Article on fUS imaging in the weekly french Magazine Le Point
The fUS imaging technique, pioneered by our team, is highlighted in a four-page article in the french magazine Le Point.

On March 14th 2019, a four-page article on the recent advances of ultrasound neuroimaging, the so-called fUS imaging (functional Ultrasound imaging of brain activity) was published in the french Weekly Magazine Le Point. This article highlights the pioneering work of Physics for Medicine Lab Paris and the fast growing field of Ultrasound Neuroimaging. fUS imaging is providing functional imaging of deep brain activity at unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution with applications both for fundamental neuroscience studies and future clinical applications already investigated non invasively in human neonates.
For more information about fUS imaging, visit:
www.fultrasound.eu, the website of the ERC Advanced Grant fUSIMAGINE
www.iconeus.com, the website of the spinoff Startup company Iconeus commercializing the first worlwide ultrasound neuroimaging system.