Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


Postdoc on Human computer interfaces and mid-air feeling, University of Birmingham, UK

Please find an announcement for Postdoc to start in October, in Birmingham
The position is for 2 years, and is funded at lecturer pay should a candidate with sufficient experience appear.
The work will be part of an exciting project on human computer interfaces and mid-air feeling, and would entail creating a hybrid fast-multipole boundary element – finite element method model of the human hand. If you wouldn’t mind forwarding the job advert to anyone that may wish to apply, I would greatly appreciate it.
Dr Thomas Montenegro-Johnson,
Lecturer in Mathematical Biology,
School of Mathematics,
University of Birmingham,
B15 2TT,

Postdoc on Multi-technique characterization of thin clay films during their creep, IFFSTAR, Ecole des Ponts

Dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre le Laboratoire Navier (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, IFSTTAR, CNRS), le laboratoire Phenix (Sorbonne Université, CNRS) et le Synchrotron SOLEIL, nous proposons un post-doctorat (cf PJ) de 1 an sur « Multi-technique characterization of thin clay films during their creep ». Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu’au 1er septembre 2018, pour un démarrage en janvier 2019. Pourriez-vous svp diffuser cette offre au sein du GDR MePhy?

Voir l’annonce en pdf

En vous remerciant par avance,
Bien cordialement,
Matthieu Vandamme

Dr. Matthieu Vandamme (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech – Laboratoire Navier)

French Government by-fellow at Churchill College
Visitor at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge


 Postdoc on origami based micro-robotics, AS2M department @ FEMTO-ST

Dear Colleagues,

We have a postdoc opening in AS2M department @ FEMTO-ST Institute in the area of origami based micro-robotics for nano-manipulation in SEM, with a focus on design and experimentsThe goal is to investigate the design of actuated structures by using  thick piezoelectric film and conducting polymers based on origami. Further details about this position can be found in the following link:

Applications received by August 30th, 2018, will receive equal consideration.

More details on who we are and what we do at the AS2M department can be found here:

Best regards,
Kanty Rabenorosoa

Associate Professor, MiNaRoB Team

AS2M department/FEMTO-ST Institute 
ENSMM School Engineering

24 rue Alain Savary, 25000 BESANCON Cedex
Tél: 03 81 40 28 13

Postdoc on fluid-structure interaction at high Re with focus on experiments, flexLab @ EPFL

Dear Colleagues,

We have a postdoc opening in our fleXLab @ EPFL in the area of fluid-structure interaction at high Re, with a focus on experimentsThe goal is to study the mechanisms underlying the coupling between fluid flow and multi-component morphing structures. Further details about this position, including a link to the online application system, can be found in the following link:

Your mission: The Flexible Structures Laboratory (fleXLab) headed by Prof. Pedro Reis at EPFL invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in the area of fluid-structure interaction. The project will consist or exploring, understanding and designing morphable/flexible structures to achieve tunable lift and drag under high Reynolds number conditions, both in aerodynamic and hydrodynamic environments. The goal will be to both rationalize the fundamental principles that underlie the interaction between fluid flow and multi-component morphing structures, as well as then use the gained knowledge to explore implementation in engineering contexts. This activity will be multidisciplinary, at the interface of structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, soft robotics and nonlinear physics.

Your profile: Candidates should have recently obtained or are about to obtain a Ph.D. in Physics, or Mechanical/Civil/Aerospace Engineering, or related disciplines. The project will have a strong experimental component, so experience in laboratory settings is desired, either in fluid or solid mechanics. The following areas of expertise are particularly welcomed: rapid prototyping, micro-fabrication, polymer synthesis, mechanical testing, control/automation/robotics, flow imaging, and image processing. An appreciation for scaling analysis, theory and computation is also welcomed.

We offer: The successful postdoc will join a vibrant, international and diverse research team with interdisciplinary expertise in experimental, computational and theoretical mechanics. The focus of research activity at the fleXLab is centered around curiosity-driven research in the general area of physics and mechanics of soft/compliant mechanical structures. The fleXLab is hosted in the iconic modern building of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and offers unique state-of-the-art laboratory facilities. More information about our research group, including other active research themes, can be found in the following link:

Opportunities for involvement in the teaching of mechanics-related classes, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, will be provided.

Applications received by August 20th, 2018, will receive equal consideration.

More details on who we are and what we do at the fleXLab can be found here:

Warm regards,
Pedro Reis


postdoc UNIfied multi-scale framework for PLASticity of metals, amorphous and cellular materials

voir l’annonce en pdf

Supervisors : Marc Durand, MSC, Université Paris Diderot ( Oguz Umut Salman, LSPM, Université Paris 13 (

A fundamental question in materials science is identifying the microscopic origin of plasticity. Why do materials display plastic rather than elastic response and can we predict when this will occur ? An improved understanding of plastic deformation is important in a wide range of amorphous materials, such as metallic and polymeric glasses, foams, granular materials, colloids, and emulsions.
In molecular materials with crystalline order, plastic behavior is understood in terms of defect nucleation and dynamics. For amorphous materials, a description in terms of topological defects is not possible due to the inherent structural disorder. Therefore identifying and characterizing local plastic events in amorphous materials is essential for a complete understanding of their structural and mechanical properties. Experimentally, the challenge is identifying systems for which the microscopic events are directly observable. This is one of the main advantages of mesoscopic systems, such as foams, and the reason for the interest in making connections between mesoscopic systems and molecular materials.
Foams are interesting as a model for atomic or molecular systems with tunable structural disorder (either quenched of evolving on large time scales) and interactions between units (from pairwise to many- body interactions). Foams are also a model for other soft cellular materials such as emulsions or confluent biological tissues: these systems are constituted of highly deformable (yet almost incompressible) units (bubbles, drops, cells,. . . ). Interfacial energy is the key ingredient in the cohesion and the rigidity of such systems, often constituted solely of fluids.
The proposal aims to bring a unified approach in the understanding of plastic behavior, for both molecular and cellular materials, with various degrees of disorder (from crystalline to amorphous). We will use in conjunction complementary numerical and theoretical models to study the plasticity of two-dimensional foams and compare it with the plasticity of atomic solids, either crystalline or amorphous.
The recruited post-doc will benefit from a world-class interdisciplinary environment, both within the MSC and LSPM labs which developed expertise in numerical and theoretical modelling of heterogeneous media.
We seek motivated researchers, with theoretical and computational expertise. Candidates should have a background in computer simulation, statistical mechanics, or condensed matter. Postdoctoral position is for a period of one year, with estimated starting date January 2019.
Interested candidates can apply by sending their CV (including publication list) and a short research statement (with plans and motivations) by email to with subject: « Application UNIPLAS ».


Postdoc at IPGG on Hydronamics at small scales

Postdoc on  « Hydrodynamic boundary condition of polymer solutions on simple and complex surfaces »

at IPGG with J.D. McGraw and F. Restagno.

See detailed description here >download


Postdoctoral position – plasticity of amorphous solids – ESPCI Paris

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached an announcement for postdoctoral positions about multi-scale modeling of plasticity in amorphous solids at the PMMH laboratory at ESPCI in Paris.

Annonce en pdf

Motivated candidates should directly contact with required materials.

If you know any potential candidates, please encourage them to apply too.
Details can also be found here

Best regards,

Sylvain Patinet


Postdoc : reactive fluid dynamics (ULB)

Annonce en pdf

Postdoc fellowship in reactive fluid dynamics

Within the MaSNEC project, the Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit (NLPC) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites applications for one Postdoc fellowship to begin in October 2018 or soon after.
MaSNEC (Material Synthesis in Non-Equilibrium Conditions) is a project funded by the European Union (EU) through the M-ERA.NET network. This network has been established to support and increase the coordination of European research and innovation programmes and related funding in materials science and engineering. This project involving 4 european partners is coordinated by NLPC.
General research performed at NLPC focuses on the experimental and theoretical study of spatio-temporal patterns and dynamics emerging from the coupling between chemical reactions and hydrodynamic flows. The research to be developed at NLPC in the context of the MaSNEC project aims to grow innovative materials and control their properties via synthesis in non-equilibrium reactive conditions maintained through convective flows due to injection of one reactant into the other. New experimental protocols are currently developed to take advantage of imposed out-of-equilibrium constraints to synthesize and control the growth of structured surfaces, composite coatings and multilayered tubes.
In this framework, we seek to hire a postdoc who will perform theoretical analyses in the context of flow-driven precipitation in porous media. The successful candidate will develop models based on continuum mechanics (fluid/solid mechanics, reaction-diffusion-convection dynamics) to rationalize experiments where the interplay between solid precipitate and hydrodynamic flows play a central role. He/She will develop models to understand how hydrodynamic flows affect precipitation reactions at the macroscale and to investigate how the amount and spatio-temporal distribution of precipitate depends on the experimental conditions.
Type of appointment

15 months full time. The successful candidate must have appropriate authorization to work in the EU before employment begins.

Approximately 2 400€ net per month.
Required Qualifications

PhD in Chemistry, Physics or related fields. Good oral and written communication skills (in English) to work in a multidisciplinary team environment. Good knowledge of reaction-diffusion(-convection) dynamics. Good knowledge of continuum mechanics (both fluid and solid).
Preferred Qualifications

Good programming skills to develop numerical codes complementing the theoretical analysis and to post-process and analyze experimental data through image analysis. Ability to write scientific publications and deliver scientific presentations in English.
Contact Person

Prof. Anne De Wit and Prof. Fabian Brau
Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit
Campus de la Plaine, CP – 231, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Application Procedure

Applicants should submit a cover letter including a brief but detailed statement of interest, a curriculum vitae and the name and address of two persons of reference to both A. De Wit and F. Brau via email.

Review of applications will begin on June 15, 2018, and continue until the position is filled.

postdoc poste

Postdoc at Institut de Physique des Rennes

2 years post-doc at Institut de Physique des Rennes funded by CNRS Momentum program

more info can be found in the attached pdf



post-doc physics of topological active metamaterials (Univ. Amsterdam)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to advertise one postdoctoral position at the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The successful candidates will join an extremely stimulating interdisciplinary scientific environment working in the teams of Corentin Coulais and Jasper van Wezel, comprising the SoftMatter and Condensed Matter Theory groups, with the aim of investigating the physics of topological active metamaterials, experimentally, numerically and theoretically.

Exceptional candidates with an excellent background in Physics, Applied Mathematics, Engineering or related fields and with a strong taste for combining experimental, computational and theoretical approaches are welcome to apply.

The review of the applications has already started and will last until the positions are filled.

Kind regards,

Corentin Coulais and Jasper van Wezel

Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute | Institute of Physics | Universiteit van Amsterdam | Science Park 904 | 1098 XH Amsterdam | The Netherlands | E: | W: | T: +31 (0) 20 525 7224