Complex Active and Adaptive Material Systems (26 jan-1 fev, Ventura, Californie)

Dear Colleagues,

I should like to announce the

Gordon Research Conference & Seminar on

Complex Active and Adaptive Material Systems

Ventura, California, Jan 26th to Feb 1st 2019

Registration and more information at

I hope that you or members of your group will be able to attend.

Enquiries to
(Conference Chair)

Journées de physique statistique (31 jan / 1er Fev 2019 – Paris)

For the 39th time, the « Journées de Physique Statistique » will be organised soon (Thursday Jan 31-Friday Feb 1 2019 at Ens Paris). They will consist of 12 long presentations, the rest of the time being devoted to flash talks as in previous editions.

Essential informations:

1. The meeting is informal, and no financial support will be available.

2. Given the brevity of the flash talks (4 minutes), the essence of the problem and main results only can be presented, without entering into the details.

3. Participation is free. Only those intending to present a flask talk should register.

4. Deadline for registration ( is on ** Dec 20 2018 **

5. Participants who subscribe for flash talks will be recontacted to upload their slides. The corresponding file will be sent in pdf format before Jan 14 2019

6. The programme will be available on Jan 17

More details are available on

We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this announcement.

Cécile Cottin-Bizonne (Univ. Lyon I / CNRS)
Vivien Lecomte (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes / CNRS)
Rémi Monasson (Ens Paris / CNRS)
Emmanuel Trizac (Univ. Paris-Sud / CNRS)
Francesco Zamponi (Ens Paris / CNRS)

Postdoctoral openings in experimental soft matter at IST Austria

I am happy to advertise experimental postdoc openings in my new group at IST Austria starting in the summer or fall of 2019. Exceptional candidates will have the opportunity to work on cutting edge projects involving fluid mechanics, triboelectrification, or active matter.

IST offers their postdocs competitive salaries and a variety of generous internal fellowships that can help jumpstart their careers. Additionally, the new physics building has state of the art facilities in a fast growing and highly interdisciplinary setting. Located just outside of Vienna, working at IST also affords its employees the opportunity to live in what is consistently ranked as the ‘most livable city in the world.’

Interested candidates should send a CV (including a publication list and references) as well as a statement of research motivation/interests to swaitukaitis @

Please kindly post this ad on your department’s notice board or internal listserv, and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Best wishes,
Scott Waitukaitis

postdoc Why animals learn the way they do? (IRPHE/INMED Marseille)

Why animals learn the way they do?
An experimentally driven computational approach

David Robbe / INMED /
Christophe Eloy / IRPHE /

By constantly interacting with their environment, animals are capable of developing adaptive strategies to maximize reward collection, avoid punishments and minimize energy expenditure. The biological algorithms underlying trial-and-error learning are largely unknown. To address this question, we will examine whether different computational models can reproduce the learning dynamics and behavioral strategy of rats in a laboratory-based task. The data to model are already acquired and come from experiments in which animals, engaged in a multi-trial time estimation task, converged progressively towards a conserved embodied strategy. Learning models will be based on classical reinforcement techniques and more recent developments coming from artificial intelligence (deep learning). In this project, the back and forth interaction between experiments and theory will further the understanding of the mechanisms underlying learning and trial-by-trial adjustment in performance.

Adaptive behavior; Reinforcement learning; Robotics; Embodiment; Motor learning; Rats; Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning

postdoc physics of active matter (Univ de Chile)

We invite interested young researchers to apply for postdoc positions available at the group “Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter” at the Physics department of the University of Chile (Santiago). The applicants should have a strong training in physics or disciplines related to the project (see below) with skills in theoretical, numerical and/or experimental research. The selected candidates will participate in an open work atmosphere of collaboration between theoreticians and experimentalists working in different problems related to the “Physics of Active Matter”.

We are particularly interested in developing:

1-Stochastic Thermodynamics and other theoretical approaches for active matter and non-equilibrium systems in general.
2-Experimental techniques for the study of bacterial suspensions in microfluidic devices.
3-Simulations of bacterial suspensions, active tissues, or active colloids.

More information can be found in or in the personal web pages of the principal investigators:
Felipe Barra (
María Luisa Cordero (
Rodrigo Soto (

Financial support from our side is committed for one year and will be extended yearly upon agreement between the two parties. In consist in a monthly salary of 1.770.000 Chilean pesos (2800 USD approx). Operational expenses and expenses associated to conferences (such as plane tickets, etc.) can be covered from our research budget.

Candidates should send a CV, research interests, and the names and contact information of 2-3 researches that can provide references to prof. Felipe Barra,

For any further information, please feel free to contact Felipe Barra, .

postdoc experimental rheology of fluid+particles (Oslo)

Dear all,

We have an open position for an experimental post-doc on non-newtonian flows at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo..
The project provides an excellent opportunity to study basic flow behaviour of liquids with particles and their complex rheology as part of an international collaborative project (

More details about the position and application details can be found here:

If you have any questions related to the position, please do not hesitate to write.


Andreas Carlson
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Oslo

Phone: (+47) 228-57223
Skype: carlsona

CISM School Cohesive granular materials, description and flowing properties

Annonce en pdf

Please find in this mail the first announcement of the Advanced School on « Cohesive granular materials, description and flowing properties » which will be held in The CISM center of UDINE (Italy) from May 27th to May 31st, 2019. This advanced school is organized under the auspices of the CISM. The leaflet is attached to this mail. Please feel free to disseminate this announcement to your PhD students or postdocs.

For further details, please go to or contact the organizers directly.

Veuillez trouver dans ce mail la première annonce de l’école Cohesive granular materials, description and flowing properties qui se tiendra du 27 au 31 mai 2019 au CISM à Udine (Italie). Le descriptif complet est dans le flyer ci-joint. N’hésitez pas à diffuser cette information à vos thésards et postdocs.

Pour plus d’informations, n’hésitez pas à consulter le site ou contactez les organisateurs.



the co-organizers of the C1903 CISM Advanced school

Blanche DALLOZ (
Pierre JOP (
Maxime NICOLAS (