Creation of Iconeus startup company to widely spread fUS imaging modality
Inserm and its partners CNRS and ESPCI Paris licenced the fUS imaging technology pionneered by M. Tanter’s team to Iconeus company.
On February 25th 2018, the french startup company Iconeus signed a licence and research collaboration agreeement with Inserm, the french National Institute of Health and Medical Research for the worldwide commercialization of the functional Ultrasound imaging technology inventing by Pr. Mickael Tanter’s Laboratory Wave Physics for Medicine (Inserm U979/ CNRS UPR7587/ESPCI Paris) at ESPCI Paris. Iconeus was founded in 2016 by six experts in biomedical ultrasound technologies and pharma industry :
- Ludovic Lecointre, CEO, 20 years in the Pharma Industry
- Bruno Osmanski, CTO, ESPCI Paris Engineer, PhD in Physics,a 7 years expertise in fUS imaging and applications
- Mickael Tanter, Research Professor, Inserm, co-inventor of several breakthrough innovations in Biomedical Ultrasound
- Mathieu Pernot, Research Professor, Inserm, world renowned expert in Biomedical Ultrasound
- Thomas Deffieux, Research Associate Professor, Inserm, world renowned expert in Ultrafast Ultrasound
- Zsolt Lenkei, Research Professor, Inserm, world renowned expert in neuroscience.
Its mission is to commercialize the functional Ultrasound imaging technology invented by M. Tanter’s group for preclinical and clinical applications in neuroscience. This agreement between the french institutions (Inserm, ESPCI Paris, CNRS) that conducted this research and Iconeus company exemplifies again the ability of french academic labs to transfer their discoveries into commercial products. It also represents a great achievement for the ERC Advanced Grant FUSIMAGINE which goal is to definitely make Ultrasound enter into Neuroscience. We wish all our best to Iconeus ! You can find more information on the technology commercialized by Iconeus company at :