Archives de l’auteur : jmarthel

Workshop Designing soft matter in and out of equilibrium (Jan 30-Feb 3 2023, Leiden)

We would like to invite you to our workshop:

Designing soft matter in and out of equilibrium
30 January – 3 February 2023
Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands

More information about the program is available here:
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in attending.

Prof. Marjolein Dijkstra (Utrecht University)
Prof. Thomas M. Truskett (University of Texas at Austin)
Dr. Alberto Pérez de Alba Ortíz (Utrecht University)

Workshop Grandes transformations (Aussois, Jan23-Jan27 2023)

Le colloque Aussois 2023 de l’Association MECAMAT a pour thème :
Grandes transformations : aujourd’hui… demain

Le colloque se tiendra du 23 au 27 Janvier 2023 au Centre CNRS Paul Langevin à Aussois.
Les informations relatives au colloque sont disponibles sur notre site : avec un programme alléchant ! (

La date limite d’inscription est fixée au 31 Octobre 2022

Workshop From Soft Matter to Biophysics (Les Houches, Jan29-Feb3 2023)

A workshop in honour of Jean-François Joanny.

Over the last two decades, knowledge acquired on inert soft matter systems has led to spectacular progress in the development of a quantitative understanding of biological systems. These fundamentally out-of-equilibrium systems range from the molecular constituents of the living cell via cells and tissues to schools of fish and herds of wildebeest.

This research at the crossroad of soft-matter and biological physics gave birth to a new field in statistical physics, known as “active matter”. Active matter is characterized by its non-equilibrium nature originating from the microscopic constituents of the material themselves. Examples involve the collective behavior of bacteria swarms to bird flocks, enzyme activity and growing tissues, or the whiplike motion of the swimming sperms tail.

The search for generic theories and universal physical features, ranging from inert soft matter to biological systems, has been the hallmark of the distinguished scientific work of Jean-François Joanny.

In honor of his achievements, this workshop is organized with a focus on the physical properties of soft matter, active and biological systems.

Registration will be opened from October 25th to November 4th 2022

Poste de maître de conférence (Laboratoire de mécanique des fluides- université de Lille)

L’ouverture d’un poste de maître de conférence dont l’enseignement se fera au département de mécanique de l’université de Lille et dont la recherche se fera au laboratoire de mécanique des fluides de Lille (sur les thématiques du laboratoire: turbulence de paroi, turbulence en rotation, aspect fondamentaux de la turbulence, turbomachines) a été confirmée par l’université. Nous souhaitons atteindre un maximum de candidats potentiels, qui peuvent être expérimentateurs, numériciens ou théoriciens dans ces thématiques, et nous n’avons pas de candidatures en local.

Les candidats intéressés peuvent contacter Jean-Philippe Laval, le directeur du LMFL ( pour discuter des aspects recherche ainsi que Emmanuel Leriche, directeur du département de mécanique de l’université de Lille ( pour discuter de l’enseignement.

A noter que les inscriptions à la qualification au poste de maître de conférence sont toujours ouverte et que les candidats peuvent faire leur dossier s’ils ne sont pas encore qualifiés

CISM – Call for Proposals for Courses

We are writing to let you know that course proposals, for the 2024 CISM programme, are welcome. Final decisions on courses for 2024 will be taken during the meeting of the Scientific Council on March 31, 2023.
The deadline for proposal submission for the academic year 2024, is March 1, 2023.

The proposals submission is available at
All proposals should be sent to

Postdoc failure of adhesive interface (Laboratoire Navier)

We open a postdoctoral position for a researcher with an experimental background on adhesion/fracture at Laboratoire Navier (Marne-la-Vallée, France). The goal of the project is to investigate the failure behaviour of micro-patterned adhesive interface. The project is expected to start during the first semester 2023. 

For more information, see the attached file. Do not hesitate to contact us (
Best regards,
Gwendal Cumunel, Mathias Lebihain, and Julien Léopoldès

Workshop Active days – Challenges in Active Matter (Cergy, 5-7 Dec 2022)

Active Matter (AM) is a new, fast growing interdisciplinary field at the interface between biology and statistical physics that aims to understand ensembles of active particles. The term “active” refers to the ability of the particle to convert energy into work, e.g. to self-propel. The ultimate goal of Active Matter is to develop a material science of living systems and shed light on highly relevant and diverse topics such as bacterial infections, cancer growth, tissue formation, and embryogenesis, as well as on the design and synthesis of biomimetic materials, which are likely to play a fundamental in medicine in the coming years.

Deadline registration: October 17, 2022

Assistant prof position soft matter (CBE University of Wisconsin-Madison)

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has several faculty openings at the assistant professor level. I’m contacting you because one area of importance in this search is soft matter, very broadly defined to include fluid dynamics and transport phenomena, complex fluids, interfacial phenomena, electrochemical processes, biophysics, etc.

The link to the application website is:

Michael D. Graham
University of Wisconsin-Madison