on a combined analytical, numerical and experimental study of uniform elastic rods in two contexts:

1) the characterisation of helical equilibria, including stability properties, in both the cases of self-avoiding and self-contacting configurations,


2) the equilibria of knots in the presence of friction.

The first project will be carried out in collaboration with the group of Prof J. Kolinski ( and the second in collaboration with the group of Prof Pedro Reis (fleXLab: Flexible Structures Laboratory)

Preferences will be given to applications at the postdoctoral level, although doctoral level applications will also be considered. Review of applications will start April 15 and will continue until the post is filled. The position is available immediately, with the desired starting date being as soon as practicable, with December 2018 being the latest possible start date.

The application procedure and further information is described at

ATELIER MePhy Instabilités en Mécanique du Solide le 16 mai 2018

Instabilités en Mécanique du Solide / Instabilities in Solid Mechanics

Le but de ces journées est de faire le point sur les études actuelles de stabilité de systèmes en mécanique des solides. Il s’agit tout d’abord de caractériser ou détecter une perte de stabilité et le mode instable correspondant, et éventuellement de contrôler ou de retarder l’instabilité. Mais on peut aussi chercher à utiliser une instabilité pour permettre d’actionner, d’imposer un motif particulier, de modifier la réponse non-linéaire, etc..

The aim of this workshop is to bring together and foster the discussion between communities dealing with instabilities in Solid Mechanics. The research on instabilities in Solid Mechanics is very currently very active: In some cases, the aim is to determine, prevent or control the stability of a system; In a different stream of research, the idea is to use an unstable behaviour (to trigger a spatial pattern, or a non-linear mechanical response).


Où,quand / When, where?

le 16 mai 2018, campus Jussieu, Paris

Inscription / Registration

L’inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire. / Registration is free but mandatory

envoyer un message / send an e-mail to

avec les informations suivantes :

Nom / Prenom / Labortaoire / Proposition de présentation

(Familiy Name / Name / Lab / title for a presentation, if you wish)

inscriptions école d’été MEPHISTO (7-17 aout 2018, Cargese)

Le GDR MePhy participe à l’organisation de l’école d’été internationale MEPHiSTO (MEchanics and PHysics of STretchable Objets) qui aura lieu du 7 au 17 aout 2018 à Cargese.

Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 15 avril 2018 : sur le site web de l’école



The School is aimed primarily to PhD students, postdocs, and other young scientists wishing to broaden and deepen their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities.
A strong emphasis is put on basic concepts with several classes reviewing classical mechanics and physics. In order to keep the lectures as tutorial as possible, the 20 academic lecturers will give 1-3 talks.

The school will include

  • Main lecture courses (1h20 long, including questions).
  • Some « experimental lectures » based on a series of table-top experimental demonstrations by the speakers, with experiments available to the students during coffee breaks.
  • flash presentations for posters, and poster sessions.
  • ample time for discussion (coffee breaks, meals, and a long afternoon break)

Classes will start on August 7th in the morning and end on August 17th.

Academic talks

Basics mechanics/physics

Material failure and friction


Complex materials and « extreme mechanics’’

6th Southern Workshop on Granular Materials (Chile, 3-6 December 2018)

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to participate and submit an abstract to the 6th Southern Workshop on Granular Materials (SWGM6). The conference will be held in Puerto Varas, on December 3-6, 2018. The SWGM6 will comprise a broad range of granular-system subjects providing an up-to-date view of the field in topics such as non-local rheology in granular flow, discharge flows, soft and non-spherical particles, shear-thickening suspensions, active macroscopic particles, impact on granular beds, propulsion in granular media, invasion phenomena, among others.
The SWGM6 will take place in the Hotel Cabañas del Lago at the city of Puerto Varas on the shores of Lake Llanquihue. Puerto Varas is famous for its architecture that uniquely combines its German heritage with a breathtaking landscape. The city is surrounded by beautiful sites, such as the All Saints Lake, the Petrohué Falls, the Osorno Volcano, Puerto Montt and Chiloe island.

For more information about the conference, we kindly ask you to visit our website at:
For details about Puerto Varas, we suggest you to visit the website of VisitChile: guides/puerto-varas/

– Felipe Pacheco Vázquez, Institute of Physics in Puebla
– Hiroaki Katsuragi, Nagoya University
– Scott Waitukaitis, Universiteit Leiden
– Xiang Cheng, University of Minnesota
– Daniel Goldman, Georgia Tech
– Bruno Andreotti, ESPCI (PMMH)
– Luis Pugnaloni, Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Facultad Regional de la Plata
– Ken Kamrin, Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT (TBC)
– Romain Mari, Université Grenoble Alpes (TBC)
– Olivier Dauchot, ESPCI (TBC)

– Abstract submission deadline: June 1st, 2018
– Registration fee (accommodation and meals included): 500 USD (regular) / 800 USD (late)
– Abstract notification: July 30th, 2018
– Early registration: until Sep 15th, 2018
– Late registration: until Nov 1st, 2018

We look forward to having you at the SWGM6.

Sincerely yours,
Gustavo Castillo, Leonardo Gordillo & Germán Varas
(On behalf of the organizing committee)