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Submitted/Under Revision
Defect-modulated ionic friction at hBN/water interfaces.
M Zhao, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, J Comtet*. Submitted
Giant mobility of surface-trapped ionic charges following liquid tribocharging.
Z Benrahla, T Saide, L Burnaz, E Verneuil, S Gravelle, J Comtet*. Submitted
[23] Labeling a Polydiene Elastomer with a π-Extended Mechanophore with a Facile and Low Temperature Synthetic Route. A Cartier*, O Taisne, S Ivanov, J Caillard, M Couty, J Comtet, C Creton*. Macromolecules (2024)
[22] Liquid-activated quantum emission from native hBN defects for nanofluidic sensing. N Ronceray*, Y You, E Glushkov, M Lihter, B Rehl, TH Chen, GH Nam, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, S Roke, A Keerthi, J Comtet, B Radha*, A Radenovic*. Nature Materials (2023)
[21] A molecular interpretation of the toughness of multiple network elastomers at high temperature.
J Slootman, CJ Yeh, P Millereau, J Comtet*, C Creton*. PNAS (2022)
[20] Why is Mechanical Fatigue Different from Toughness in Elastomers? The Role of Damage by Polymer Chain Scission.
G. Sanoja*, X. P. Morelle, J. Comtet, C.J. Yeh, M. Ciccotti, C. Creton*. Science Advances (2021).
[19] Anomalous interfacial dynamics of single proton charges in binary aqueous solutions.
J Comtet*, A Rayabharam, E Glushkov, M Zhang, A Ahmet, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, NR Aluru, A Radenovic. Science Advances (2021). (pdf)
[18] Direct growth of hexagonal boron nitride on photonic chips for high-throughput characterization.
E Glushkov*, N. Mendelson, A. Chernev, R Ritika, M. Lihter, R. Zamani, J. Comtet, V. Navikas, I. Aharonovich, A. Radenovic*. ACS Photonics (2021).
[17] Super-resolved optical mapping of reactive sulfur-vacancy in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides.
M Zhang*, M Lihter, M Macha, K Banjac, Y Zhao, Z Wang, J Comtet, M Lingenfelder, A Kis, A Radenovic*. ACS Nano (2020). (pdf)
[16] Quantifying rate and temperature dependent molecular damage in elastomer fracture.
J Slootman, V Waltz, CJ Yeh, C Baumann, R Göstl, J Comtet*, C Creton*. Physical Review X (2020). (pdf)
[15] Direct observation of water mediated single proton transport between hBN surface defects.
J Comtet*, B Grosjean, E Glushkov, A Avsar, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, R Vuilleumier, Marie-Laure Bocquet, A Radenovic*. Nature Nanotechnology (2020). (pdf)
[14] Waveguide-based platform for large-FOV imaging of optically-active defects in 2D materials.
E Glushkov, A Archetti, A Stroganov, J Comtet, M Thakur, V Navikas, M Lihter, J Gonzalez Marin, V Babenko, S Hofmann, S Manley, A Radenovic. ACS photonics (2019). (pdf)
[13] Facile production of hBN nanoparticles by cryogenic exfoliation.
NMH Duong, E Glushkov, A Chernev, V Navikas, J Comtet, MA Nguyen, M Toth, A Radenovic, TT Tran*, I Aharonovich*. Nano Letter (2019). (pdf)
[12] Wide-field spectral super-resolution mapping of optically active defects in hBN.
J Comtet*, E Glushkov, V Navikas, J Feng*, V Babenko, S Hofmann, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, A Radenovic*. Nano Letter (2019). (pdf)
[11] Nanorheology of interfacial water during ice gliding.
L Canale, J Comtet, A Niguès, C Cohen, C Clanet, A Siria*, L Bocquet*. Physical Review X (2019). (pdf)
[10] Atomic rheology of gold nanojunctions.
J Comtet, A Lainé, A Niguès, L Bocquet, A Siria*. Nature (2019). (pdf)
[9] MicroMegascope.
L Canale, A Laborieux, A Aroul Mogane, L Jubin, J Comtet, A Lainé, L Bocquet, A Siria, A Niguès*. Nanotechnology (2018). (pdf)
[8] Shear thinning in non-Brownian suspensions.
G Chatté, J Comtet, A Niguès, L Bocquet, A Siria, G Ducouret, F Lequeux, N Lenoir, G Ovarlez, A Colin*. Soft Matter (2017). (pdf)
[7] Pairwise frictional profile between particles determines discontinuous shear thickening transition in non-colloidal suspensions.
J Comtet, G Chatté, A Niguès, L Bocquet, A Siria, A Colin*. Nature Communications (2017). (pdf)
[6] Electrostatic interactions between ions near Thomas-Fermi substrates and the surface energy of ionic crystals at imperfect metals.
V Kaiser, J Comtet, A Niguès, A Siria, B Coasne, L Bocquet*. Faraday Discussions (2017). (pdf)
[5] Nanoscale capillary freezing of ionic liquids confined between metallic interfaces and the role of electronic screening.
J Comtet, A Niguès, V Kaiser, L Bocquet, A Siria*. Nature Materials (2017). (pdf)
[4] Nonlinear flow response of soft hair beds.
J Alvarado, J Comtet, E de Langre, AE Hosoi*. Nature Physics (2017). (pdf)
[3] Phloem loading through plasmodesmata: a biophysical analysis.
J Comtet*, R Turgeon, AD Stroock*. Plant Physiology (2017). (pdf)
[2] Passive phloem loading and long-distance transport in a synthetic tree-on-a-chip.
J Comtet*, KH Jensen, R Turgeon, AD Stroock, AE Hosoi. Nature Plants (2017). (pdf)
[1] Drop impact and capture on a thin flexible fiber.
J Comtet*, B Keshavarz, JWM Bush. Soft matter (2016). (pdf)
Other Publications
Book Chapter: Making microfluidic devices that simulate phloem transport
J Comtet In: Liesche J. (eds) Phloem. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2014. Humana, New York, NY (2019).
PhD Thesis: Rheology and Tribology at the nanoscale (2018)
Commentary Article: Synthetic Tree-on-a-Chip Uncovers Principles of Sap Transport
J Comtet Principles of Systems Biology, No. 17. Cell Systems 4(5), 472-475. (2017).