
  • M. Heidari, T. Gaichies, L. Leibler, M. Labousse, Mechanical activation of reversible bonds by low amplitude high frequencies excitations Science Advances,10, 21, (2024) [link]
  • K. Papatryfonos, L. Vervoort, A. Nachbin, M. Labousse, J.W.M. Bush, A platform for investigating Bell correlations in pilot-wave hydrodynamics, Physical Review Fluids (accepted), (2024) [preprint].

  • S. Hidalgo-Caballero, A. Cassinelli, E. Fort, M. Labousse, Frugal random exploration strategy for shape recognition using statistical geometry, Physical Review Research, 6, 023103, (2024) [link]. 
    Press-covered by Le Monde [link], [link], …
  • A. Hélias, M. Labousse, Statistical self-organization of a gas of interacting walking drops in a confining potential, Eur. Phys. J. E 46:29, (2023) [preprint, Journal website].
  • Hidalgo-Caballero et al, Damping-driven time-reversal for waves, Physical Review Letters, 130, 087201 (2023) [PDF].
  • S. Hidalgo-Caballero, A. Cassinelli, M. Labousse, E. Fort, Mean arc theorem for exploring domains with randomly distributed arbitrary closed trajectories, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 501 (2022) [PDF, Journal website]
  • K. Papatryfonos, M. Ruelle, C. Bourdiol, A. Nachbin, J.W.M. Bush, M. Labousse, Hydrodynamic superradiance in wave-mediated cooperative tunneling, Communications Physics, Nature, 5, 142 (2022) [preprint, PDF]
  • M. Hubert, S. Perrard, N. Vandewalle, M. Labousse, Overload wave-memory induces amnesia of a self-propelled particle. Nature Communications 13, 4357, (2022) [preprint,PDF].
    This article has been highlighted by the editors.
  • M. Heidari, M. Labousse, L. Leibler, Ordering of Functional Groups by Confining Grafted Chains, Star Polymers, or Polymer-Stabilized Nanoparticles. Macromolecules 53, 10, 3907-3913 (2020) [preprint] [web link].
  • I Maimouni*, M. Morvaridi*, M. Russo*, K. Morozov, J. Cossy, M. Florescu, M. Labousse, P. Tabeling, Micrometric Monodisperse Solid Foams as Complete Photonic Bandgap Materials ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2020) [web link].
  • V. Bacot, S. Perrard, M. Labousse, Y. Couder, E. Fort, Multi-stable free states of an active particle from a coherent memory dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett122, 104303 (2019) [PDF]. Supplementary Information
    This article has been highlighted by the editors.
  • M. Hubert, S. Perrard, M. Labousse, N. Vandewalle, Y. Couder, Tunable bimodal explorations of space from memory-driven deterministic dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 100, 032201 (2019) [PDF]​
  • S. Perrard, M. Labousse, Transition to chaos in wave memory dynamics in an harmonic well: deterministic and noise-driven behaviour, Chaos 28, 096109 (2018). [PDF]
    This article has been highlighted by the editors.
  • M. Labousse, Mémoire  ondulatoire, Société Française de Physique, Le rayon  (2018). [link]​​
  • E. Gil-Santos, M. Labousse, C. Baker, A. Goetschy, W. Hease, C. Gomez, A. Lemaître, G. Leo, C. Ciuti, I. Favero. Light-mediated cascaded locking of multiple nano-optomechanical oscillators. Physical Review Letters, 118, 063605 (2017).  [PDF] Supplementary information
    This article has made the cover of Physical Review Letters.
    This article has been highlighted by the editors.       
    See the CNRS press release
  • M Hubert, M Labousse, S Perrard Self-propulsion and crossing statistics under random initial conditions, Physical Review E, 95 (6), 062607 (2017). [PDF]
  • V. Bacot, M. Labousse, A. Eddi, M. Fink, E. Fort. Time reversal and holography with spacetime transformations. Nature Physics12, 972 (2016) [PDF] Supplementary information
    This article has been covered by Le MondePhysics Today, New Scientist, La Recherche,, Ingeniøren….
    See also the press release from the French CNRS and the ESPCI Paris. 
  • M. Labousse, S. Perrard, Y. Couder, E. Fort. Self-attraction into spinning eigenstates of a mobile wave source by its emission back-reaction. Physical Review E, 94 (4), 063017 (2016) [PDF]
  •  M. Labousse, A.U. Oza, S. Perrard, J. W.M Bush. Pilot-wave dynamics in a harmonic potential: Quantization and stability of circular orbits. Physical Review E, 93 (3), 033122 (2016) [PDF]
  • M. Labousse, J. W.M. Bush. Polygonal instabilities on interfacial vorticities. The European Physical Journal E, 38 (10), 1 (2015). [PDF]
  • M. Hubert, S. Perrard, M. Labousse, N. Vandewalle, Y. Couder, Dualité onde-corpuscule macroscopique: perte de déterminisme et émergence d’un comportement statistique par effet mémoire,Compte rendus des Rencontres du non-linéaire (2015). [PDF]
  • S. Perrard, M. Labousse, M. Miskin, E. Fort, Y. Couder. Self-organization into quantized eigenstates of a classical wave-driven particle. Nature Communications, 5, (2014) [PDF] (Supplementary Materials)
  • C. Borghesi, J. Moukhtar, M. Labousse, A. Eddi, E. Fort, Y Couder. Interaction of two walkers: Wave-mediated energy and force. Physical Review E, 90 (6), 063017 (2014) [PDF]
    This article has been highlighted by the editors. ​
  • M. Labousse, S. Perrard, Y. Couder, E. Fort. Build-up of macroscopic eigenstates in a memory-based constrained system. New Journal of Physics, 16 (11), 113027 (2014). [PDF
  • S. Perrard, M. Labousse, E. Fort, Y. Couder. Chaos driven by interfering memory. Physical Review Letters, 113 (10), 104101 (2014) [PDF]
  • M. Labousse* S. Perrard*. Non-Hamiltonian features of a classical pilot-wave dynamics. Physical Review E 90 (2), 022913 (2014) [PDF]​
  • M. Labousse, S. Perrard, J.W.M. Bush, L. Limat, Réarrangement polygonal d’un vortex à surface libre, Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire (2014) [PDF] (Full document)
  • M. Labousse, J. W.M. Bush. The hydraulic bump: The surface signature of a plunging jet. Physics of Fluids 25 (9), 229-238 (2013) [PDF]
  • S. Perrard, M. Labousse, E. Fort, Y. Couder, Effets de quantification d’une association onde-particule soumise à une force centrale, Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire (2013) [PDF]