A workshop in honour of Jean-François Joanny.
Over the last two decades, knowledge acquired on inert soft matter systems has led to spectacular progress in the development of a quantitative understanding of biological systems. These fundamentally out-of-equilibrium systems range from the molecular constituents of the living cell via cells and tissues to schools of fish and herds of wildebeest.
This research at the crossroad of soft-matter and biological physics gave birth to a new field in statistical physics, known as “active matter”. Active matter is characterized by its non-equilibrium nature originating from the microscopic constituents of the material themselves. Examples involve the collective behavior of bacteria swarms to bird flocks, enzyme activity and growing tissues, or the whiplike motion of the swimming sperms tail.
The search for generic theories and universal physical features, ranging from inert soft matter to biological systems, has been the hallmark of the distinguished scientific work of Jean-François Joanny.
In honor of his achievements, this workshop is organized with a focus on the physical properties of soft matter, active and biological systems.
Registration will be opened from October 25th to November 4th 2022