Archives de catégorie : conférences/écoles

Modelling and Computational Challenges in Granular Flows, WCCM, 22-27/7, NY, USA

Chers collègues,

nous organisons, Ken Kamrin, Thomas Weinhart et moi-même, un mini-symposium intitulé “Modelling and Computational Challenges in Granular Flows” pour le 13ème World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM), qui aura lieu du 22 au 27 juillet 2018 à New-York City. Le descriptif du mini-symposium est donné en fin de ce message.

Nous vous invitons à soumettre un abstract depuis le site de la conférence (, la date limite de soumission étant fixée au 31 décembre 2017.

N’hésitez pas à transmettre cette invitation à vos collègues ou étudiants !

Bien cordialement,

Ken, Thomas et Rudy

Session details:

Title: Modelling and Computational Challenges in Granular Flows

Keywords: Granular flows, Computational Methods, Fluid Dynamics.

Abstract: Granular flows are ubiquitous in many fields such as industrial processing, mining, energy production, food powders, biology, geoscience, or mechanical and civil engineering. The analysis and prediction of these flows is challenging as they often occur in complex geometries and their rheology can be influenced by many microscopic and macroscopic parameters. Different computational approaches exist:

– Discrete particle methods (DPMs) are a very powerful computational tool that allows the simulation of individual particles with complex interactions, arbitrary shapes, in arbitrary geometries, by solving Newton’s laws for each particle. This means elaborate interactions of sintering, breaking and agglomeration of particles can be captured by the contact model. However, this method is computationally expensive and is not able to deal with the vast number of particles involved in full-scale industrial or environmental situations.

– On the other hand, continuum methods can simulate the volume of real industrial flows, but have to make averaging approximations and require physical modelling, sometimes inspired by DPM results. Once these averaged parameters have been tuned via experimental data, these models can be surprisingly accurate but their general applicability is still to demonstrate.

An accurate prediction of granular flow is very important for the efficiency and safety of the design of many engineering and industrial applications. This mini-symposium aims to provide an opportunity for physicists, engineers, applied mathematicians and computational scientists to discuss the current progress and latest advancements in the field of advanced modelling and numerical methods for predicting granular flows. The focus will be on new rheological models, computational methods, improved algorithms and the modelling of interesting industrial and academic applications. Submissions can include, but are not limited to the following aspects: capturing shape and surface properties of grains; erosion and deposition; segregation; sintering; fluid-particle interaction; cohesive grains; non-local continuum theories; applications; and, description of benchmark problems for the community.

Réunion GDR « nouveaux défis en mécanique de la rupture » (27 et et 28 novembre 2017)

le GDR MePhy et l‘Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert organise un atelier de deux jours les 27 et 28 novembre 2017 sur les nouveaux défis en mécanique de la rupture.

voir la page web de la rencontre :

De nombreuses avancées ont eu lieu ces dernières années en mécanique de la rupture. Citons par exemple

  • Rupture de matériaux hétérogènes et approches statistiques
  • Rupture dynamique
  • Friction en relation avec la rupture en mode II
  • Rupture en mode I+III  (seuild d’instabilité / fragmentation du front de fissure …)
  • Transition fragile/ductile (aspects atomistiques … )
  • Critères d’amorçage de fissure (approche variationnelle / critères mixtes … )
  • Trajets de fissure (interaction entre fissure / structure élancées / instabilités …)

Le but de ces journées et de faire le point sur ces développements récents, et de présenter également les nouvelles questions d’intérêt pour les années à venir.

Nous  souhaitons accueillir les présentations d’un maximum de participants. Les présentations de doctorants/jeunes chercheurs seront particulièrement appréciées afin de faire un état des lieux des recherches en cours.


Inscriptions avant le 10 novembre

Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire.

Réponse à retourner à avec les renseignements suivants:

 Je souhaite faire une présentation sur le sujet:
 inscription pour le déjeuner 27/11 (O/N) :
 inscription pour le repas du soir 27/11 (O/N) :
 inscription pour le déjeuner 28/11 (O/N) :

Fundamental Problems in Active Matter (Aspen 2018)

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the ASPEN winter conference on « Fundamental Problems in Active Matter ». The conference will be held at the Aspen Center for Physics from Sunday, January 28 to Saturday, February 3, 2018:

The past few years have witnessed an upsurge of studies at the crossroads of chemistry, biology, and physics. The aim of this Aspen Winter Conference is to bring together, through talks and focused discussions, researchers from these diverse disciplines to exchange viewpoints and chart a roadmap going forward that melds the different approaches to the study of this exciting area.

A typical day will be organized around talks in the morning and in the evening, and focused discussions in between. There will also be ample time to benefit from informal discussions with colleagues, as well as taking full advantage of the nearby ski resort. The Aspen Center for Physics also offers offices which can be used for private discussions and work. We hope to see all the registered attendees through the entire conference, arriving on Sunday and leaving on Saturday.

Registration fees are $400 per person. Everyone, including organizers and invited speakers, must pay the registration fee. It is refundable, if attendance is cancelled. No food is included in this fee. The registration can be done on the website of Aspen Center for Physics:

*Deadline to apply is October 31, 2017.*

Limited and partial financial support may be available, aimed preferentially towards young researchers, based on merit and need.

Please find below a list of invited participants.

Best wishes,

Aparna Baskaran, Ayusman Sen, Julien Tailleur

* Igor Aranson (Penn State)
* Dean Astumian (University of Maine)
* Anna Balazs (University of Pittsburgh)
* Denis Bartolo (ENS Lyon)
* Andreas Bausch (Technische Universität München)
* Mark Bowick (Syracuse University)
* John Brady (California Institute of Technology)
* Chase Broederz (Ludwig Maximilians Universität München)
* Hugues Chaté (CAE Saclay)
* Cécile Cottin-Bizonne (Université Lyon 1)
* Roberto Di Leonardo (Sapienza Università di Roma)
* Nikhta Fakhri (MIT)
* Peer Fischer (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
* Seth Fraden (Brandeis University)
* Ambarish Ghosh (Indian Institute of Science)
* Jeff Gore (MIT)
* Steve Granick (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
* Oskar Hallatschek (Berkeley University of California)
* Yariv Kafri (Technion)
* Raymond Kapral (University of Toronto)
* Kirill Korolev (Boston University)
* Eric Lauga (University of Cambridge) ∗
* Cristina Marchetti (Syracuse University)
* Michael Murrell (Yale University)
* Daniel Needleman (Harvard University)
* Nicholas Ouellette (Stanford University)
* Jeremy Palacci (University of California San Diego)
* Wilson Poon (University of Edinburgh)
* Jennifer Ross (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
* Samuel Sánchez (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia)
* Alvaro Sanchez (Yale University)
* Masaki Sano (the University of Tokyo)
* Michael Shelley (New York University)
* Alexandre Solon (MIT)
* Vincenzo Vittelli (Leiden University)

∗ To be confirmed


Dr Julien Tailleur
Responsable de l’équipe Théorie des Systèmes Complexes
Laboratoire MSC
Université Paris Diderot
Bâtiment Condorcet
10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
75205 Paris cedex 13
Tél : +33 (0)1 57 27 70 64
Fax : +33 (0)1 57 27 62 11
web :

Réunion GdR MéPhy Fibres et milieux fibreux 04 décembre 2017

Réunion GdR MéPhy le lundi 04 décembre 2017

*Fibres et milieux fibreux*

Le GdR MéPhy organise un atelier sur les systèmes composés de fibres:
– suspensions de fibres denses ou diluées;
– empilements de fibres et systèmes enchevêtrés;
– réseaux de fibres biologiques, notamment actifs.
Il s’agit en particulier de discuter du rôle du rapport d’aspect, de la rigidité, de la fraction volumique et du frottement des fibres sur les propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques des milieux fibreux, ainsi que de l’interaction fluide-structure sur la dynamique de transport de fibres. Cette journée sera l’occasion de réunir des communautés voisines, travaillant à différentes échelles, pour discuter ensemble de ces thèmes.

La réunion aura lieu le lundi 04 décembre 2017 à l’ESPCI, amphi Urbain.
Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire.
Page oueb de la rencontre:

Réponse à retourner à avec les renseignements suivants:
Je prendrai le déjeuner sur place:
Je souhaite faire une présentation sur le sujet:


Comité d’organisation de cette journée: P. Claudin, A. Lindner & D. Rodney

European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologne, juillet 2018)

Dans le cadre de  10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (juillet 2018, à Bologne),  le GDR participe à l’organisation d’un mini-symposium:
The past years have seen a renewed interest in the physics community for solid mechanics. Physicists, mainly condensed matter physicists, have started to revisit problems of mechanics and materials, thought to be classical by engineers and mechanicians. This renewed interest brought a research stimulus in the solid mechanics community. An example can be found in the theme of elastic structures where buckling, once thought as something to avoid, is now used to design and optimize systems: soft structures working in the post-critical regime are bringing new functionalities while still exhibiting excellent mechanical performances. Other examples can be found in biomechanics, the interplay between fluid and solids, growth and form, fracture mechanics.

The goal of this mini-symposium is to bring the solid mechanics and physics communities together for exchange of ideas, cross-fertilization, and new collaborations. We believe each community has its own tools and paradigms to bring: statistical physics on one side, and continuum mechanics on the other for example. We believe the emerging mechanics-physics community will be gathered around common tools (applied mathematics, nonlinear dynamics, proof-of-concept experiments, …) rather than a precise theme.


examples (images : C.Coulais / D.Vella / N.Vandenberghe / L.Ponson / N.Tryantafillidis/ A.Lazarus / M.Arroyo) .

important dates for ECSM2018

November 15, 2017 Deadline for abstract submission

January 31, 2018  Notification of abstract acceptance

March 31, 2018  Deadline for early registration

July 2 – 6, 2018    10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna

Sebastien Neukirch (CNRS/UPMC),
Benoit Roman (CNRS/UPMC),
Keith Seffen (University of Cambridge),
Francesco Dal Corso (University of Trento)

Mini-Symposium on Homogenisation, European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, July 2018)

Mini-symposium description

Composite materials are considered in a very broad sense. A matrix phase can be reinforced/weakened with continuous fibers, short fibers, particles or platelets or even more phases. The matrix materials can be thermoset polymers, thermoplastic polymers, elastomers, gels, metals, concrete etc. The reinforcements can be continuous Carbon or ceramic fibers, short glass fibers, nanoclay particles, Carbon nanotubes, iron particles, multi-phase alloys (e.g., TRIP steels) among others. The effective response thus can be mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal or any combination of those, e.g., magnetoactive, electroactive, thermomechanical etc.

In addition, porous or micro-cracked materials are also viewed in this MS as « composites », where the matrix phase can contain micro-cavities or micro-cracks.

The present MS invites contributions for all the above-mentioned cases with an emphasis on the micromechanical, homogenization, scale-transition or multi-scale modeling methods that could also include experiments. Non-restrictive examples are the following:

– direct finite element simulations of representative volume elements;

– methods of cells, subcells and transformation field analysis;

– asymptotic or mathematical homogenization theory;

– mean-field homogenization methods;

– linking continuum mechanics at the matrix phase level and molecular dynamics or atomistic scale simulations at the levels of nano-particles or matrix/inclusions interphases or interfaces.

– homogenization of active composite materials such as magnetoactive or electroactive polymers, piezoelectric composites etc.

Emphasis is put on the nonlinear behavior such as nonlinear elasticity, plasticity, viscoplasticity, coupled elasto-viscoelasticity-viscoplasticity, damage, fatigue, etc., at small or large deformations.


Important dates for ECSM2018

November 15, 2017 Deadline for abstract submission

January 31, 2018  Notification of abstract acceptance

March 31, 2018  Deadline for early registration

July 2 – 6, 2018    10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna

Issam Doghri (Université catholique de Louvain),
Kostas Danas (Ecole Polytechnique),
Nicolas Triantafyllidis (Ecole Polytechnique),
Pedro Ponte Castañeda (University of Pennsylvania)

Complex and Disordered Materials, World Congress on Computational Mechanics (New York, July 22-28, 2018)

A mini-symposium entitled “Mechanical response of complex and disordered materials” will take place 
at the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics to be held July 22-27, 2018 in New York City.

Abstract: This mini-symposium focuses on the small scale mechanical response of complex materials (disordered materials, glasses, granular media, beam lattices, fibreous materials, etc.) subjected to mechanical load. These materials exhibit complex inhomogeneous deformations, with strain localization and/or history dependence, yielding to unusual visco-plastic properties.
The application of numerical approaches for analyzing the response of the complex microstructure of disordered materials has resulted in a coupling between scales, with the goal of formulating a continuum description of the mechanical response at large scale from first principles. Such approaches include molecular dynamics simulations, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, coarse-graining methods, second-gradient or Cosserat modelization, and mesoscopic modelling.
The purpose of the meeting is to answer the following questions: How may one take into account the microstructure of such disordered materials? How much precision is required for adequately capturing particular properties? Is there a length scale dependence in the continuum description of such systems? What is the most appropriate way to transfer information from the lower to the upper length scale.
The mini-symposium will be organized into successive sessions, interspersed with time slots specifically devoted to thematic discussions.
It will promote interactions between participants from mechanical engineering, computational mechanics as well as condensed matter and statistical physics.

More informations on
Call for abstract will start in the mid-October

Waiting to see you there

Tristan Albaret, Michael Falk, Anne Tanguy, Damien Vandembroucq

Liquids @ interfaces (deadline 30 septembre)

This is a reminder for the coming meeting of  GDR « Liquids at Interfaces », which will be held at the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Physics (LIPhy) in Grenoble, France, from October 23rd to October 25th 2017.

Registrations and contributions are still welcome until September 30th !

If you want to attend the workshop and present your work, go to the following website:
Follow the « submit » link on the main page, log in or create your account, and go through the « register » page as well as through the « submissions » page to upload the abstract of your contribution.

The event is free of charges, including registration and meals, but is limited to 55 participants. In addition, 30 free accomodations, close to the workshop site, are available on the « first-come first-served » basis.

Looking forward to meeting you at the workshop !

Best regards,

Abdelhamid Maali, Thomas Salez and Lionel Bureau

Dynamics days (Denver, janvier 2018)

The Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado at Boulder announces:

Dynamics Days US 2018
January 4-6, 2018
Marriott City Center, Denver, Colorado

Dynamics Days is an international conference on nonlinear dynamics, chaos and its applications. Talks will cover a broad range of topics, including fluid dynamics, biological systems, dynamics on networks, synchronization of nonlinear systems, and pattern formation.

Dynamics Days 2018 will take place in the Marriott City Center in downtown Denver, Colorado, from Thursday, January 4 to Saturday, January 6, 2018. The invited speakers are

Elizabeth Bradley (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Peter Dodds (University of Vermont)
Alain Goriely (Oxford University)
Mark Hoefer (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Peko Hosoi (MIT)
Steven Haase (Duke University)
James Hudspeth (Rockefeller University)
William Irvine (University of Chicago)
Chris Jones (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Panos Kevrekidis (University Massachusetts Amherst)
Nathan Kutz (University of Washington)
Laura Miller (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Cris Moore (Santa Fe Institute)
Kandice Tanner (National Cancer Institute)
Jean Luc Thiffeault (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

For further information about the conference program, online registration, abstract submission, and travel support for graduate students and postdocs, please visit the conference website:

or contact us at

Registration, abstract submission and hotel registration with the conference rate are open.


Abstract submission for posters: Dec 15th
Abstract submission for contributed talks: November 9th
Early Registration: December 14th
Hotel Reservation: December 15th

Conference fees:

Early Registration (by Dec 14th): $150 for students/postdocs, $250 for faculty
Late Registration: $200 for students/postdocs, $300 for faculty

We anticipate that we will be able to offer a number of travel awards for students and postdocs. Please indicate your desire to be considered for such an award when submitting an abstract. Notifications of travel support award decisions will be sent by email at the end of November.

We encourage you to print out and post a copy of the conference announcement poster available at:

We hope to see you in Denver in January,

The organizing committee,

Local: Juan G. Restrepo, Jim Meiss, Patrick Shipman, Randy Tagg.
Advising: Wolfgang Losert, Mason Porter, Mary Silber.


Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder, NSF.
Additional funding pending.

iphloem 2017 (date limite 8 sept) octobre 2017

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to announce iPhloem 2017 – a workshop on the physics, physiology and genetics of sugar transport in plants.

The meeting will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark | October 5-6, 2017.

Meeting website:

The main topics of the workshop will be:
– Fluid dynamics of sugar transport and sap flow in plants
– Phloem loading and unloading
– Plasmodesmal structure and function
– Vascular architecture
– Bioimaging and biomimetics

Confirmed speakers:
Robert Turgeon (Cornell University)
Howard A. Stone (Princeton University)
Yrjö Helariutta (University of Cambridge)
Jessica Savage (University of Minnesota)
Alexander Schulz (University of Copenhagen)
Uwe Sonnewald (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Ulrich Hammes (Universität Regensburg)
Johannes Liesche (Northwest A&F University)
Kirsten Knox (University of Edinburgh)
Jessica Gersony (Harvard University)

Registration and abstract submission deadline: 8 September 2017

Green plants are Earth’s primary solar energy collectors, and the vision of enhancing plant productivity to ensure population- and food security in the 21st century has stimulated enormous scientific interest. Using breeding and genetic tools, the goal is to develop plants with enhanced ability to perform photosynthesis and distribute energy-rich sugars across the plant body. To succeed in this effort an in-depth understanding of the physical and biological constraints on sugar transport and resource allocation in plants is required. The sensitivity of plant cells, however, has hampered the development of experimental tools to reach this goal. This, combined with the lack of appropriate biomimetic models has made it exceedingly difficult to shed light on several highly important biological processes.

By bringing together scientists from different disciplines for an intense working group, we propose to catalyze advances in elucidating basic mechanisms and constraints on sugar transport in plants. We will bring together leading and emerging researchers – as well as students – from plant physiology and genetics, physics, and engineering, in a 2-day workshop. Our goal is to create an interdisciplinary environment that can address key fundamental questions at the interface between physics, physiology and molecular biology, with strong impact on future crop development programs, as well as bioinspired systems.

We look forward to an inspiring meeting in Copenhagen.

Best wishes,
Kaare H. Jensen, Missy Holbrook and Michael Knoblauch