Postdoctoral position – plasticity of amorphous solids – ESPCI Paris

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached an announcement for postdoctoral positions about multi-scale modeling of plasticity in amorphous solids at the PMMH laboratory at ESPCI in Paris.

Annonce en pdf

Motivated candidates should directly contact with required materials.

If you know any potential candidates, please encourage them to apply too.
Details can also be found here

Best regards,

Sylvain Patinet

Summer school Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics (Grenoble sept 2018)

Summer school on « Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics » (3rd Edition)
Grenoble – 13th to 20th September 2018

Objectives: Important societal issues require to solve problems in mechanical and process engineering of increasing complexity. A key vector of progress relies on multi-scale and multi-physics approaches. The aim of this summer school is to make an overview of the different approaches, numerical and experimental techniques allowing to tackle this complexity. All the courses will be illustrated through various recent examples. Two days will be dedicated to practical exercises on « high tech demonstrators » based on the most up-to-date techniques and methods developed by partner laboratories of Tec21. Finally on thursday, invited lecturers will give a focus on «Instabilities in fluid and solid mechanics ».

• Web Page:

The number of participants is limited and registrations are subject to availability. Registration dead line: 1rst September 2018.

• Online registration:

The Organizing Committee
Contact :


Environmental fluid dynamics: confronting grand challenges (Les Houches, Jan 2019)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce the international conference,
Environmental fluid dynamics: confronting grand challenges
that will be held in Les Houches, France from 20-25 January 2019.

** Please distribute widely **

Environmental fluid dynamics underlies a wealth of natural, industrial and,
by extension, societal challenges. In the coming decade, as we strive towards
a more sustainable planet, there are a wide range of ‘grand challenge’ problems
that need to be tackled, ranging from fundamental advances in understanding
and modeling of stratified turbulence and consequent mixing, to applied studies
of pollution transport in the ocean, atmosphere and urban environments.
The objective of the event is to gather leading figures in the field of environmental
fluid dynamics to produce a road map for the scientific community. The meeting
will balance the participation of senior and junior faculty, postdocs and graduate
students, to generate an environment that fosters research ideas and directions.

The list of topics covered at the conference is Stratified flow, Multiphase flow,
Ocean transport, Atmospheric and Urban transport and Predictability.
The list of invited speakers is:

Matthew Alford (San Diego, USA)
Peter Bauer (ECMWF, UK)
Colm-cille Caulfield (Cambridge, UK)
Jim McElwaine (Durham, UK)
Catherine Gorle (Standford, USA)
George Haller (Zurich, Switzerland)
Greg Ivey (Perth, Australia)
Pierre Lermusiaux (Boston, USA)
Paul Linden (Cambridge, UK)
Eckhart Meiburg (Santa Barbara, USA)
Tamay Ozgokmen (Miami, USA)
Nadia Pinardi (Bologna, Italy)
Maarten van Reeuwijk (London, UK)
Nathalie Vriendt (Cambridge, UK)
Andrew Woods (Cambridge, UK)

The conference will also include 28 contributed talks. Request to give a
contributed talk are to be included in the registration application.

Registration is now open until 15 September 2018.

Further details concerning the conference, the venue and registration can be found
on our web page,

We look forward to welcoming you in Les Houches.

Yours sincerely,
Thierry Dauxois (CNRS & ENS de Lyon) and Thomas Peacock (MIT)

PS: To subscribe to the newsletter please visit

Postdoc : reactive fluid dynamics (ULB)

Annonce en pdf

Postdoc fellowship in reactive fluid dynamics

Within the MaSNEC project, the Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit (NLPC) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites applications for one Postdoc fellowship to begin in October 2018 or soon after.
MaSNEC (Material Synthesis in Non-Equilibrium Conditions) is a project funded by the European Union (EU) through the M-ERA.NET network. This network has been established to support and increase the coordination of European research and innovation programmes and related funding in materials science and engineering. This project involving 4 european partners is coordinated by NLPC.
General research performed at NLPC focuses on the experimental and theoretical study of spatio-temporal patterns and dynamics emerging from the coupling between chemical reactions and hydrodynamic flows. The research to be developed at NLPC in the context of the MaSNEC project aims to grow innovative materials and control their properties via synthesis in non-equilibrium reactive conditions maintained through convective flows due to injection of one reactant into the other. New experimental protocols are currently developed to take advantage of imposed out-of-equilibrium constraints to synthesize and control the growth of structured surfaces, composite coatings and multilayered tubes.
In this framework, we seek to hire a postdoc who will perform theoretical analyses in the context of flow-driven precipitation in porous media. The successful candidate will develop models based on continuum mechanics (fluid/solid mechanics, reaction-diffusion-convection dynamics) to rationalize experiments where the interplay between solid precipitate and hydrodynamic flows play a central role. He/She will develop models to understand how hydrodynamic flows affect precipitation reactions at the macroscale and to investigate how the amount and spatio-temporal distribution of precipitate depends on the experimental conditions.
Type of appointment

15 months full time. The successful candidate must have appropriate authorization to work in the EU before employment begins.

Approximately 2 400€ net per month.
Required Qualifications

PhD in Chemistry, Physics or related fields. Good oral and written communication skills (in English) to work in a multidisciplinary team environment. Good knowledge of reaction-diffusion(-convection) dynamics. Good knowledge of continuum mechanics (both fluid and solid).
Preferred Qualifications

Good programming skills to develop numerical codes complementing the theoretical analysis and to post-process and analyze experimental data through image analysis. Ability to write scientific publications and deliver scientific presentations in English.
Contact Person

Prof. Anne De Wit and Prof. Fabian Brau
Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit
Campus de la Plaine, CP – 231, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Application Procedure

Applicants should submit a cover letter including a brief but detailed statement of interest, a curriculum vitae and the name and address of two persons of reference to both A. De Wit and F. Brau via email.

Review of applications will begin on June 15, 2018, and continue until the position is filled.

dernier moment inscription Ecole Complex Motion in Fluids (Normandie, juillet 2018)

Dear all,
We have extended the limit inscription date of the 2018 edition of the “Complex Motion in Fluids” summer school to the end of next week (Friday May 11th).
To apply please visit the website:


This year the school organised by Christophe Clanet and myself (together with Thomas Bohr, Henrik Bruus, Eric Lauga, Jacco Snoeijer and Detlef Lohse) will be held at Moulin d’Andé in Normandy from July 8th to 14th. This edition will focus on the physics of sports (sailing, rowing, skying etc.) and collective phenomena (in physics, fluid mechanics, biology, and social systems). We have invited a large panel of specialists in their fields to cover these two subjects and discuss common grounds.

With best regards,
Christophe Clanet and Michael Benzaquen



mini-symposium « Interfaces in confined media : from inert to living », Grenoble, 27-31 August, 2018

Dear all,

The deadline for abstract submission to the mini-symposium « Interfaces in confined media : from inert to living » has been extended to Thursday, 26th. We are looking forward meeting you there.

This mini-symposium aims to discuss the effects of confinement on the creation, dynamics and transport of bubbles, drops and more generally interfaces. At different scales, this problematics relates to various systems, from micro- or mesoporous media, either man-made either natural (rock), to living organisms (cells, plants, trees,…), including micro- or nanofluidic devices (labs-on-chips). Confinement affects non only transport, through hydrodynamics, but also energetics of interfaces through several effects (direct influence of boundaries, elastic deformation of the confining medium, compressibility of the fluid,…).
One or two invited talks, with a wide scope and complementary to the semi-plenary talk on the physics of plants, will set up the background and introduce the theoretical or experimental contributions selected among the propositions of the participants.

Keywords (non exhaustive): wetting / drops, bubbles, interfaces / porous media / plants / microfluidics / textured surfaces / individual and collective effects / foams / nucleation and cavitation / phase transition(s), critical behaviour / elastohydrodynamics

Organisators : Xavier Noblin (InPhyNi, Nice) – Catherine Quilliet (LiPhy, Grenoble) – Pierre-Etienne Wolf (Institut Néel, Grenoble)

Site JMC :

PDF for MS: >>download

See you soon in Grenoble !

AUX RENCONTRES DE PEYRESQ (28 mai au 1 juin 2018)

Cher(e)s Collègues,

Nous vous informons de la tenue de la XXIIe édition de l’école d’été thématique « AUX RENCONTRES DE PEYRESQ » qui se déroulera du 28 mai au 1 juin 2018 à Peyresq (04).
Au programme: « Ondes Nonlinéaires »:

Cours 1 Instabilités dans les ondes. F. Charru (IMFT, Toulouse)

Cours 2 Emergence de structures en turbulence optique. A. Picozzi (ICB, Dijon)

Cours 3 Optical cloaking. P. Genevet (CRHEA, Nice)

Cours 4 Vibrations de bulle et acoustique en milieux complexes. V. Leroy (MSC, Paris)

Cours 5 Ondes nonlinéaires et applications. G. Theocharis (LAUM, Le Mans)

Cette école s’adresse aux étudiants en thèse, aux chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs jeunes ou plus expérimentés, intéressés par la dynamique non linéaire et ses nombreuses applications (mécanique, biophysique, géophysique, chimie physique, physique statistique, ondes, dynamique des fluides etc…). Les thésards et post-doctorants auront la possibilité de faire un court exposé pour présenter leur travail.

Informations et inscriptions:

Des frais d’inscription de 200 euros pour les non permanents et de 250 euros pour les permanents seront demandés. Ils couvrent le voyage aller-retour depuis Nice, le logement et tous les repas. Attention, le nombre de places étant limité, les dates d’inscription seront considérées.
Financements : Fédération W. Döblin, le Labex MEC
Comité d’organisation: Médéric ARGENTINA (InPhyNi, Nice), Xavier NOBLIN (InPhyNi, Nice), Alain POCHEAU (IRPHE, Marseille).
Comité scientifique: Christophe JOSSERAND (LadHyx, Paris Palaiseau), François GALLAIRE (EPFL, Lausanne), Olivier PIERRE LOUIS (ILM, Lyon), Thomas FRISCH (INPHYNI, Nice)

Pour le comité d’organisation,

Xavier Noblin.

post-doc physics of topological active metamaterials (Univ. Amsterdam)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to advertise one postdoctoral position at the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The successful candidates will join an extremely stimulating interdisciplinary scientific environment working in the teams of Corentin Coulais and Jasper van Wezel, comprising the SoftMatter and Condensed Matter Theory groups, with the aim of investigating the physics of topological active metamaterials, experimentally, numerically and theoretically.

Exceptional candidates with an excellent background in Physics, Applied Mathematics, Engineering or related fields and with a strong taste for combining experimental, computational and theoretical approaches are welcome to apply.

The review of the applications has already started and will last until the positions are filled.

Kind regards,

Corentin Coulais and Jasper van Wezel

Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute | Institute of Physics | Universiteit van Amsterdam | Science Park 904 | 1098 XH Amsterdam | The Netherlands | E: | W: | T: +31 (0) 20 525 7224