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Online seminars at LMS, Ecole Polytechnique – Youtube Channel

Upcoming seminars:
LMS seminars will recommence in fall 2020.

YouTube channel entitled « LMS Seminars« :
The recording of a seminar will be uploaded on this channel within a few days after the seminar is held.
Below are the links to the previously recorded seminars:

Subscribe to Public Calendar

Since April 2020, we have been live telecasting our weekly seminars. Up-to-date information on all seminars (including abstract and biography of the speaker) and links to join them can be found in our publicly shared google calendar:

Twitter account:@LmsSeminars

You can also follow the lms seminars via our Twitter account:@LmsSeminars (
We will regularly post updates of our seminars, links to the live telecast and links to the YouTube videos of past seminars via this handle.

Subscription to LMS email lists

  • If you are subscribed to any of our lms mailing lists, then your subscription will be automatically transferred to our new seminar mailing list.
  • If you or your colleagues would like to subscribe to our seminar mailing list, then please 
    send an email to with the text « Subscription to the LMS seminar mailing list ».

Organised by
Manas V. Upadhyay
Assistant Professor

Solid Mechanics Laboratory (LMS)
Department of Mechanics, Ecole Polytechnique
Route de Saclay
91128 Palaiseau Cedex

Interdisciplinary Online Seminar Series on Biolocomotion

Dear colleague,

In our group, we have enjoyed the privilege to work in a highly interdisciplinary environment for many years, and the « Interdisciplinary Online Seminar Series on Biolocomotion » is born from the desire to continue our fruitful discussions online. While triggered by the Corona virus and the suspension of traveling, online seminars turn out to be a invaluable way of promoting international exchange and discussions with researchers around the world without the need for CO2 emissions from long-haul flights.

The idea of this seminar is to bring together researchers from Biology, Engineering, Numerics, Applied Math, Robotics and Physics working on the topic of biolocomotion. While our primary focus is on insect flight, we also welcome other contributions in related fields.

A non-exhaustive list of possible topics includes:

    * Biology (Locomotor behaviors and control, muscle function, sensors and sensory processing, feedback cascades, neural coding, interactions with the environment, mechanics)
    * Mathematics (applied) (Modeling, numerical methods, scientific computing, reduced order models, sparse data representation, wavelets)
    * Physics (Modeling, elasticity and fluid-structure interaction, aero- and hydrodynamics, turbulence, material science)
    * Engineering (Biomimetics & bioinspiration, robotics, flight control, manufacturing, autonomous systems)

We explicitly welcome contributions employing experimental, numerical and theoretical methodology, as well as all forms of locomotion: flying (primarily), swimming and walking. Speakers are invited by the organizing committee, but you can also contact us at if you want to give a presentation.

Researchers and students at any level (B.Sc., M.Sc or Ph.D) from any university or research institution are very welcome to participate and listen to the seminar. If you want to participate, please register at You cannot participate without registration. There is no registration fee or any other fee, the seminar is free of charge and will always be. We value your privacy and will send emails only to announce seminar talks about a week in advance, and to communicate the link for participation a few hours before the talk. Currently, talks are given via the ZOOM software, but that might be changed in the future.

Please share this invitation with your students and colleagues who might be interested!

Typical presentations are around 40 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for questions. The usual slot for seminars is Wednesday 14:00 CEST (Rostock / Marseille time), but for speakers from overseas the slot can be shifted to 10:00 CEST (17:00 Tokyo time) or 16:00 CEST (10:00 New York time).

Please see

for further details and the updated list of speakers.

The first talks will be:

« Fish-like locomotion using bio-inspired plates« 
27.05.2020, 15:00 CEST Ersan Demirer, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

« Insect locomotion in granular materials: context and mechanisms« 
03.06.2020, 14h00 CEST, Prof. Dr. Jérôme Casas and Dr. Miguel Piñeirua, Tours Université, France
« Bio-inspired actuation and aquatic locomotion using piezoelectric materials »
10.06.2020, 15:00 CEST, Prof. Dr. Alper Erturk, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

« Numerical simulations of a butterfly-like flapping wing-body model: effects of wing planform, mass, and flexibility« 
01.07.2020, 10:00 CEST Prof. Dr. Kosuke Suzuki, Shinshu University, Japan

We are very much looking forward to exciting presentations and fruitful discussions,
the organizing committee,

Dr. Thomas Engels, Universität Rostock
Prof. Dr. Fritz-Olaf Lehmann, Universität Rostock
Prof. Dr. Kai Schneider, Aix-Marseille Université

EML Webinar, Every Wednesday (4pm, Paris-time)

Every Wednesday at 10 am Boston, 3 pm London, 4pm Paris, 10 pm Beijing. 
Join in two ways:

Upcoming EML Webinars

27 May 2020, Norman Fleck, The University of Cambridge.

3 June 2020, Rob Wood, Harvard. Discussion leader: Rob Howe, Harvard.

Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML) seeks to publish research of immediacy, depth, and originality. Through lectures and discussions, EML Webinars shed light on the forefront of research, as well as the formative years of researchers. Videos of EML Webinars are posted at YouTubeFacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Weibo

Recent EML Webinars

20 May 2020, Metin Sitti, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Soft-bodied Magnetic Small-scale Mobile Robots. Discussion leader: John Rogers, Northwestern.

13 May 2020, Katia Bertoldi, Harvard. Multistable structures – from energy trapping to morphing. Discussion leader: Davide Bigoni, University of Trento. Video: Youtube and Weibo.

6 May 2020, Xuanhe Zhao, MIT, Extreme mechanics of soft materials for merging human-machine intelligence. Discussion leader: Dave Weitz, Harvard. Video: YouTube and Weibo.

29 April 2020, Huajian Gao, Nanyang Technological University, Institute of High Performance Computing. Simulation-assisted discovery of membrane targeting nanomedicine. Discussion leader: Markus Buehler, MIT. Video: YouTube or Weibo.

22 April 2020, John A. Rogers, Northwestern University. Enabling Ideas in the Mechanics of Bio-Integrated Electronic Systems – From COVID-19 Patients to Engineered Mini-Brains. Discussion leader: Jimmy Hsia, NTU.  Video: YouTube or Weibo.

15 April 2020, John W. Hutchinson, Harvard University. New developments in shell stability. Discussion leader: Zhigang Suo, Harvard.  Video: YouTube or Weibo.

report du symposium en l’honneur d’Yves Couder

Dear all

Unfortunately due the actual situation the symposium in the memory of Yves Couder initially scheduled in June is postponed to october 2020.

We will keep you informed as soon as the situation will permit. Information will be also updated on the conference web site

We wish you all the best and of course to remain safe.

Matthieu Labousse for the organizing committee.

17èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée: report de la date de soumission

Compte tenu de la situation sanitaire, la date limite de soumission d’abstracts aux 17èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC17) a été repoussée au 13 Mai 2020.

Cette nouvelle date s’applique en particulier aux deux mini-colloques suivants, qui sont soutenus par le GDR Mephy:

MMM11: Milieux Granulaires: du micro au macro, du grain aux écoulements naturels et industriels

MMM12: Frottement solide: des échelles microscopiques à la dynamique macroscopique

Workshop at the Nordita program « Complexity in the Physics of Fracture »

Workshop at the Nordita program « Complexity in the Physics of Fracture »

The research program will also include a workshop on the (statistical) physics 
of fracture, on the 7-8 May to be precise. There are some slots for contributions 
(talk, poster). Please see the program website
and/or contact the organizers.
Deadline for applications: Mar 22nd, 2020.

Colloque en l’honneur de Philippe Destuynder (La Rochelle, juin 2020)

Chers collègues, chers amis,

L’objet de ce message est de vous informer de la prochaine tenue, dans les locaux de l’Université de La Rochelle, d’un colloque en l’honneur de Philippe Destuynder, à l’occasion de son départ à la retraite et en reconnaissance pour toute son activité scientifique.

Si vous êtes disponibles aux dates concernées ce sera bien sûr avec un très grand plaisir que l’on vous recevra à La Rochelle. Toutes les informations utiles, y compris le formulaire d’inscription, sont rassemblées sur le site suivant

On joint également l’affiche du colloque, que bien sûr vous pouvez afficher aux endroits habituels dans votre laboratoire.  On insiste sur le fait que l’inscription est gratuite, mais obligatoire; outre la présence aux conférences, elle comprend les pauses cafés, les déjeuners et la soirée de banquet.

Espérant donc vous voir à La Rochelle,

Bien cordialement

Aziz Hamdouni, Alain Léger

« Instabilities in Solids and Structures » ASME-International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (Portland, Nov 2020)

We, the AMD IiSS Technical Committee organizers, are pleased to continue our long-standing tradition of arranging a symposium on « Instabilities in Solids and Structures » at the annual ASME-International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE).  The Congress this year will be held in Portland, Oregon during the period of November 15-19, 2020.  Contributions on instability in both material and structural systems are welcome.  As you are aware, this is a major mechanical engineering meeting with upwards of 2,000 international participants.  Our Technical Committee has participated with success in the Congress since 1994 and we certainly would like to keep up this tradition.

Our symposium accepts ONLY « Presentation Only » abstracts and the « Presentation Only Abstract Submission » deadline this year is July 13, 2020.
(This is a hard deadline; do not expect an extension.)

Upload your abstract at your earliest convenience; the symposium is in the Track 12 « Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids » as Topic « 12-37 Instabilities in Solids and Structures« 

This year, we are pleased to continue our collaboration with the ASME AMD Technical Committee on Soft Matter.  If you work on problems in this area that include instabilities, we encourage you to submit an abstract.

Please let us know by return e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.

Ryan S. Elliott
Kostas Danas
Stavros Gaitanaros
Francisco Lopez Jimenez
Dai Okumura