Rencontre du Non-Linéaire (27-29 mars, Paris)

du 27 au 29 mars 2018 à Paris, Université Paris-Diderot

La Rencontre du Non-Linéaire rassemble tous les ans l’essentiel de la communauté francophone travaillant sur la dynamique non linéaire (hydrodynamique, optique, plasmas, mécanique, mathématiques appliquées, physico-chimie, biophysique, …).

La 21e Rencontre du Non Linéaire 2018 aura lieu les 27, 28 et 29 mars 2018 à l’Université Paris Diderot, à l’amphithéâtre Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris 13e.

Cette année, les orateurs invités seront :

  • Christophe Clanet (LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique) “Physics in modern Olympic Games”
  • Keith Moffatt (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK) “The Navier-Stokes Singularity Problem »
  •  Salima Rafaï (LIPHY, CNRS, Grenoble) “Du plancton comme modèle de particule active?”
  • Agnese Seminara (INPHYNI, CNRS, Nice) “Fungal spore discharge and dispersal in the atmosphere”

Cette année, le mini-colloque aura lieu le 27 mars 2018 et pour thème “Non-linéarité et tremblements de terre”. Il est organisé par X. Jia, F. Pétrélis et V. Vidal.

Calendrier et renseignements pratiques :
* 15 janvier 2018 : date limite de soumission des résumés pour les exposés longs (~ 20 min)
* fin janvier 2018 : sélection des exposés longs par le Comité Scientifique
* 26 février 2018 : date limite de soumission des articles pour les comptes-rendus
* 28 février 2018 : date limite de soumission des résumés pour les posters/exposés courts
* 27, 28 et 29 mars 2018 : RNL 2018

* Vous êtes tous conviés à participer à cette manifestation et à présenter une communication.
* L’inscription est gratuite et recommandée pour faciliter le travail des organisateurs. Elle est exigée pour présenter une communication.

* Pour plus d’informations et inscription :


Le Comité d’Organisation :

E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis et C.-T. Pham

Le Comité Scientifique :

S. Barland, J. Barré, E. Falcon, M.-C. Firpo, D. Gérard-Varet, M. Haragus, X. Jia, P. Marmottant, F. Pétrélis, C.-T. Pham, B. Roman, V. Vidal


postes Département Mécanique Ecole Polytechnique

Cher(e)s collègues,

j’aimerais attirer votre attention sur les postes ouverts cette année au département de mécanique de l’Ecole Polytechnique, à savoir:

-1 poste de professeur en mécanique des solides à temps complet
-1 poste de professeur assistant (eq. MDC) en mécanique des fluides à temps complet
-1 poste de professeur assistant (eq. MDC) en mécanique des solides à temps complet
-2 postes de professeurs chargés de cours à temps incomplet, profil industriel
-1 poste de professeur chargé de cours à temps incomplet

Les fiches de poste détaillées ainsi que les modalités de candidature sont consultables à l’adresse suivante:

Bien cordialement,
Christophe Josserand

postdoc Individual and collective motion of plant pathogen zoospores (INΦNI- Nice)

voir l’annonce du Post-doc en pdf

ATTENTION: Closing date: December 22th.

Post-doctoral position in Biophysics of active matter Individual and collective motion of plant pathogen zoospores

Institut de Physique de Nice (INΦNI) : Team MIMIC (Xavier Noblin) Institut Sophia Agrobiotech (ISA) : Team IPO (Eric Galiana)


This interdisciplinary project (COMOZOO funded by the IDEX UCAJEDI) examines the biophysics of motion of plant pathogen zoospores Phytophthora parasitica. Zoospores are 10 microns diameter biflagellate cells that present various swimming behaviors to colonize plant roots from wetted environments. Little is known about its individual and collective motion behavior. This project will establish methods to study and understand various behaviors using microfluidics systems, in particular individual swimming behavior, collective motion, response to chemical gradients, or motion in confined environment. This collaborative project is at the interface of physics and biology. The work will be mainly experimental on the more physical aspects in the Institut de Physique de Nice (Xavier Noblin, Céline Cohen, Philippe Thomen and soon the new website: but in strong interactions with the Institut Sophia Agrobiotech (Eric Galiana) and for the modelling part with a group in the Mathematics institute (Laboratoire J-A Dieudonné, Fernando Peruani). It will take advantage of expertise and resources in INΦNI (clean room, microscope facilities) but also in the ISA institute (confocal microscopy, biological material).

Right: Swarm formation in water under a ionic gradient. Image size: 1mm. Left: Zoospores tracking, image size: 400 μm


Applicants should be highly motivated with a strong interest and experience in Biophysics and physics of fluids. Experience with microscopy, microfluidics, PIV techniques, image analysis or biophysics is a plus. Ability to work independently in the context of a dynamic, interactive interdisciplinary group is essential.

Salary & Benefits: 2140 € Net. Duration: 1 year.

Details of how applicants should apply:

Candidates should send a letter of application and curriculum vitae with names and contact information for two or three referees to Xavier Noblin (

Closing date: December 22th.

Tenure track : Soft Condensed Matter Experiment (UMass@Amherst)

The Department of Physics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in soft-condensed matter experiment, to begin in September 2018.

The department has a vibrant, collaborative group of faculty working in many areas of soft condensed matter, with strength in both theoretical and experimental research. We seek candidates with an ambitious research plan, who will complement existing faculty in soft and quantum condensed matter and biophysics and take advantage of campus strengths in soft materials.

The candidate must have a PhD in Physics or a related discipline and be able to teach physics at all levels. Applications received by December 1, 2017 are assured of full consideration. To apply, submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research plans and teaching interests, and the names and contact information of three references to (link is external).


European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Active Materials Symposium (Glasgow, June 2018)

MS 58 “Experiments and modeling of smart active materials with electro-  and magneto-mechanical coupling“ (more info here)

The next European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM – ECFD) will take place from

June 11th to 15th, 2018, in Glaskow, UK.

The deadline for abstract submission is January 31st, 2018.

For more information and to contribute, visit the conference website:


We are looking forward to your contribution and to seeing you at the meeting.

Best regards,

George Chatzigeorgiou (CNRS, France)

Kostas Danas (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France)

Antonio J. Gil (Swansea University, UK)

Mokarram Hossain (Swansea University, UK)

Marc-Andre Keip (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Dennis Kochmann (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Paul D. Ledger (Swansea University, UK)

Prashant Saxena (IIT Hyderabad, India)

Jörg Schröder (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

European Solids Mechanics Conference (Bologna, July 2018)

La date limite pour les soumissions à la 10eme European Solids Mechanics Conference (Bologne, 2-6 Juillet 2018) est reportée au 10 décembre.

Le GDR attire l’attention sur plusieurs mini-symposiums :

Mechanics of slender structures in physics, biology, and engineering: from failure to functionality (27-29 august 2018, Bruxelles)




voir l’annonce en pdf

During the past decade, mechanical instabilities were exploited to design new classes of functional mechanisms making use of the geometrically nonlinear behavior of their post-buckling regimes. Using flexible structures is nowadays considered as a promising route to create devices with novel modes of functionality or metamaterials with tailored properties such as foldable 3D objects obtained from 2D sheets by combined origami and Kirigami, flexible/stretchable electronics, bioelectronics or soft actuators for robotic applications, etc. This shift in thinking leads also to new developments in biology, where slender and flexible structures are ubiquitous, such as a better understanding of the morphogenesis of organs, the motion and the shape of plants or the locomotion of aquatic animals.

The ambition of this meeting is to bring together internationally acclaimed experts as well as young researchers in mechanics, biomechanics, biolocomotion, material science and architecture to address the current scientific challenges in these various fields. The workshop will serve as a platform to stimulate discussions, to start long-term scientific collaborations and to promote progress at the porous boundaries between these research domains.


  • Elastic Instabilities of Slender Objects
  •  Foldable Structures/Origami/Kirigami
  •  Elasto-capillarity/Fluid-Structure Interaction
  •  Biomechanics
  •  Bio-Inspired Robotics/Stretchable Electronics


  • JOSÉ BICO (ESPCI, France)
  •  PIERRE-THOMAS BRUN (Princeton, USA)
  • ITAI COHEN (Cornell, USA)
  • ALAIN GORIELY (Oxford, UK)
  • FUMIYA IIDA (Cambridge, UK)
  • ELLEN KUHL (Stanford, USA)
  • STÉPHANIE LACOUR (EPFL, Switzerland)
  • SÉBASTIEN NEUKIRCH (Institut d’Alembert, France)
  • THOMAS SALEZ (Bordeaux, France)
  • THOMAS SPECK (Freiburg, Germany)
  • DOMINIC VELLA (Oxford, UK).


Applications for contributed talks and posters are welcome. A one-page abstract of the proposed contribution should be sent to Fabian Brau (email:
Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2018.

Attendance is free of charge but registration via the website is required.
Registration deadline: August 1, 2018.

For more information about the workshop (venue, hotels, etc.), please visit the website:
We look forward welcoming you in Brussels in August 2018.

F. Brau, P. Damman, N. De Temmerman, Y. Forterre, P. Reis, D. Reynaerts, D. Terwagne

conférence Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena (mai 2018)

voir l’annonce en pdf

Dear Colleague,
We are very glad to announce that we are launching the first workshop

SWEP “Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena” in Brighton, UK.

The workshop will start at 2pm on Thursday 17 May and terminates early in the afternoon of Friday 18 May. The workshop aims at providing a forum for researchers
to exchange knowledge on two-phase flows experiments, modeling and simulation, to discuss with worldwide experts their current research, and to propose a better comprehension on the effect of surface wettability on phase-change phenomena.
You will find more details on the flyer attached to this email.
Very sincerely yours,

Joël De Coninck
Professeur Ordinaire
Laboratoire de Physique des Surfaces et Interfaces
Centre de Recherche en Modélisation Moléculaire, MONS, BELGIUM

Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations conference (Carry, 3-6 juillet 2018)

7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and  Vortex-Induced Vibrations BBVIV-7

3-6 July 2018

Carry-le-Rouet (Marseille), France


  • 12 January 2018 Receipt of extended abstracts
  • 19 February 2018 Notification of acceptance of papers to authors
  • 25 May 2018 Deadline for early registration
  • 3-6 July 2018 BBVIV-7 Conference, Carry-le-Rouet, France


Further details of the organisation of BBVIV-7 will be posted on the symposium website as they become available.

Please check regularly at:


Enquiries can be directed to the chairmen of BBVIV-7:

C. H. K. Williamson (

T. Leweke (

Call for Course Proposals at CISM for 2019 and beyond

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to let you know that course proposals, for the 2019 CISM programme, are welcome. Final decisions on courses for 2019 will be taken during the meeting of the Scientific Council in May, 2018. A first evaluation of submitted proposals will be made during the Rectors’ Committee meeting next December.

The courses held at CISM are advanced schools (as defined in the guidelines) usually addressed to researchers in the academic world as well as to engineers doing research connected with advanced technical projects.
The typical duration of a course is usually one week (from Monday to Friday noon) with a maximum of about 35 lectures.

For more detailed information please see the “Guidelines for Proposers”

The proposals submission is available at

Each proposal is carefully screened with specific reference to scientific level and sustainability by our Scientific Council, which approves the scientific programme for the following year. The Scientific Council meeting is held in early may every year.

The deadline for proposal submission for the academic year 2019 is March 31, 2018.

In the effort to maximize the percentage of accepted proposals, it is highly recommended to submit the proposals by November 30, 2017.

All proposals should be sent to

More information about current, previous and future programmes of CISM may be found at our web site

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or need further information.

Looking forward to receiving your course proposals, we send you our best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Bernhard A. Schrefler, Secretary General
Paolo Gardonio, Deputy Secretary General

International Centre for Mechanical Sciences
Piazza Garibaldi 18
33100 Udine (Italy)
tel. +39-0432-248511
Fax +39-0432-248550
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