Instabilities in Solids and Structures (IMECE 2019) deadline monday 22nd july

Dear Colleague,

This is our final reminder to submit an abstract to the « Instabilities in Solids and Structures » symposium for the 2019 IMECE.
The deadline this year is Monday, July 22 and there will not be an extension.

We, the AMD IiSS Technical Committee organizers, are pleased to continue our long-standing tradition of arranging a symposium on « Instabilities in Solids and Structures » at the annual ASME-International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE).  The Congress this year will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah during the period of November 8-14, 2019.  Contributions on instability in both material and structural systems are welcome.  As you are aware, this is a major mechanical engineering meeting with upwards of 2,000 international participants.  Our Technical Committee has participated with success in the Congress since 1994 and we certainly would like to keep up this tradition.

Our symposium accepts only « Presentation Only » abstracts and the « Presentation Only Abstract Submission » deadline this year is July 22, 2019.

Participation requires just the submission of an abstract by July 22, 2019.  (This is a hard deadline; do not expect an extension.)

Upload your abstract at your earliest convenience; the symposium is in the Track 11 « Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids » as Topic « 11-37 Instabilities in Solids and Structures »

This year, we are pleased to continue our collaboration with the ASME AMD Technical Committee on Soft Matter.  If you work on problems in this area that include instabilities, we encourage you to submit an abstract.

Please let us know by return e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.

Ryan S. Elliott
Kostas Danas
Stavros Gaitanaros
Francisco Lopez Jimenez
Dai Okumura

Stavros Gaitanaros, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Latrobe Hall, Room 201
Tel: (410) 516-6482

Plant Biomechanics (Lyon- 23-27 aout 2021)

Dear all,

We are glad to inform you that the 10th International Plant Biomechanics conference will be held in Lyon, 23-27 August 2021.

Please mark the dates on your calendar and forward this information to whomever potentially interested (they may subscribe to the mailing list, see below).

The organisers,
Arezki Boudaoud, Gwyneth Ingram, and Sara Puijalon

email with the subject line « subscribe pbm-diffusion Firstname Name » (remove the quotes and indicate your own first name and name).

Young Postdoc Position, LMS Ecole Polytechnique on nanocoatings

Please find attached a young postdoc announcement on the « Theoretical and experimental study of polymer nanocoatings for prefilled syringes ». The position is addressed to recent PhD graduates (future PhD holders or candidates with less than a year from their PhD defense).

The postdoc will be pursued in the Solid Mechanics Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France in collaboration with BD Medical Pharmaceutical Systems (Grenoble, France). The potential candidate will work on the development of new experimental procedures and theoretical models to understand the formation and mechanical response of thin polymer films over soft polymer substrates. The PhD involves strong experimental and theoretical contributions in the field of coupled diffusion and mechanics. 

Students with strong interest in solid mechanics and particularly in coupled problems as well as strong background in mechanics, soft-matter physics, mechanical engineering or any closely related field are strongly encouraged to apply by contacting Prof. Kostas Danas ( and Prof. Michel Jabbour ( 

For more information on the subject, the funding and the requested doscuments please see the attached detailed pdf.

The interested candidates should contact

Postdoctoral position — hydrodynamic and physical modeling of active colloids and droplets (LadHyX)

Dear colleagues,

I am currently looking for a postdoc to join my group at LadHyX (Ecole Polytechnique, France) on the physical and hydrodynamic modeling of active colloids and droplets.
This is a 2-year position funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Candidates with a strong academic background in fluid dynamics, applied mathematics, soft matter physics or a closely related field are strongly encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should contact me directly by email as soon as possible, providing a detailed CV, publication list, a brief research statement and the name of 2 academic references.
Applications will be reviewed continuously until the position is filled, starting on July 29th.
I would be very grateful if you could forward this announcement to any potential candidate.
Thank you!
Sebastien Michelin

ALERT Geomaterial workshop Sept. 30th-Oct. 2nd (Aussois)

The program of the next ALERT geomaterial workshop (September 30 to October 2 in Aussois, France) is now avalaible on the website
The session II  is dedicated to « The mechanics of root-soil systems: from microscopic to macroscopic approaches ».
More information and the link to the registration script can be found at:

Program: Workshopschool_contentJuly-2019_Preliminary-1


Wave propagattion in Complex and Microstructured Media

Wave Propagation in Complex and Microstructured Media
Propagation d’ondes en milieux complexes et micro-structurés

August 20th30th, 2019

The objective of this school is to present recent advances in the field of wave propagation in complex media, with particular focuses on effective dynamics of micro-structured media and homogenization, and on guided waves. The main objective of the school is the pooling of knowledge in these domains so that participants can learn the formalisms – techniques – methods – tools from the different communities of wave physics (mechanical and acoustical waves, electromagnetism) and applied mathematics, and thus, enlarge their knowledge for their own research. The interdisciplinary nature of this school should generate exchanges and collaborations between the different communities involved in this subject.

Main topics will include
Dynamical homogenization, Waveguides, Metamaterials

Lecturers include
Habib Ammari (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) ✦ Yves Aurégan (LAUM, Le Mans, France) ✦ Claude Boutin (ENTPE, Lyon, France) ✦ Edward J. Brambley (Univ. Warwick, UK) ✦ Michele Brun (Univ. Cagliari, Italy) ✦ Bérangère Delourme (Univ. Paris XIII, France) ✦ Pierre Delplace (ENS Lyon, France) ✦ Hauke Gravenkamp (Univ. Duisburg, Germany) ✦ Sébastien Guenneau (Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France) ✦ Bojan Guzina (Univ. Minnesota, USA) ✦Julius Kaplunov (Keele Univ., UK) ✦Vincent Laude (Femto, Besançon, France) ✦ Marco Miniaci (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) ✦ Michael Nieves (Univ. Keele, UK) ✦ Oscar Quevedo-Teruel (KTH, Sweden)

Scientific and steering committee
Simon Félix (LAUM, CNRS, Le Mans Université) ✦ Agnès Maurel (Institut Langevin, CNRS, ESPCI, Paris) ✦ Jean-François Mercier (Poems, CNRS, ENSTA, INRIA, Palaiseau) ✦ Vincent Pagneux (LAUM, CNRS, Le Mans Université) ✦ Philippe Petitjeans (PMMH, CNRS, ESPCI, Paris)

Information and Registration

postdoc : mechanics and applied geometry (U.Nevada, Reno)

Postdoctoral (and graduate student) positions available
Applications are invited for multiple postdoctoral positions to work with J. Hanna in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno.  Those interested in Ph.D. and M.S. positions are also invited to make contact.
A variety of experiences and interests are welcome; we will consider proposed research in both theory and experiment in all areas under the very general heading of classical mechanics and applied geometry.  Topics of interest include but are not limited to continuum mechanics (materials, solids, fluids, fluid-structure interaction, structures), dynamics, nonlinear science, soft condensed matter, and materials processing.  Specific topics of current activity include elasticity and mechanics of thin structures.  Experimental experience in sheet metal working, web handling, or another manufacturing area will be viewed favorably.
Postdoctoral positions may last up to three years, and will include significant support for travel, as well as opportunities for collaborations— department faculty expertise includes manufacturing, materials, dynamics, robotics, and other areas.  We are a young and growing group, department, and city, the latter in particular offering a very attractive quality of life.  Interested parties should send a CV to jhannaATunrDOTedu and indicate their research interests and anticipated time frame.  Review of applications will be ongoing, and timing is flexible.

workshop physique/mécanique/informatique graphique : Graphyz (24-25 octobre, Grenoble)

Chères collègues, chers collègues, (English translation below)

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la première édition de Graphyz, un nouveau workshop entre graphique et physique, qui se tiendra à Grenoble les 24 et 25 octobre 2019 (2 demi-journées). L’idée de ce workshop est de rassembler des physiciens et des informaticiens travaillant sur des sujets qui intéressent à la fois les communautés physiciennes/mécaniciennes et l’informatique graphique. Pour cette première édition, nous avons un programme fabuleux. Les présentations seront typiquement structurées en tandems (un(e) expert(e) de physique/mécanique + un(e) expert(e) de simulation pour le graphique), sur des sujets variés comme la modélisation de structures élastiques ou visqueuses, les milieux granulaires, les avalanches, ou encore les structures gonflables. Des créneaux de discussion sont également prévus pour favoriser les échanges entre participants.

Si vous êtes intéressés par les liens entre simulation graphique et physique/mécanique, n’hésitez pas à vous inscrire et à assister à ce workshop ! Plus d’information en ligne:

L’inscription est libre (et inclue la participation aux repas de midi et au dîner du 24), mais le nombre de participants sera limité (premier arrivé, premier inscrit). Si vous êtes intéressés, pensez à vous inscrire suffisamment tôt.

N’hésitez pas non plus à transmettre cette annonce à vos étudiants et collègues.

Bien cordialement,

Florence & Basile

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the organization of the first edition of Graphyz, a new workshop on graphics and physics which will be held in Grenoble, France, on 24 and 25 October 2019 (2 half-days). The idea of this workshop is to gather physicists and computer scientists working on various topics that are of interest to both the physics/mechanics and graphics communities. For this first session, we have a wonderful program, gathering duets of scientists (one expert from physics/mechanics, one expert from physically-based simulation for graphics) working on common research topics such as, for instance, the modeling of slender elastic and viscous structures, granular media, snow avalanches, or inflatable structures. A number of discussions slots are also planned to favor interactions among the participants.

If you are interested in better understanding the emerging connections between simulation in graphics and physics/mechanics, do not hesitate to register and attend this workshop! Further information is available online:

Registration is free (including participation to lunches and dinner), but the number of participants is limited and registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis. If you are interested, register early.

Do not hesitate to forward this announcement to your students and colleagues.

Best regards,

Florence & Basile