Urgent : Postdoc Controlled Wrinkling of Soft Materials (USACH – Chile)

Dear colleagues,
The Chilean National Agency of Research (ANID) has called for applications for postdoctoral positions based in Chile. The grants extend from 2 to 3 years and cover a very competitive salary, funds for scholar visits, installation expenses, and some funds for project expenses. I am supporting applications for a project at the Physics Department of the University of Santiago, Chile starting on April 2023. The project aims to develop smart soft materials that wrinkle under controlled actuation and study interactions with fluids, aiming to applications to medical prosthetics, food processing, cleaning industry, and naval infrastructure. The research team combines postdocs, Ph.D. students, undergraduate students (Engineering Physicists), three full researchers, and many international collaborators.  

If you are interested please contact me as soon as possible at leonardo.gordillo@usach.cl (deadline: April 29th),
I would be grateful if you could forward this announcement to potential candidates.

Best wishes,Leonardo GordilloDepartamento de Física
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Plant Biomech Conference (Lyon 21-26 aout 2022)

We are glad to announce that registration and abstract submission to he XXth International Plant Biomechanics Conference are now open at https://plantbiomech.sciencesconf.org/. Please submit before the end of April to be considered for a talk or for a poster with a flash talk. Reduced registration fees are offered until the end of April.

With best regards,

Arezki Boudaoud, Olivier Hamant, Gwyneth Ingram, and Sara Puijalon


– Registration and abstract submission are independent in the system.

– Please forward this information to those potentially interested.

1/2-ATER Génie civil et mécanique des solides (Ecole Centrale Lyon)


Un poste de ATER mi-temps en Génie civil et mécanique des solides (CNU 60) est ouvert à l’École centrale de Lyon (campus d’Écully, département MSGMGC) pour l’année universitaire 2022-2023.

Le profil du poste est disponible ICI

La date limite de candidature est le 06/04/2022, 16:00 heures (heure de Paris).

Le poste est publié dans GALAXIE avec n° 153.

Bien cordialement,Francesco Froiiofrancesco.froiio@ec-lyon.fr

Eric Vincens eric.vincens@ec-lyon.fr

PostDoc CNES à pourvoir LIPhy – Développement de microrobots artificiels mus par ultrasons


J’espère que vous allez bien. Serait-il possible diffuser l’annonce ci-dessous au GDR Mephy de la part de Gwennou Coupier et Catherine Quillet ?

J’espère à bientôt, et d’avance merci,


Hello to all,

We are looking for a postdoc candidate to apply for a CNES grant for which a pre-selection of the research project has already been made (deadline March 31). Please feel free to share the announcement (especially if you have contacts in the ultrasound community).

Thank youJ’ai lié 1 fichier à ce message :

Mini-Colloque sur la matière granulaire aux Journées de la Matière Condensée

Les Journées de la Matière Condensée se tiendront à Lyon cette année (http://jmc2022.univ-lyon1.fr/fr/pages/jmc-2022-home). Plusieurs Mini-Colloques concernent les dynamiques collectives pour la matière condensée (MC5), ou considéré de manière plus générale (MC6). Nous avons proposé un minicolloque intitulé « MC7 : Comportements collectifs de grains en interaction avec leur environnement« . Ce mini-colloque vise à rassembler des contributions tournées vers l’étude des matériaux granulaires dans toute la diversité des situations dans lesquelles ils peuvent se retrouver. Doctorants et chercheurs expérimentés dont les travaux scientifiques concernent ces thématiques sont donc cordialement invités à participer à ce minicolloque.

La date limite pour les soumissions d’abstract est fixée au 15 Avril. 

A bientôt, 

Guillaume Dumazer, Guilhem Mollon et Olivier Bonnefoy

Guillaume Dumazer
Maître Assistant / Associate Professor
Mines Saint-Etienne - Centre SPIN
Université de Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5307 LGF

Tel. 06 81 08 74 35 / 04 77 42 02 72
Email. guillaume.dumazer@emse.fr

CISM Course « Fluid Flows and Phase Change of a Solid », Udine, Italy, July 2022


Cher collègues,

Nous organisons une série de cours  cet été au CISM (International Center for Mechanical Science) à Udine en Italie du 25 au 29 juillet intitulé:
« Fluid Flows and Phase Change of a Solid ».
Les cours seront donnés en anglais en format hybride (présentiel/distanciel).
Cette école d’été s’adresse principalement aux étudiants en thèse, aux postdoctorants et aux chercheurs en début de carrière.
Nous vous encourageons à candidater à cette école et à transmettre l’information à vos étudiants et collègues.
Lien vers le site d’inscription: https://www.cism.it/en/activities/courses/C2209/
Des informations sur la procédure d’inscriptions se trouvent aussi au lien: https://www.cism.it/en/news/courses-2022-registration-info/

Les intervenants seront:
Michael Berhanu and Sylvain Courrech du Pont – Université de Paris, CNRS, France,
Pierre-Yves Lagrée – Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Paris, France,
Laurence Rongy – Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium,
Cyprien Soulaine – Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans, CNRS, France,
Piotr Szymczak – University of Warsaw, Poland,
M. Grae Worster – DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK.

Voir le flyer pour plus d’informations:

Bien cordialement,

Michael Berhanu (CNRS/Université de Paris, France), Sylvain Courrech du Pont (Université de Paris, France) and Piotr Szymczak (University of Warsaw, Poland)


Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing an advanced course  this summer at CISM (International Center for Mechanical Science) in Udine, Italy, 25-29 of July on « Fluid Flows and Phase Change of a Solid ».
The courses will be offered in hybrid format.
The School is mainly addressed to doctoral students, post-docs and early career researchers.
We encourage you to apply to the program and to bring it to the attention of your students and colleagues.
Please follow this link to register: https://www.cism.it/en/activities/courses/C2209/
Please also read the registration information: https://www.cism.it/en/news/courses-2022-registration-info/

The lecturers will be:
Michael Berhanu and Sylvain Courrech du Pont – Université de Paris, CNRS, France,
Pierre-Yves Lagrée – Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Paris, France,
Laurence Rongy – Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium,
Cyprien Soulaine – Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans, CNRS, France,
Piotr Szymczak – University of Warsaw, Poland,
M. Grae Worster – DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK.

See the flyer for details.

Best wishes,

Michael Berhanu (CNRS/Université de Paris, France), Sylvain Courrech du Pont (Université de Paris, France) and Piotr Szymczak (University of Warsaw, Poland)

Summer school « Disorder in Complex Systems  » (Saclay, 7-17 juin 2022)

Dear colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention the summer school « Disorder in Complex Systems « , to be held at Institute Pascal of Paris-Saclay University (France), from June 7 to June 17 2022

The website has been updated and is available at

https://www.institut-pascal.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/scientific-programs/disorder-complex-systems [main page]

https://indico.ijclab.in2p3.fr/event/7771/ [detailed information]

This intense two-week school is intended for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals seeking to overcome traditional disciplinary boundaries in the fields relevant to the physics of complex systems. The school covers basic concepts, tools, and current topics relevant to the problem of disorder in complex systems. These include glassy systems, nonlinear dynamics, scaling, soft matter, and other topical areas or case studies.

Lectures are taught by the faculty of Paris-Saclay and guest leading educators and scholars from other renowned institutions. Formal classes and seminars, are complemented by discussions and activities hosted by the laboratories of the University.

An internship program following the 2-week school is also offered to a smaller subset of selected participants.

Tuition for the program for the selected academic participants is free of charge and it covers participation, course materials, on-site accommodation for the non-Francilian, and lunch meals.

Application is now open and should be posted before April 15 2022 via the website according to the instructions provided:


Please forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested.

Best wishes,

The organizing committee: Gianguido Baldinozzi, Daniel Bonamy, Anne Davaille, Patrick Guénoun, Alberto Rosso, Pierfrancesco Urbani and Kees Van der Beek

Les Houches Summer School on « The New Mechanics »

Dear colleagues,

I have the pleasure to advertise the « New Mechanics » Les Houches Summer
organized next August by Pierre Verlot, Hubert Krenner end myself.

The School is motivated by the development of ultra-sensitive mechanical
systems over the past 30 years,
in areas such as atomic force microscopy, macroscopic resonators,
biophysics, the statistical physics of non-equilibrium systems…
The school will cover these expanding fields, both from a theoretical
and an experimental point of view.
Participants will also have the opportunity to discover the basics of
experimental physics
by designing, building, soldering, interfacing  and operating a cm-size
mockup of an AFM.

See more details about the school at

Interested students are welcome to apply on the Les Houches website.

Best regards,