Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

Publications en hommage à / Tribute to Yves Couder

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro spécial dédié à Yves Couder,  aux Comptes-Rendus de l’ Académie des Sciences, Section Mécanique. Il est composé d’articles écrits par ses anciens étudiants, collègues et amis reprenant les thèmes  de recherche mais aussi d’enseignement qui ont jalonné la carrière de ce remarquable Professeur. Ce numéro spécial est accessible sur le lien suivant :

We are pleased to announce the publication of the special issue dedicated to Yves Couder, in the Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Section Mécanique. It is composed of articles written by his former students, colleagues and friends on the research and teaching themes that have marked the career of this remarkable Professor. This special issue is accessible on the  following link

Post-Doc Physical modeling of Drosophila morphogenesis (MSC Paris)

Dear colleagues,

In the frame of the ongoing collaboration between our groups at Matière et Systèmes Complexes (biophysics and modelling) and Institut Curie (genetics and developmental biology), we open a 2.5-year postdoc position at University of Paris – Diderot. It will be open until we will find a suitable candidate. We expect it to start in early 2021 and it can even start immediately.

The metamorphosis of Drosophila fly, from a maggot to an adult animal, is an ideal system to study the interplay between genetics and mechanics during morphogenesis (1). The dorsal thorax tissue, which is a monolayer of several thousands of cells, exhibits a remarkable left-right symmetrical metamorphosis, although its left and right parts arise from disjoined regions. Our recently acquired live imaging and data cover this metamorphosis from intracellular scale to tissue scale and from minutes to several days. The candidate will incorporate this wealth of experimental results within a multiscale modelling strategy to uncover how the genetic and mechanic information is established and exchanged throughout the tissue.

Analytical modeling skills are required in either statistical physics, or biophysics; numerical modeling skills are a plus. The candidate should be willing to actively interact with experimentalists. Past experience related with genetics and developmental biology could be a plus and the candidate might choose to participate in experiments.

Candidates should send a CV and a motivation letter to François Graner <> and arrange three reference
letters to be sent to the same address.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. Best

François Graner et Yohanns Bellaïche

(1) see for instance :

Bosveld F, Bonnet I, Guirao B, Tlili S, Wang Z, Petitalot A, Marchand
R, Bardet PL, Marcq P, Graner F, Bellaïche Y. 2012. Mechanical control
of morphogenesis by Fat/Dachsous/Four-jointed planar cell polarity
pathway. Science.  336 :724-7. PMID:  22499807.

Guirao B, Rigaud SU, Bosveld F, Bailles A, López-Gay J, Ishihara S,
Sugimura K, Graner F, Bellaïche Y. 2015 Unified quantitative
characterization of epithelial tissue development. Elife. pii: e08519.
doi: 10.7554/eLife.08519. PMID: 26653285

postdoc curved origami (FormFindingLab, Princeton)

I have a postdoctoral research position available at the Form Finding Lab at Princeton University for a project related to the mechanics of curved crease origami. 

contact : Sigrid   M. Adriaenssens

Post-Doc position at ENSTA Bretagne Non-linear rolling of ships in irregular seas

postdoc dynamique du mouillage de surfaces superhydrophobes microtexturées (InPhyNi)

voici annonce de post-doc d’un an à l’Institut de Physique de Nice, débutant à partir de janvier 2021./  Il concerne l’étude de la dynamique du mouillage de surfaces superhydrophobes microtexturées. Voir pdf joint et le lien pour candidater:

Workshop on Micromechanics, Statistics, and Hazards of Mechanical Failure, October 19-22, 2020

Workshop on Micromechanics, Statistics, and Hazards of Mechanical Failure, October 19-22, 2020

The interdisciplinary Workshop on Micromechanics, Statistics, and 
Hazards of Mechanical Failure (October 19-22, 2020) aims to establish 
a common understanding of the theoretical foundations and the practical 
characterization of avalanche phenomena and precursors to failure in 
mechanical systems, stimulating new interdisciplinary collaborations across 
different areas and contexts. List of speakers, schedule and info: Free registration:
Event organized by Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) and sponsored by the AXA Research Fund.

Assistant prof position in Mechanical Engineering (U. Nevada, Reno)

(from : James Hanna)

All areas of research will be given serious consideration.
We also expect a similarly open opening at the associate level to be approved soon.

APS March Meeting (deadline for abstract 23rd oct.)

Plusieurs sessions à signaler (liste non exhaustive)…

  • Geometrically-frustrated instabilities in solid mechanics” (D.Vella & B. Davidovitch) to take place at the APS March meeting 2021. (As you may know, March meeting will take place virtually from March 15-19 2021.)
    The invited speakers are Hillel Aharoni (Weizmann) and Shankar Venkataramani (U. of Arizona).
    If you would like to contribute an abstract, please do so, but we would also be grateful if you could encourage students and post-docs who might be interested too.
    The deadline for abstract submission is this coming Friday (23rd October) and the details of how to submit one are here.
  • « Wetting and Adhesion of Soft Materials: Dynamics and Instability » (J.Chopin) organizing as part of the next virtual APS March meeting, March 15-19. The invited speaker is Etienne Barthel from ESPCI Paris. Deadline to submit an abstract : this Friday, 23rd October.Submit your abstract here

post-doc « Confined bacteria in a drop: a model of active thermal bath » (ESPCI)

Dear all,

We have a post-doctoral position opening. It is part of an international
project involving the PMMH and Gulliver labs, as well as NYU and the
University of Chile. Details are included below. We would be grateful if
you could pass this information to suitable candidates. We are looking to
hire immediately.

Teresa Lopez-Leon.

Post-doctoral position at ESPCI Paris on active matter :
“Confined bacteria in a drop: a model of active thermal bath”

See details and contacts :

postdoc acoustic metamaterials (IMSIA-ENSTA)