Post-doc autour des composites piézoélectriques et de la fonctionnalisation des objets, INSA Lyon

Nous avons une offre de post-doc autour des composites piézoélectriques et de la fonctionnalisation des objets, ici un modèle de voiture.
Pouvez-vous diffuser cette offre et la mettre en ligne sur le site du GDR Mephy?

D’avance merci

Claire Jean-Mistral 
Maître de Conférences – INSA de Lyon – LaMCoS 
Bat. Sophie Germain 
27 bis avenue Jean Capelle 
69100 Villeurbanne 
Tel. +33 (0)4 72 43 87 27

Postdoc on ultrasound for probing the microstructure at LMA – IUSTI

J’aimerais diffuser l’offre de post-doc en pj proposée par les laboratoires LMA et IUSTI dans le cadre de l’appel de l’Institut de Mécanique de Marseille. Le sujet porte sur la microstructure des suspensions denses cisaillées sondée par ultrasons/ ultrasound for probing the microstructure in sheared concentrated suspensions. Pourriez-vous diffuser cette offre sur la mailing list du GDR Mephy?
Merci par avance pour votre aide
Bien cordialementEmilie Franceschini———————————————————————–
Emilie Franceschini, Chargée de recherche CNRS
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique
4 impasse Nikola TESLA
CS 40006

Tel bureau: 33 4 84 52 42 86
Tel salle manip: 334 84 52 59 49

postdoc « Elastic instabilities in rubber materials during extrusion » (ENS-Lyon/UParis/Michelin)


Dear colleagues,Applications are invited for a 1-yr postdoctoral position on “Elastic instabilities in rubber materials during extrusion” starting in October 2020.
The postdoc will be co-supervised by Sébastien Manneville (ENS Lyon, France), Sandra Lerouge (University, France), and Marie Rebouah (Michelin R&D, Clermont-Ferrand).
The goal of the postdoc project is to quantitatively characterize flow instabilities during the extrusion of tyre tread materials in a non-invasive manner using ultrasound. 
We are seeking candidates with less than two years of postdoctoral experience and trained in polymeric materials, fluid mechanics, rheology, and/or instrumentation.
Please see attached announcement for more details.
Sébastien Manneville, Sandra Lerouge & Marie Rebouah

Online seminars at LMS, Ecole Polytechnique – Youtube Channel

Upcoming seminars:
LMS seminars will recommence in fall 2020.

YouTube channel entitled « LMS Seminars« :
The recording of a seminar will be uploaded on this channel within a few days after the seminar is held.
Below are the links to the previously recorded seminars:

Subscribe to Public Calendar

Since April 2020, we have been live telecasting our weekly seminars. Up-to-date information on all seminars (including abstract and biography of the speaker) and links to join them can be found in our publicly shared google calendar:

Twitter account:@LmsSeminars

You can also follow the lms seminars via our Twitter account:@LmsSeminars (
We will regularly post updates of our seminars, links to the live telecast and links to the YouTube videos of past seminars via this handle.

Subscription to LMS email lists

  • If you are subscribed to any of our lms mailing lists, then your subscription will be automatically transferred to our new seminar mailing list.
  • If you or your colleagues would like to subscribe to our seminar mailing list, then please 
    send an email to with the text « Subscription to the LMS seminar mailing list ».

Organised by
Manas V. Upadhyay
Assistant Professor

Solid Mechanics Laboratory (LMS)
Department of Mechanics, Ecole Polytechnique
Route de Saclay
91128 Palaiseau Cedex

Multiple post-doc positions, Université Aix-Marseille

L’institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénierie d’Aix-Marseille Université ouvre en Sept./Oct. 2020, trois financements de post-doctorants pour 12 mois.

Les informations sont disponibles via les liens ci-dessus et les candidats sont invités à prendre contact avec les porteurs de sujet.
La date limite de candidature est le 10 Juillet 2020.
Bien cordialement,

Romain Teychene

postdoc optical tweezer for the study of triboelectrification (IST Austria)

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to advertise an experimental postdoc opening in my group at IST Austria starting in the fall of 2020.  The successful candidate will spearhead the design and construction of an optical tweezer system to study the physics of triboelectrification at the single charge level.  Previous experience working with optics/lasers and especially optical tweezers, as well as a strong physics background, is highly valued.

IST is an interdisciplinary research institute located just outside Vienna.  Though only 10 years old, we already sit at #3 worldwide in Nature’s normalized ranking for research output.  We offer our postdocs competitive salaries and benefits, as well as the possibility of applying to prestigious internal fellowships that can help jumpstart their careers.  Our new physics building has state of the art facilities in a fast growing and highly interdisciplinary and international setting.  Beyond this, working at IST also affords its postdocs the opportunity to live in what is consistently ranked as the ‘most liveable city in the world.’ 

Interested candidates should send a CV (including a publication list), a statement of research motivation/interests, and a letter of recommendation from their PhD advisor to

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, and please share this message with anyone who might be interested.


Scott Waitukaitis