M. Heidari,M. Labousse, L. Leibler, Dynamic Heterogeneity of Short Semi-crystalline Polymer Chains during Recrystallization (2025, accepted)
Caroline Kopecz-Muller, Clémence Gaunand, Yvette Tran, Matthieu Labousse, Elie Raphaël, Finn Box, Joshua McGraw. Swelling and evaporation determine surface morphology of grafted hydrogel thin films. Langmuir 41, 4, 2400 (2025) [postprint]. Selected for cover.
M. Heidari, T. Gaichies, L. Leibler, M. Labousse, Mechanical activation of reversible bonds by low amplitude high frequencies excitations Science Advances10, 21, (2024) [link]
K. Papatryfonos, L. Vervoort, A. Nachbin, M. Labousse, J.W.M. Bush, A platform for investigating Bell correlations in pilot-wave hydrodynamics, Physical Review Fluids 9, 084001, (2024) [preprint,PDF].
S. Hidalgo-Caballero, A. Cassinelli, E. Fort, M. Labousse, Frugal random exploration strategy for shape recognition using statistical geometry, Physical Review Research, 6, 023103, (2024) [link]. Press-covered by Le Monde [link], Nipponese.news [link], …
A. Hélias, M. Labousse, Statistical self-organization of a gas of interacting walking drops in a confining potential, Eur. Phys. J. E 46:29, (2023) [preprint, Journal website].
Hidalgo-Caballero et al, Damping-driven time-reversal for waves, Physical Review Letters, 130, 087201 (2023) [PDF].
S. Hidalgo-Caballero, A. Cassinelli, M. Labousse, E. Fort, Mean arc theorem for exploring domains with randomly distributed arbitrary closed trajectories, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 501 (2022) [PDF, Journal website]
K. Papatryfonos, M. Ruelle, C. Bourdiol, A. Nachbin, J.W.M. Bush, M. Labousse, Hydrodynamic superradiance in wave-mediated cooperative tunneling, Communications Physics, Nature, 5, 142 (2022) [preprint, PDF]
M. Hubert, S. Perrard, N. Vandewalle, M. Labousse, Overload wave-memory induces amnesia of a self-propelled particle. Nature Communications 13, 4357, (2022) [preprint,PDF]. This article has been highlighted by the editors.
M. Heidari, M. Labousse, L. Leibler, Ordering of Functional Groups by Confining Grafted Chains, Star Polymers, or Polymer-Stabilized Nanoparticles. Macromolecules 53, 10, 3907-3913 (2020) [preprint] [web link].
I Maimouni*, M. Morvaridi*, M. Russo*, K. Morozov, J. Cossy, M. Florescu, M. Labousse, P. Tabeling, Micrometric Monodisperse Solid Foams as Complete Photonic Bandgap Materials ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2020) [web link].
V. Bacot, S. Perrard, M. Labousse, Y. Couder, E. Fort, Multi-stable free states of an active particle from a coherent memory dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 104303 (2019) [PDF]. Supplementary Information This article has been highlighted by the editors.
M. Hubert, S. Perrard, M. Labousse, N. Vandewalle, Y. Couder, Tunable bimodal explorations of space from memory-driven deterministic dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 100, 032201 (2019) [PDF]
S. Perrard, M. Labousse, Transition to chaos in wave memory dynamics in an harmonic well: deterministic and noise-driven behaviour, Chaos 28, 096109 (2018). [PDF] This article has been highlighted by the editors.
M. Labousse, Mémoire ondulatoire, Société Française de Physique, Le rayon (2018). [link]
E. Gil-Santos, M. Labousse, C. Baker, A. Goetschy, W. Hease, C. Gomez, A. Lemaître, G. Leo, C. Ciuti, I. Favero. Light-mediated cascaded locking of multiple nano-optomechanical oscillators. Physical Review Letters,118, 063605 (2017). [PDF]Supplementary information This article has made the cover of Physical Review Letters. This article has been highlighted by the editors. See the CNRS press release
M Hubert, M Labousse, S Perrard Self-propulsion and crossing statistics under random initial conditions, Physical Review E, 95 (6), 062607 (2017). [PDF]
V. Bacot, M. Labousse, A. Eddi, M. Fink, E. Fort. Time reversal and holography with spacetime transformations. Nature Physics, 12, 972 (2016) [PDF]Supplementary information This article has been covered by Le Monde, Physics Today, New Scientist, La Recherche, Focus.it, Ingeniøren…. See also the press release from the French CNRS and the ESPCI Paris.
M. Labousse, S. Perrard, Y. Couder, E. Fort. Self-attraction into spinning eigenstates of a mobile wave source by its emission back-reaction. Physical Review E, 94 (4), 063017 (2016) [PDF]
M. Labousse, A.U. Oza, S. Perrard, J. W.M Bush. Pilot-wave dynamics in a harmonic potential: Quantization and stability of circular orbits. Physical Review E, 93 (3), 033122 (2016) [PDF]
M. Labousse, J. W.M. Bush. Polygonal instabilities on interfacial vorticities. The European Physical Journal E, 38 (10), 1 (2015). [PDF]
M. Hubert, S. Perrard, M. Labousse, N. Vandewalle, Y. Couder, Dualité onde-corpuscule macroscopique: perte de déterminisme et émergence d’un comportement statistique par effet mémoire,Compte rendus des Rencontres du non-linéaire (2015). [PDF]
S. Perrard, M. Labousse, M. Miskin, E. Fort, Y. Couder. Self-organization into quantized eigenstates of a classical wave-driven particle. Nature Communications, 5, (2014) [PDF] (Supplementary Materials)
C. Borghesi, J. Moukhtar, M. Labousse, A. Eddi, E. Fort, Y Couder. Interaction of two walkers: Wave-mediated energy and force. Physical Review E, 90 (6), 063017 (2014) [PDF] This article has been highlighted by the editors.
M. Labousse, S. Perrard, Y. Couder, E. Fort. Build-up of macroscopic eigenstates in a memory-based constrained system.New Journal of Physics, 16 (11), 113027 (2014). [PDF]
S. Perrard, M. Labousse, E. Fort, Y. Couder. Chaos driven by interfering memory. Physical Review Letters, 113 (10), 104101 (2014) [PDF]
M. Labousse* S. Perrard*. Non-Hamiltonian features of a classical pilot-wave dynamics. Physical Review E90 (2), 022913 (2014) [PDF]
M. Labousse, S. Perrard, J.W.M. Bush, L. Limat, Réarrangement polygonal d’un vortex à surface libre, Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire (2014) [PDF] (Full document)
M. Labousse, J. W.M. Bush. The hydraulic bump: The surface signature of a plunging jet. Physics of Fluids 25 (9), 229-238 (2013) [PDF]
S. Perrard, M. Labousse, E. Fort, Y. Couder, Effets de quantification d’une association onde-particule soumise à une force centrale, Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire (2013) [PDF]