Droplet desert(credit GG)Droplet desert – 2(credit GG)« Purple grain, purple grain » (credit GG)« A greener world » (credit GG)« Cubic drops »Constellation (credit GG)Pathfinders (credit GG)Ragging balls: Kymogram of a DNA activation front travelling through a population of autocatalytic particles (credit: GG)Colony-like pattern: Activation of a population of synergic particles that trigger each other by producing and exchanging DNA strands (credit: GG)Sample changerSynergic particles: artist view (credit: Alexandre Dizieux) Stochastic front activation (credit: GG) « Droplet pointillism » (credit: GG)« Micro-candy Crush » (1) (credit: GG)« Micro-candy Crush » (2) (credit: GG)Make single-molecules shine in the dark: isothermal digital droplet detection of microRNA biomarker (credit: GG)« Solar micro-eruption » (credit: GG)Patient 0: Propagation of a DNA signal into a population of autocatalytic particles (credit Yannick Rondelez)« Black hole » (credit GG)« Odd one out » (credit GG)