
May 2024  Thomas’ paper on the mechanical characterization of regenerating Hydra has been accepted!
November 2023 I presented recent results on tissue rheology at the ENS-ESPCI biophysics seminar. Thanks for the invitation!
July 2023  La Société Française de Physique fête ses 150 ans !


June 2023 Our review on 2.5D TFM has been published.
December 2022  Visite de chantier


October 2022  Congratulations: Lakshmi’s paper has been accepted!
August 2022  Étienne’s paper has been accepted. Great job!
June 2022 Glad to be spending a few weeks at the  Aspen center for Physics.

April 2022  Our joint paper on the rheology of multicellular aggregate has been accepted: please have a look if you wish to know more about spectrorheology!
March 2022 Raphaël Jeanneret and I are organizing a one-day workshop “Non-linéaire et biologie” in Paris.

September 2021  A new season is starting for the ENS-ESPCI biophysics seminar.
August 2021  My first hybrid conference ever, Dynamics Day – XL. Thanks to the organizers for making this happen, both online and in Nice.
July 2021   Shafali’s paper studying RhoA signaling in migrating epithelial cell monolayers has been accepted. Congratulations Shafali !
May 2021  Étienne successfully defended his doctorate, Mechanical modeling of an epithelial tissue. Congrats Étienne!

May 2021  The third lock-down is gradually easying.
April 2021  L’université cette année (dessin emprunté au Monde)

April 2021   a must-read paper  by Camille Noûs.
June 2020  Returning to the lab, hopefully for good !
May 2020    Shreyansh’s paper  has been published. Congrats Shreyansh !
March 2020    Working from home due to the Covid-19 lock-down in France.
January 2020    Our joint paper with Ada Cavalcanti-Adam  has been accepted on January 2nd. Happy New Year!
December 2019    Many thanks to Shuji Ishihara for his kind hospitality at the University of Tokyo.
July 2019     Glad to be back to KITP, UCSB, for an exciting programme on animal and plant morphogenesis. As usual most lectures will be recorded and posted online
July 2019     Grégoire’s paper on “Sustained oscillations in epithelial cell sheets” has just been published in Biophysical Journal (link).

June 2019     I presented our work on mechanical  cell competition at a CECAM active matter workshop in Lincoln, UK.


Last modified: July 2024