Post-doc positions (fluid mechanics and biophysics) at University of Oslo

Post-doc positions are open at the University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics in the fields of fluid mechanics, biophysics and soft matter physics. These positions may allow us to define projects without being limited to pre-existing projects. Several additional positions about droplet elastohydrodynamics (experimental and simulations) will open up in the spring.

Post-doc: Fluid mechanics:


Candidates are urged to contact me for additional information and details about the application procedure.

With best regards
Andreas Carlson
Associate Professor 
Department of Mathematics 
University of Oslo

Phone: (+47) 228-57223
Skype: carlsona

poste MCF « caractérisation, principalement mécanique, des matériaux  » (Avignon)


dans sa campagne d’emploi 2020 Avignon Université lance le recrutement d’un Maître de Conférence 60ème section. Ce poste pourrait potentiellement intéresser un de vos étudiants ou des étudiants de votre laboratoire de recherche. Le profil recherché est décrit dans le document ci joint.

Pourriez vous diffuser le plus largement possible cette information et inviter les personnes intéressées à prendre contact avec moi si nécessaire.

En vous remerciant par avance,


Yannick KNAPP

postdoc Water and aqueous salt solutions under extreme conditions: viscosity and vibrational spectroscopy (ILM-Lyon)

Post-doctoral research position at the University of Lyon, France
« Water and aqueous salt solutions under extreme conditions: viscosity and vibrational spectroscopy »

Frédéric Caupin (Institute of Light and Matter, ILM) and Isabelle Daniel (Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon, LGL-TPE) are opening a post-doctoral research position in the frame of the project H2D2OX « Light water, heavy water, and sodium chloride aqueous solutions under extreme conditions to shed light on water anomalies and structural properties » funded by the French ANR and German DFG for the period 2020-2023.Start date: fall 2020; Duration: initial appointment is 15 months, renewable once. Review of applications will begin on 16 March 2020 and will continue until the position is filled. Net salary: starting from 2000 €/month depending on experience.

Brief description of the research: implementing a novel method for measuring viscosity of water and aqueous solutions under high pressure (e.g. in a diamond anvil cell), and performing complementary Raman spectroscopy. Full description available here.


International meeting on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Science (mai 2020, Marseille)

Dear Colleague,

This is the first announcement of the joint International meeting on 
Recent Advances in Nonlinear Science

Submission deadline has been set to February 15th 2020.

Abstract submission for an oral or poster presentation can be performed on the conference website

Chaos, Complexity and Transport( CCT20) and Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC20) 
May 25-29 , 2020      Marseille, France    

The scope of the conference is to discuss shared phenomena in nonlinear
dynamics related to chaos,  transport and complexity. 
A strong emphasis will be put on the  interdisciplinary character of the conference. 
In the spirit of its interdisciplinary character, we encourage contributions 
from the following  fields:

    * Chaos
    * Nonlinear Physics
    * transport
    * complex system
    * self-organization
    * Dynamical Systems
    * Hamiltonian systems
    * mixing
    * quantum chaos
    * control
    * fluid mechanics
    * plasma physics
    * nonlinear optics

The invited speakers are:

    P. Clavin (IRPHE, Aix-Marseille Université, France)
    B. Dubrulle (SPEC, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
    D. Fanelli (University of Florence, Italy)
    M. Fontelos  (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
    J. Kurths (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, 
    Y. Pomeau  (Ladhyx, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
    J.-L. Thiffeault  (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
    E. Ugalde   (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis de Potosi, Mexico)
    M. Zaks (Humbolt University of Berlin, Germany)
    M-C Firpo (LPP, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
    S. Ogawa (Rikken Institute, Japan)
    F. Raynal (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France)
    C. Manchein (Santa Catarina State University (UDESC),  Brazil)*
    D. Volchenkov, (Texas Tech University, USA)
    I. Ovsyannikov (University of Hamburg, Germany)
    T. Barois (LOMA, Bordeaux, France)
    T. Séon (Institut d’Alembert, CNRS, Paris, France)
    A. Viallat (CINAM, CNRS, Marseille, France)
    M. Edelman (Yeshiva University, New York, USA)
    L. Ostrovsky (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
* To be Confirmed

Further information  (registration procedure, scientific
program and committes, conference location, hotels list etc.) will be 
found on the  conference web site:
which will be regularly updated.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone
you think could be interested in this conference. 
We apologize if you receive this announcement more than once.

For the organizing committee,
Christophe Josserand, Xavier Leoncini and Simon Villain-Guillot

Physics & Biology of Plant Growth (March 30 – April 2 2020 / Ein Gedi, Israel)

The growing plant is a fascinating system involving multiple fields. Biologically, it is a multi-cellular system controlled by complex bio-chemical networks. Physically, it is an example of an « active solid » – an extended solid system, whose element (cells) are active, performing mechanical work to drive the evolving geometry. Computationally, it acts as a distributed system, processing a multitude of local inputs into a coordinated developmental response. The goal of this meeting is to provide a rare opportunity to bring together researchers from these different but complementary disciplines, and study the plant as a living, information-processing organism, which uses physical laws and biological mechanisms to alter its own shape, and negotiate its environment.

Registration :Deadline for registration and abstract submission: February 15 2020

Postdoc in Plant Biophysics and Microscale Fluid-Structure Interactions

Dear Colleagues, 
I would be grateful if you could bring this advertisement of a postdoctoral position in my group to the attention of potential candidates.

Please feel free to forward this email. 
Best wishes,
Kaare H. Jensen

Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark

Postdoc in Plant Biophysics and Microscale Fluid-Structure Interactions
Soft Matter Biophysics Group, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark

We are offering a post-doctoral position in the biophysics of cell-to-cell transport in plants.

Plant cells are physically separated by rigid walls yet remain coherent with their neighbors and able to exchange specific sets of molecules. Previous research has shown that the junctions which facilitate transport between cells exhibit remarkable flow control features, a process which is currently believed to be energized and tightly regulated. However, passive physical flow control increasingly appears to be a fundamental mechanism for cell-cell transport. Consistent with this concept, transport has been shown to exhibit a strong mechanical stress dependence, a hallmark of fluid-structure interactions.

This Postdoc project will test the hypothesis that complex fluid flow control patterns can be encoded in material properties of soft micropores that link the cells. You will combine experiments on biomimetic microfluidic devices with low-Reynolds-number flow and elasticity theory to elucidate the behaviour of synthetic cell networks linked by soft junctions.

Application deadline: 1 March 2020
Contact: Kaare H. Jensen, email: phone: +45 2231 5241
Apply online:
Group profile:

RENCONTRE DU NON-LINÉAIRE (RNL 2020) du 25 au 27 mars 2020 à Paris, Université Paris-Diderot

Première annonce:
RENCONTRE DU NON-LINÉAIRE (RNL 2020) du 25 au 27 mars 2020 à Paris, Université Paris-Diderot

La Rencontre du Non-Linéaire rassemble tous les ans l’essentiel de la communauté francophone travaillant sur la dynamique non linéaire (hydrodynamique, optique, plasmas, mécanique, mathématiques appliquées, physico-chimie, biophysique, …).

La 23e Rencontre du Non Linéaire 2020 aura lieu les 25, 26 et 27 mars 2020 à l’Université Paris Diderot, à l’amphithéâtre Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris 13e.
Cette année, les orateurs invités seront :
* Isabelle Gallagher (ENS, Paris)
* Jean-François Joanny (Collège de France)
* Anne Juel (Manchester University) 
* Jacques Laskar (Observatoire de Paris)  TBC

Cette année, le mini-colloque aura lieu le 25 mars 2020 et pour thème “Géométrie et élasticité ». Il est organisé par B. Roman (PMMH) et P. Reis (EPFL).

Calendrier et renseignements pratiques :

  • 27 janvier 2020 : date limite de soumission des résumés pour les exposés longs (~ 20 min)
  • Début février 2020 : sélection des exposés longs par le Comité Scientifique* 24 février 2020 : date limite de soumission des résumés pour les exposés courts/posters
  • 25, 26 et 27 mars 2020 : RNL 2020
  • Vous êtes tous conviés à participer à cette manifestation et à présenter une communication. 
  • L’inscription est gratuite et recommandée pour faciliter le travail des organisateurs. Elle est exigée pour présenter une communication.
  • Dorénavant, les actes de la conférence seront publiés par EPJ PLUS ; nous invitons les contributeurs de la RNL à soumettre un article.

* Pour plus d’informations et inscription :
Le Comité d’Organisation :
E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis et C.-T. Pham
Le Comité Scientifique : 

J. Barré, E. Bayart, E. Falcon, M.-C. Firpo, D. Gérard-Varet, R. Marchiano, P. Marcq, F. Pétrélis, C.-T. Pham, S. Rafaï, B. Roman et P. Suret. 

First announcement:
RENCONTRE DU NON-LINÉAIRE (RNL 2020) from 25 to 27 March 2020 at Paris, Université Paris-Diderot

The « Rencontre du Non-Linéaire (RNL)” gathers every year the French-speaking community working on nonlinear dynamics (hydrodynamics, optics, plasmas, mechanics, applied mathematics, physical chemistry, biophysics, dynamical systems, …).
The 23rd RNL 2020 will take place on March 25th, 26th and 27th, 2020 at the University Paris Diderot, in the amphitheater Buffon, 15 st. Hélène Brion, 75 013 Paris.

Invited conferences:
Isabelle Gallagher (ENS, Paris)
Jean-François Joanny (Collège de France)
Anne Juel (Manchester University) 
Jacques Laskar (Observatoire de Paris)  TBC
The satellite meeting, called mini-colloquium, will take place on March 25th, 2020 and will focus on “Geometry and elasticity ». He is organized by B. Roman (PMMH) and P. Reis (EPFL).
Schedule and practical informations:January 27, 2020: deadline of abstract submissions for the long contributions (~ 20 min)
* Beginning of February, 2020: selection of long contributions by the Scientific Committee* February 24, 2020: deadline of abstract submissions for short contributions/posters
* March 25th, 26th and 27th, 2020: RNL 2020
* You are all urged to participate in the 23rd RNL 2020 and to present a contribution. 
* The registration is free and recommended to facilitate the work of the organizers. It is required to present a contribution.* From now on, the conference proceedings will be published by EPJ PLUS; we invite RNL contributors to submit a paper.
* For more information and registration:
The Steering Committee:
E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis et C.-T. Pham
The Scientific Committee: 

J. Barré, E. Bayart, E. Falcon, M.-C. Firpo, D. Gérard-Varet, R. Marchiano, P. Marcq, F. Pétrélis, C.-T. Pham, S. Rafaï, B. Roman, and P. Suret.