Assistant Professor positions in experimental fluid and solid mechanics, U. Minnesota, USA

Dear Colleague,

We are searching for candidates, at the Assistant Professor level, in Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Solid Mechanics.  Please see the attached announcement for details.

I would appreciate it if you can share this with anyone whom you think might be interested in applying.

Ryan S. Elliott, Ph.D.
Professor & Director of Graduate Studies
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota
(612) 624-2376 (626-1558 fax)
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postdoc dynamique du mouillage de surfaces superhydrophobes microtexturées (InPhyNi)

voici annonce de post-doc d’un an à l’Institut de Physique de Nice, débutant à partir de janvier 2021./  Il concerne l’étude de la dynamique du mouillage de surfaces superhydrophobes microtexturées. Voir pdf joint et le lien pour candidater:

Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford, USA

Dear Colleagues,

The Mechanics and Computation Group (Department of Mechanical Engineering) at Stanford University is seeking applicants for the « Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship. » This appointment is for a term of two years.

The Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow will be given the opportunity to pursue independent research in the general area of solid mechanics, as well as to contribute to ongoing research in the Mechanics and Computation Group. Research activities should be in the field of solid mechanics interpreted broadly. The candidate should be aligned with interests in the group, which include additive manufacturing, micro- and nano-mechanics, and bio-mechanics, with an interest in machine learning as it applies to the field of computational mechanics. Candidates will be given opportunities to develop their teaching experience by designing and teaching a class in the mechanics curriculum. This position is primarily targeting candidates who are seeking an academic career in a leading research university.

Candidates are expected to show outstanding promise in research, as well as strong interest and ability in teaching. They must have received a Ph.D. prior to the start of the appointment, but not more than 2 years before. Applicants should send a cover letter (one page); a curriculum vitae; a list of publications; brief statements of proposed research (up to three pages) and teaching (one page); the names and contact information of three recommendation letter writers.

Fellowship applications are accepted year-round, with deadlines on October 1, December 1, April 1, and July 1. Applications received before these dates will be reviewed together. This position will close as soon as an offer is made and has been accepted by a candidate.

Stanford is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Stanford welcomes applications from candidates who bring additional dimensions to the University’s research and teaching missions.

Some resources on diversity and inclusion at Stanford:

Please send your application by email to:
Kelly Chu,
Email subject: Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow search

All documents attached to the email should be PDF (Portable Document Format).

Sincerely yours,

The Hiring Committee
Profs. Wei Cai, Eric Darve, Wendy Gu, Adrian Lew
Mechanical Engineering Department
Stanford University

Workshop on Micromechanics, Statistics, and Hazards of Mechanical Failure, October 19-22, 2020

Workshop on Micromechanics, Statistics, and Hazards of Mechanical Failure, October 19-22, 2020

The interdisciplinary Workshop on Micromechanics, Statistics, and 
Hazards of Mechanical Failure (October 19-22, 2020) aims to establish 
a common understanding of the theoretical foundations and the practical 
characterization of avalanche phenomena and precursors to failure in 
mechanical systems, stimulating new interdisciplinary collaborations across 
different areas and contexts. List of speakers, schedule and info: Free registration:
Event organized by Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) and sponsored by the AXA Research Fund.

APS March Meeting (deadline for abstract 23rd oct.)

Plusieurs sessions à signaler (liste non exhaustive)…

  • Geometrically-frustrated instabilities in solid mechanics” (D.Vella & B. Davidovitch) to take place at the APS March meeting 2021. (As you may know, March meeting will take place virtually from March 15-19 2021.)
    The invited speakers are Hillel Aharoni (Weizmann) and Shankar Venkataramani (U. of Arizona).
    If you would like to contribute an abstract, please do so, but we would also be grateful if you could encourage students and post-docs who might be interested too.
    The deadline for abstract submission is this coming Friday (23rd October) and the details of how to submit one are here.
  • « Wetting and Adhesion of Soft Materials: Dynamics and Instability » (J.Chopin) organizing as part of the next virtual APS March meeting, March 15-19. The invited speaker is Etienne Barthel from ESPCI Paris. Deadline to submit an abstract : this Friday, 23rd October.Submit your abstract here

post-doc « Confined bacteria in a drop: a model of active thermal bath » (ESPCI)

Dear all,

We have a post-doctoral position opening. It is part of an international
project involving the PMMH and Gulliver labs, as well as NYU and the
University of Chile. Details are included below. We would be grateful if
you could pass this information to suitable candidates. We are looking to
hire immediately.

Teresa Lopez-Leon.

Post-doctoral position at ESPCI Paris on active matter :
“Confined bacteria in a drop: a model of active thermal bath”

See details and contacts :