Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


postdocs INRIA (interface simulation numérique /physique)

Nous proposons plusieurs sujets de thèse ou de postdoc à l’Inria Grenoble en modélisation numérique, à l’interface entre simulation numérique et physique

Ci-dessous deux sujets, l’un sur la modélisation physique de nœuds, l’autre sur la modélisation physique de textiles tricotés (encadrants: Mélina Skouras, Thibaut Métivet, et Florence Bertails-Descoubes) :

Un autre sujet sur la modélisation de plumes est également ouvert (me contacter pour plus de détails si intéressé(e), profil expérimental ou numérique bienvenu pour ce sujet).

N’hésitez pas à faire suivre à tout(e) étudiant(e) susceptible d’être intéressé(e).

Bien cordialement,

Florence Bertails-Descoubes


Post-doc « Cracking the glass problem »(LPTMS Orsay)

A Post-doctoral position is open at LPTMS Orsay on the Statistical Physics of 
Glassy Systems within the Simons collaboration « Cracking the glass problem ». 
The post-docs will work in collaboration with S. Franz and other researchers in 
the Paris area and beyond on the following themes: 1. Statistical mechanics of 
disordered systems: glasses, spin glasses, elastic disordered systems, elasto-plastic models, etc. 2. Applications of statistical physics to other disciplines 
(computer science, inference and statistics, biology). Funding is available for at 
least two years of employment. The position can start at flexible dates but 
preferably in Autumn 2020.

Applications should be sent to
and They will comprise a CV, a publication list and two recommendation letters.


postdoc « Membranes élastomères diélectriques utilisées comme haut-parleurs : analyse et amélioration des couplages électromécaniques »

à l’IMSIA, ENSTA-Paris MSSMAT, Centrale Supélec GEEPS, Centrale Supélec


postdoc statphys of active/driven matter (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK)

Two postdoc vacancies in statphys of active/driven matter at DAMTP, Cambridge, UK

We are currently seeking two Postdoctoral Research Associates in the 
Soft Matter Group in Cambridge’s Department of Applied Mathematics 
and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) to work on Statistical Physics of Active 
and/or Driven Matter.

From: Mike Cates <>


postdoc limitation du gonflement crystallin des argiles (laboratoire Navier)

Voici une offre de postdoc au Laboratoire Navier (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech) sur la limitation du gonflement crystallin des argiles. C’est un sujet à l’interface entre la physique des milieux poreux adsorbants et la mécanique.


Postdoc « Modeling extruded polyolefin foaming », MINES ParisTech – CEMEF ( Sophia Antipolis)

Pourriez-vous SVP rediffuser cette année pour un post-doc chez nous?
Postdoc  » Modeling extruded polyolefin foaming » at MINES ParisTech – CEMEF ( Sophia Antipolis)

Annonce en pdf

Merci pour aide.
Bien cordialement.



CS10207 – F-06904 Sophia Antipolis cedex
 Tél: 04 93 95 75 89

postdoc Dissipative and Active Metamaterials (U.Amsterdam)

————————–Dear colleagues, 
I would like to advertise openings for Postdoc position my group ( at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, funded by an ERC Starting grant in the area of « Dissipative and Active Metamaterials”.

Further details about the position and the application procedure can be found at this link for the postdoc opening

I would be most indebted if you could forward this email to excellent and highly motivated potential candidates.
Kind regards,
Corentin Coulais


postdoc « Biomimetic Soft Robotics to study the Biomechanics of Swallowing » (UMR SayFood)


Postdoctoral position at the Institute for Complex Systems CNR, Rome (Italy)

Postdoctoral position at the Institute for Complex Systems CNR, Rome (Italy)

The ideal training is in statistical physics. The research will focus on theoretical and computational modeling in the field of granular and active matter and stochastic thermodynamics, within the research project « Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium systems and transport phenomena (CO-NEST) ».

The position is for one year with automatic renewal for a second year following satisfactory progress, starting before August 2020.

Interested candidates should send their CV to by the end of March.


Post-doc positions (fluid mechanics and biophysics) at University of Oslo

Post-doc positions are open at the University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics in the fields of fluid mechanics, biophysics and soft matter physics. These positions may allow us to define projects without being limited to pre-existing projects. Several additional positions about droplet elastohydrodynamics (experimental and simulations) will open up in the spring.

Post-doc: Fluid mechanics:


Candidates are urged to contact me for additional information and details about the application procedure.

With best regards
Andreas Carlson
Associate Professor 
Department of Mathematics 
University of Oslo

Phone: (+47) 228-57223
Skype: carlsona