Current team
Samuel Hidalgo-Caballero (MimeCodr technical project leader)
Ilies Belayachi (MimeCodr, Business project leader)
Sunil Kumar Saroj (Postdoctoral researcher in collab with S. Perrard)
Grégoire Clément (Postdoctoral researcher, in collab with J. McGraw)
Victoria Bloquert (PhD, in collab with Y. Rondelez)
Marc Caneve (PhD, Mines-Télécom, in collab with G. Coatrieux)
Tristan Beuzelin (PhD, in collab with M. Filoche)
Zheming Zhang (to come, PhD in collab with S. Perrard)
Laura Labasse (Intern from ENSIC, in collab with J. McGraw et M. Reyssat)
Paula Ugueto (Intern 3A ESPCI, supervised by V. Bloquert)
Present collaborators
John Bush (MIT, Cambridge)
Gouenou Coatrieux (Mines-Telecom Bretagne)
Maziar Heidari (Max Planck Institute, Frankfurt am Main)
Martin van Hecke (Leiden Univ/AMOLF)
Ludwik Leibler (ESPCI Paris PSL)
André Nachbin (WPI, Massachusetts)
Joshua McGraw (ESPCI Paris PSL, IPGG)
Matthieu Roché (Université Paris Cité)
Yannick Rondelez (ESPCI Paris PSL)
PhD Alumni
Samuel Hidalgo Caballero (PhD in collab. with E. Fort, Program EU COFUND UptoParis)
Kyle McKee (Chateaubriand Fellow PhD student, still in PhD at MIT)
Grégoire Clément (PhD in collab with J. McGraw)
Past supervised postdoctoral researchers
Konstantinos Papatryfonos (now CNRS Researcher in Lille)
Maziar Heidari, in collab. with L. Leibler (now Max Planck Institute, Frankfurt am Main)
Finn Box, in collab. with J. McGraw (now Royal Society Researcher at University of Manchester)
Zerihun Workineh, in collab. with L. Leibler (now Postdoctoral Researcher in Barcelona)
Mathieu Oléron (Postdoctoral researcher in collab with J. McGraw)
Past supervised intern students
Charlotte Bastard (intern PSL UROP, sup. by V. Bloquert, 2024)
Alejandro Yepes (Intern ESPCI, in collab with E. Raphaël)
Jacinthe Rinuy (UROP ESPCI, sup by G. Clement, 2024)
Juan Jose Ochoa Duque (M1 intern, in collab with S. Perrard, 2023)
Manal El Manouzi (Licence intern, sup. by S. Hidalgo Caballero, 2023)
Anne Le Floc’h (ESPCI intern, sup. by Grégoire Clément, 2023)
Brieuc le De (3A ESPCI intern, 2022)
Cédric Blanchard (3A ESPCI intern, in collab with A. Goetschy, 2022)
Théophile Gaichies (Visiting student from ENS PSL, 2021)
Ishfaaq Rumjaun ( Intern 1A ESPCI, 2021 )
Corentin Bourdiol (Intern 3A ESPCI, 2021)
Adrien Hélias (Intern from Magistère Orsay, Since 2020)
Ana Mesić (Intern from M2 microfluidics, in collab. with Joshua McGraw)
Mélanie Ruelle (intern from ESPCI, sup. by K. Papatryfonos, 2020)
Loup Hasbroucq (Intern from Magistère Orsay, sup. by S. Hidalgo-Caballero, 2020)
Didier Lebail (Intern from ESPCI): now Master 2 at Sorbonne Université.
Simon Calonne (Visiting student, ESPCI & SupAréo): now intern at Ariangroup.
M. Azouani, intern from Aix-Marseille University, (5 months 2018)
A. Cloître, intern from IUT Paris-Sud (2016, April-June) with M. Roché: ATPL Student
T. Zizhuo Jin, intern from ENS (M2 CFP Theoretical Phys.) (2016, January-June): now postdoctoral fellow in Université de Genève)
P. Renault, intern from ESPCI ParisTech (2015, 1 month), with E. Fort.
M. Mbengue, intern from Université Paris Diderot (2015, 2 months): engineer at CRAM.
A. Henry, intern from Université Paris Diderot (2015, 2 months)
B. El Hadj Maiga, intern from Université Paris Diderot (2015, 2 months), with M. Roché.
L. Nya, intern from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, (2015, 6 month), with M. Roché.
M. Hubert, PhD candidate from Université de Liège, with S. Perrard (2014, 4 months).: now Postdoctoral Fellow at F-A Universität.
S. Di Manno, intern from ESPCI ParisTech. (April-June 2014): now cluster leader at ALTEN.
P. Barberi, intern from École des Mines de Paris (2013): project manager at Artelys.
A. Page, intern from École Polytechnique, with J. Bush and D. Harris (2013, 3 months at MIT): now PhD student at EPFL.
V. Bacot, intern from École Polytechnique, with S. Perrard (2012, 4 months): now CTO of SportDynamics.
Past collaborators
Vincent Bacot (Now CTO of SportDynamics)
Christian Borghesi (Now Teacher in Lycée français in Vienna)
Cristiano Ciuti (Univ. Paris Diderot)
Yves Couder (Univ. Paris Diderot)
Antonin Eddi (ESPCI Paris)Mathias Fink (ESPCI Paris)
Ivan Favero (Univ. Paris Diderot)Emmanuel Fort (ESPCI Paris PSL)
Eduardo Gil-Santos (IM Madrid)
Arthur Goestchy (ESPCI Paris)
Maxime Hubert (FA Univ. Erlangen Nürmberg)
Marc Miskin (UPenn)
Anand Oza (NJIT)
Stéphane Perrard (ESPCI Paris)
Florent Storme (now data Scientist at Axionable)
Nicolas Vandewalle (Université de Liège)