Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


postdoc : développement et traitement de biofilm en milieu poreux (IFPEN/LEMTA)


postdoc bacterial behaviours in swarms (Laboratoire Jean Perrin)

Swarming in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a complex multi-scale problem that involves billions of motile individuals interacting with each other and with the physical environment. In particular, the secretion of bio-surfactants by the bacteria leads to striking spreading patterns and raises soft matter and active matter questions.
The project will use various imaging techniques at various scales to study how physics controls bacterial behaviours in swarms.

The project will be performed in the Laboratoire Jean Perrin (, Sorbonne Université, Paris, in collaboration with Dr. Maxime Deforet. The Laboratoire Jean Perrin is a biophysics department that recently joined the Institut de Biology Paris-Seine ( The postdoc position is funded for one year through a Emergence-Sorbonne Université awarded to the group and will start in early 2020.

The candidate must have a PhD degree in Physics and experience with living systems, or in Life Sciences and experience in quantitative approaches and image analysis. Proficiency in appropriate programming languages and software (MATLAB, C++, ImageJ, micro-manager), and/or in molecular biology of bacteria is appreciated. To apply please send a résumé, a cover letter describing your interests and previous work, as well as contact information of two references to Maxime Deforet:


postdoc experimental approach to wave turbulence (MSC, Paris)

As part of the funding on Wave Turbulence Collaboration by Simons Foundation (New-York), we are looking for a post-doc of 1 year renewable once. Following on from our recent studies ( ), he/she will perform laboratory experiments to study wave turbulence. This study will be carried out in collaboration with Eric Falcon’s group in Paris at the Matter and Complex Systems (MSC) laboratoryUniversité Paris DiderotUniversité de Paris, France.

All the information and the procedure to apply are available below.

Eric FALCON – CNRS Senior scientist
University Paris Diderot – CNRS –  Université de Paris
Matter & Complex Systems (MSC) Laboratory

Workplace : Paris (France)
Date of publication : September 16, 2019
Type of Contract : FTC Scientist
Contract Period : 12 months renewable once
Expected date of employment : between Sept. 2020 and Sept. 2021
Proportion of work : Full time
Desired level of education : PhD
Experience required : PhD in Physics with an experimental research background in one or more following areas: Wave Turbulence, Fluid Mechanics, Nonlinear Physics, Turbulence

Applications instructions: please submit the following to Eric Falcon : CV, Cover Letter, and two recommendation letters


postdoc modélisation des ondes internes océaniques (IMFT)

Veuillez trouver ci-joint une offre de post-doctorat de 12mois à l’IMFT sur la modélisation des ondes internes océaniques. Je suis le contact, le poste est à pourvoir dès maintenant, avec une date d’embauche souhaitée avant Janvier 2020.
Merci d’avance pour la transmission autour de vous et de vos laboratoires.
Bien cordialement,

Matthieu Mercier

Matthieu Mercier
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
(UMR 5502, CNRS/INPT/UPS),333


postdoc bioinspired actuation and shape morphing (IUSTI Marseille)

We have a 2-year postdoc opening in IUSTI (Marseille, France) in the area of bioinspired actuation and shape morphing in soft structures with a focus on experiments. Potential condidates should contact me directly by email. Further details about this position can be found in the following pdf file :


Applications received by October 15, 2019 will receive equal consideration.


postdoc wave turbulence (Inphyni, Nice)

Postdoc position on wave turbulence at Institut Inphyni in Nice, France

A 2-year postdoctoral position is now available at Inphyni in the
frameworks of the Simons Foundation international collaboration 
project “Wave Turbulence”. The project aims at developing solid 
theoretical foundations for wave turbulence systems and modelling 
experiments in wave turbulence performed in laboratory by partners of this collaboration.
For details see:


postdoc Vegetated dunes in a real-space cellular automaton (IPGP)

Clément Narteau & Olivier Rozier Contacts:

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Geological Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.


Postdoc position in Experimental Astrophysics, Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile)

Postdoc position for studying the the effect of tribocharging on granular agglomeration
and its relevance for planet formation. Two experiments are being developed:  
(1) a 3m free-fall apparatus to observe and characterize collisions between pairs of 
particles in vacuum; (2) Controlled collisions using an ultrasonic levitation apparatus. 
Working with real and simulated meteoritic samples, we will probe the enhancement 
of clustering efficiency due to tribocharging. Experimental results will be used as inputs 
of numerical simulations, in collaboration with astronomers and theoretical physicists. 
Selected candidate will have to present a research grant at FONDECYT for funding
(; if funded, the position is expected to start in April 2020. 
The candidate must have his/her PhD certificate before Oct. 1, 2019 for the 
FONDECYT application.

More details:


postdoc : interaction de particules pesantes sur une membrane en vibration


Postdoc position in active matter (U.Michigan)

Postdoc position in active matter
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Experimentalists interested in soft matter are encouraged to apply for a postdoc position 
on the topic of active gels. Applicants should have a strong background in experimental 
physics.  Experience with condensed matter experiments, and soft matter in particular, 
and hydrodynamics  is a plus.  See
To apply send a CV to Robert Deegan (