Appel IESC Cargese : créneau libre du 21 au 25 octobre 2019

Suite à un désistement de dernière minute, l’IES Cargese a un créneau de disponible, du 21 au 25 octobre 2019.
Si cela intéressait quelqu’un, que cette personne me contacte pour plus de renseignement

Mme Donzella Dominique
Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques
Tél : 04 95 26 80 40
Mail :

Appel à communications « JST Homogénéisation et calcul multi-échelles »

Chers collègues,

L’AMAC et le CSMA organisent les 14 et 15 octobre prochains, à Champs-sur-Marne, des Journées Scientifiques et Techniques sur le thème « Homogénéisation et calcul multi-échelles des matériaux hétérogènes et structures composites ». L’objectif de ces journées est de favoriser les échanges entre nos deux communautés en partageant les dernières avancées en termes de méthodes de calcul, mais aussi d’applications à des cas d’intérêt industriels ou académiques.

Le site Internet de ces journées est d’ores et déjà en ligne :

Voici un rappel des dates importantes (dernière extension) :

–          06/09/2019: date limite de réception des résumés

–          20/09/2019: notification d’acceptation des résumés

–          30/09/2019 : date limite de paiement des inscriptions

En espérant vous accueillir nombreux pour cet évènement.


Nicolas FELD, pour l’AMAC, & Julien YVONNET, pour le CSMA

Scientist positions (tenured/tenure-track) in Materials for health care at IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid, Spain

Dear colleagues and friends,

IMDEA Materials Institute IMDEA Materials Institute is a public research organization founded in 2007  to carry out research of excellence in Material Science and Engineering by attracting talent from all over world to work in an international and multidisciplinary environment. IMDEA Materials has grown rapidly since its foundation and has become one of the leading research centers in materials in Europe. The research activities have been focused in the areas of materials for transport and energy and the Institute has state-of-the-art facilities for processing, characterization and simulation of advanced materials. More information can be found at

The strategic plan of the Institute is aimed at expanding the research activities into the area of Materials for Health Care and IMDEA Materials has opened two new positions of either Researchers (tenure-track) or Senior Researchers (tenured) in the areas of materials and scaffolds for biomedical applications and biomechanics of biological tissues. Candidates should hold a doctoral degree in Materials Science (or related discipline) and demonstrate the ability to carry out independent research which combines high quality scientific research with leadership to develop an independent group. Selected candidates will be offered a five-years contract (for tenure-track appointments) with competitive salary and a generous startup package. More details can be found in the enclosed document.

Sincerely yours,

Javier Llorca

Journée Systèmes et Matière Complexes (14 oct 2019)

Cher(e) collègue,

La 4ème édition de la journée Systèmes & Matière Complexes aura lieu le 14 Octobre 2019 à l’Institut Pascal de l’Université Paris Saclay.

Comme les trois précédentes, cette journée se déroulera en quatre sessions de présentations courtes de 4 min + 1 min de questions (trois planches maximum). Chacune de ces sessions sera précédée d’une conférence. Les orateurs invités pour cette troisième édition sont :

Denis Bartolo, ENS Lyon

Virginie Chamard, Institut Fresnel, Marseille

Marcel Filoche, Ecole Polytechnique

Hélène Pasquier, Université Paris-Saclay

L’objectif de cette journée est de permettre à la communauté systèmes & matière complexes de se rencontrer et d’échanger autour de ses thèmes de recherche qui sont, au sens large :

·      les systèmes désordonnés,

·      les fluides complexes,

·      la dynamique complexe,

·      les approches statistiques,

·      les matériaux multi-échelle,

·      les systèmes biologiques.

Le site d’inscription est ouvert. Il est disponible à :

L’inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire (nombre de places limité) et le repas sera offert aux participants (aucun soutien financier ne sera accordé en dehors du repas et des pauses). 

La date limite pour l’inscription est fixée au 29 septembre 2019 

Nous demandons aux destinataires de ce mail de diffuser largement l’information dans leur laboratoire et plus largement à tout public intéressé.

Merci d’avance de votre aide.

Bien cordialement

Le comité d’organisation : H. Auradou, G. Baldinozzi, D. Bonamy, C. Douarche, P. Guenoun, H. Henry, M. Lebental, L.T. Lee, A. Rosso, P. Urbani

PS : Veuillez accepter nos excuses pour les envois multiples.

Tenure Track position in Fluid/Solid Mechanics, University of Amsterdam

The UvA’s Faculty of Science is launching a major recruitment campaign called ‘Connecting Science’ in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Our ambition is to attract top talent from all over the world to a large number of newly created faculty positions in a wide range of exciting scientific directions. We offer a stimulating environment and excellent conditions for research, tightly connected to challenging educational programmes.

We are looking for ambitious and motivated scientists to connect different scientific disciplines. Our goal is to have a maximal impact on science and society.

Postdoc position in active matter (U.Michigan)

Postdoc position in active matter
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Experimentalists interested in soft matter are encouraged to apply for a postdoc position 
on the topic of active gels. Applicants should have a strong background in experimental 
physics.  Experience with condensed matter experiments, and soft matter in particular, 
and hydrodynamics  is a plus.  See
To apply send a CV to Robert Deegan (

Prix Branly 2019

Le prix Edouard Branly récompense un jeune chercheur (né après le 01/01/1986) pour des travaux de recherches remarquables dans le domaine des sciences physiques, notamment celui des ondes, de l’optique ou de l’électronique, avec éventuellement une perspective d’application sociétale. Date limite de candidature: 15/09/2019.

Texte de l’appel: ici

postdoc microencapsulation (Lab Charles Coulomb-Montpellier)

Dear colleagues,We are currently looking for a 1 year postdoc to participate to a project on microencapsulation in our softmatter group at the university of Montpellier – Laboratoire Charles Coulomb.  

Candidates with a  background in microfluidics, soft matter, physical chemistry or a closely related field are strongly encouraged to apply.
More details can be found here:

Best regardsGladys Massiera
Post-doc in microencapsulation by droplet interface crossing
Laboratoire Charles Coulomb – CNRS/University of Montpellier – France
We are seeking for a post-doctoral candidate to handle an ANR funded project on microencapsulation. The encapsulation process is based on the generation of calibrated aqueous drops and their coating by crossing of a liquid-liquid interface by centrifugation. The objective is to produce monodispersed capsules of controlled size, content and shell thickness. This project is based on the cDICE process (Continuous Droplet Interface Crossing Encapsulation, Patent EP2456550 A1, July 2010) patented by Laboratoire Charles Coulomb. The final goal of the project is to build a prototype that meets industrial requirements in           terms of capsule size (around 100 microns), shell thickness and production rate.
The candidate will be in charge of two fundamental aspects of the process: i) Understanding of the passage of single drops through an interface by high-speed imaging on a dedicated experimental set-up with the centrifugal forces required to produce capsules with diameters ranging from 90 to 200 microns. This work will complete previous experimental and numerical results; (ii) design and test several chemical systems for the in-situ solidification of capsule shells either by phase transition or by polymerization and quantifying the capsules characteristics resulting from the system and the selected hydrodynamic parameters.
Candidates should have a doctorate in physics, physico-chemistry, mechanics or process engineering Skills in microfluidics, image analysis, and a good knowledge in the field of encapsulation will be much appreciated. Spoken and written English is required as well as fluency in report or publication writing.
The post-doctoral fellow will be part of the Soft Matter ( team at the Charles Coulomb Laboratory (L2C) at the University of Montpellier. He will work under the supervision of Gladys Massiera, as well as with Martin In in the EPIC project on a microencapsulation process. This project is part of a collaboration with two process engineering laboratories, the Chemical Engineering Laboratory (LGC) in Toulouse and the GEPEA (Nantes – Saint Nazaire).

Starting in september 2019
