voir l’annonce en pdf ci-dessous, pour une école thématique impression 4D : Matériaux et Procédés
(du 15 au 18 octobre 2019)
voir l’annonce en pdf ci-dessous, pour une école thématique impression 4D : Matériaux et Procédés
(du 15 au 18 octobre 2019)
The Theory of Condensed Matter of the Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate to work with Prof. Mark Warner and Dr. John Biggins (Engineering) on shape changing materials applied to micro actuation and robotics, haptics, microfluidics and related systems.
The materials are typically complex, soft, responsive solids. A new mechanics paradigm patterns the response of liquid crystalline solids to change the effective metric, and hence intrinsic curvature, and also to change the extrinsic bend. Complete shape control is aimed for by the additional determination of extrinsic response.
The candidate should have familiarity with theoretical mechanics and (ideally) differential geometry, and with novel material for mechanics, for example liquid crystalline solids, hydrogels, and photo-thermally responsive solids. Some scientific computing experience is highly desirable.
For very general reviews of this area see:
Physics Today: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.3051
Ann. Revs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1a6g2hj3mdkel8
and more detailed,
Soft Matter: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c7sm01596h
Please consult the advertisements for more details and contacts:
https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BSH516/research-assistant-associate-in-complex-materials-mechanics-theoryThe closing date for applications is 24th June, 2019.
Prof. Mark Warner, FRS
Theory of Condensed Matter Group, Cavendish Laboratory.
Cambridge, CB3 OHE.
Tel: (+44 1223) 337380http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~mw141
Corpus Christi College int. 66189 or ext. (+44 1223) 766189
Home (+44 1223) 365991 Mobile (+44) 7981 700381
The Form Finding Lab at Princeton University, NJ, USA is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to support our recently awarded SEAS LACE Project X. In this project we propose to investigate 2D interlaced networks of elastic rods, found in textile crafts, and deliberately drive them into the large deformation realm to create novel 3D elastic (and thus reversible) structures with interesting mechanical properties. The research objectives of this proposal are threefold: to 1) use a mathematical approach to identify interlaced patterns for the purpose of shifting between 2D and 3D states, 2) investigate their reversible mechanical response and establish their performance envelope using an experimental and numerical approach, and 3) design, prototype, and demonstrate the feasibility of interlaced elastic networks at the architectural scale using robotic manufacturing.
More at: https://blog.espci.fr/mephy/files/2019/06/PostDoc-Princeton_University.pdf
Dear colleague,
The Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) is searching for two faculty members in the area of experimental soft matter and biological physics. We are particularly interested in candidates with a focus on active matter (e.g. synthetic active fluids, self-propelled particles, collective cell behavior, tissues etc.) and/or with a unique approach that connect with our research lines in self-organization, mechanics and geometry.
Appointments at associate or full professor level may be consider for outstanding candidates.
Gender balance is an explicit aim of our institute, and we strongly encourage women to apply
For further information and to apply, please visit:
Only applications received no later than July 31, 2019 can be considered.
Many thanks, Daniela Kraft, Luca Giomi and Martin van Hecke
(Kraft@physics.leidenuniv.nl, giomi@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl, mvhecke@gmail.com)
PS: Our tenure track system is similar to the US system, with a tenure decision after five years. The explicit purpose of the tenure track is to have successful candidates build their own independent group, after which they will grow out to full professors. Strong collaborations with neighboring groups are encouraged, and ideally, the candidate should fit and complement our activities. Finally, the funding system is particularly attractive for junior staff building up a new group, as there are a variety of funding options for both personal and collaborative research.
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to advertise two postdoc openings in my group with deadlines for initial consideration on June 20th:
Theory – in Paris & Orsay
We welcome applications from theorists interested in self-assembly in the cytoskeleton and other problems at the interface between Soft Matter/Statistical Physics and Biology. The position presents ample opportunities for strong interactions with local and international collaborators. Autonomous interactions with experimentalists and the development of creative independent projects are encouraged. More at
Experiments – at ESPCI Paris
We welcome applications from experimentalists interested in the frustrated self-assembly of irregular objects. The position consists in developing an experimental protocol to design and produce colloids of arbitrary shapes using a sub-micrometer-resolution 3D printer, then monitor their self-assembly to demonstrate the tendency of irregular shapes to aggregate into fibers and sheets as discussed in recent theoretical work. More at
Please kindly post these ads on your department’s notice board, and do not hesitate to pass on this announcement. Informal inquiries welcome.
Best regards,
Le *54ème congrès annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie* (GFR2019) se tiendra du 23 au 25 octobre 2019 dans les locaux de SupAgro, campus de la Gaillarde, à Montpellier. Il sera précédé le 22 octobre 2019 d’une journée *« short courses » consacrée à la **rhéologie des solides*, sur le campus Triolet de l’Université de Montpellier. Le congrès est ouvert à tous les membres du GFR mais aussi à toutes les personnes intéressées par la Rhéologie (académiques et industriels). Il s’organisera autour de quatre conférences invitées dont celle du récipiendaire du prix Maurice Couette 2019 et de 5 sessions thématiques ansi que d'une session posters. *Sessions Thématiques* - Rhéologie du sang - Granulaires et suspensions - Fluides Complexes - Polymères : matériaux et mise en forme - Matériaux alimentaires et biopolymères *Date limite de soumission des résumés : 2 juin 2019 * https://2019.legfr.fr/ /C. Ligoure pour le comité d'organisation /
Dear Colleague,
This is a follow-up reminder to submit an abstract to the « Instabilities in Solids and Structures » symposium for the 2019 IMECE.
We, the AMD IiSS Technical Committee organizers, are pleased to continue our long-standing tradition of arranging a symposium on « Instabilities in Solids and Structures » at the annual ASME-International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE). The Congress this year will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah during the period of November 8-14, 2019. Contributions on instability in both material and structural systems are welcome. As you are aware, this is a major mechanical engineering meeting with upwards of 2,000 international participants. Our Technical Committee has participated with success in the Congress since 1994 and we certainly would like to keep up this tradition.
Our symposium accepts ONLY « Presentation Only » abstracts and the « Presentation Only Abstract Submission » deadline this year is July 22, 2019.
Participation requires just the submission of an abstract by July 22, 2019. (This is a hard deadline; do not expect an extension.)
Upload your abstract at your earliest convenience; the symposium is in the Track 11 « Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids » as Topic « 11-37 Instabilities in Solids and Structures »
This year, we are pleased to continue our collaboration with the ASME AMD Technical Committee on Soft Matter. If you work on problems in this area that include instabilities, we encourage you to submit an abstract.
Please let us know by return e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.
Ryan S. Elliott
Kostas Danas
Stavros Gaitanaros
Francisco Lopez Jimenez
Dai Okumura
The CISM course “The Art of Modeling in Computational Solid Mechanics”, will take place October 7th to 11th.
It will be given in Udine, Italy, and it is coordinated by Jörg Schröder, Universität Essen-Duisburg, Germany, and
Peter Wriggers, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.
PhD students are the main audience, and the link
provides you with all details, including registration details.
lien vers l’annonce: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR8502-ANNSAL-003/Default.aspx