Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


postdoc Water and aqueous salt solutions under extreme conditions: viscosity and vibrational spectroscopy (ILM-Lyon)

Post-doctoral research position at the University of Lyon, France
« Water and aqueous salt solutions under extreme conditions: viscosity and vibrational spectroscopy »

Frédéric Caupin (Institute of Light and Matter, ILM) and Isabelle Daniel (Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon, LGL-TPE) are opening a post-doctoral research position in the frame of the project H2D2OX « Light water, heavy water, and sodium chloride aqueous solutions under extreme conditions to shed light on water anomalies and structural properties » funded by the French ANR and German DFG for the period 2020-2023.Start date: fall 2020; Duration: initial appointment is 15 months, renewable once. Review of applications will begin on 16 March 2020 and will continue until the position is filled. Net salary: starting from 2000 €/month depending on experience.

Brief description of the research: implementing a novel method for measuring viscosity of water and aqueous solutions under high pressure (e.g. in a diamond anvil cell), and performing complementary Raman spectroscopy. Full description available here.



Postdoc « Modeling extruded polyolefin foaming » (CEMEF)

Sujet: Modeling extruded polyolefin foaming
Localisation MINES ParisTech – CEMEF, UMR CNRS 7635
Collaboration avec TOTAL.


postdoc Inertial wave turbulence in rotating fluids (FAST)

Two-year post-doc position on inertial wave turbulence in rotating fluids
at Laboratoire FAST at Université Paris-Saclay, France

Please find more information here:


Postdoc in Plant Biophysics and Microscale Fluid-Structure Interactions

Dear Colleagues, 
I would be grateful if you could bring this advertisement of a postdoctoral position in my group to the attention of potential candidates.

Please feel free to forward this email. 
Best wishes,
Kaare H. Jensen

Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark

Postdoc in Plant Biophysics and Microscale Fluid-Structure Interactions
Soft Matter Biophysics Group, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark

We are offering a post-doctoral position in the biophysics of cell-to-cell transport in plants.

Plant cells are physically separated by rigid walls yet remain coherent with their neighbors and able to exchange specific sets of molecules. Previous research has shown that the junctions which facilitate transport between cells exhibit remarkable flow control features, a process which is currently believed to be energized and tightly regulated. However, passive physical flow control increasingly appears to be a fundamental mechanism for cell-cell transport. Consistent with this concept, transport has been shown to exhibit a strong mechanical stress dependence, a hallmark of fluid-structure interactions.

This Postdoc project will test the hypothesis that complex fluid flow control patterns can be encoded in material properties of soft micropores that link the cells. You will combine experiments on biomimetic microfluidic devices with low-Reynolds-number flow and elasticity theory to elucidate the behaviour of synthetic cell networks linked by soft junctions.

Application deadline: 1 March 2020
Contact: Kaare H. Jensen, email: phone: +45 2231 5241
Apply online:
Group profile:

Appels Non classé postdoc poste

Projet/résidence artistique pour chercheur en sciences (Le Fresnoy)

Appel à projets à destination des doctorants et chercheurs scientifiques
Date limite envoi des candidatures > 28 février 2020
Call for projects from doctoral students and research scientists
Dealine for applications > February 28, 2020

Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains lance un appel à candidatures à l’adresse des chercheurs scientifiques et des doctorants qui souhaiteraient développer un projet en rapport avec leur activité de recherche, tout en s’immergeant dans un environnement artistique.
Cet appel, lancé pour la troisième année consécutive, s’inscrit dans le prolongement de ces actions tout en participant à la préfiguration d’un projet d’extension du Fresnoy, dans ses bâtiments comme dans ses activités.
Il est attendu un projet de nature scientifique, ou dont les enjeux intéressent la science. Le candidat participera au cursus proposé aux artistes étudiants et bénéficiera pour son projet des mêmes moyens de production que ces derniers.

Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains is calling for applications from researchers interested in working on a project related to their research interest in an artistic environment that offers advanced audiovisual production tools.
This will be the third consecutive year for this residency which is part of the efforts taken by Le Fresnoy to bring together artists and scientists and contributes to the prefiguration of an extension project for Le Fresnoy, both in its buildings and in its activities.
The chosen project will be scientific,or involve questions that touch on scientific concerns. The researcher will follow the same courses as Le Fresnoy artist/students and enjoy the same production resources for their project.


Postdoc « prise d’une mousse minérale et spectroscopie infrarouge », ILM, Lyon

Postdoc d’un an à Lyon à pourvoir très rapidement (avant le 1er mars) pour étudier la prise de mousses minérales par spectroscopie infrarouge.

Contact: Marie Le Merrer
phone (+ 33) 4 72 44 85 70


Postdoc position in theoretical soft matter physics in Marseille, France

I am looking for a strong and motivated scientist to work on the relation between structure and rheology in disordered materials, with a focus on semi-flexible fiber networks. The position is fully funded by the Alan Turing Center for Living Systems, a new interdisciplinary research hub in Marseille that brings together physicists, biologists, engineers, and mathematicians. 

To apply for the position, please send cv and email addresses of two references to

Applications will be considered continuously until the position is filled.


2 postdoc statistical mechanics of glasses (ENS Paris)

A post-doctoral positions is open at ENS Paris to work in collaboration with Francesco Zamponi and Ludovic Berthier.
The research project concerns the low-temperature properties of glasses, and the nature of their excitations and defects. We want to systematically explore the microscopic nature of tunnelling Two-Level Systems (TLS) in these systems, following up on our recent preprints [arxiv:1910.11168 and arxiv:1906.06894]. The candidate is expected to have at least some background in the physics of glasses, and on standard computational methods such as Molecular Dynamics. Experience with LAMMPS is welcome.

Please check for details

Applications are invited for a postdoc in theoretical statistical mechanics, to work with Francesco Zamponi and Giulio Biroli at ENS-Paris, in close collaboration with Grzegorz Szamel and Patrick Charbonneau.
The overall project focuses on obtaining a first-principle statistical mechanics description of amorphous solids. The specific goal for this position is to obtain a microscopic understanding of activated hopping processes, which are elementary, non-perturbative corrections to the mean-field description of liquids and glasses [see e.g. arxiv:1407.5677].
Candidates should have a PhD in physics or related fields, with experience in the statistical mechanics of disordered systems.

Please check for details


Post-Doc position « viscous wind waves », Orsay, France

Post-doc position for 1 year or more on « non-linear evolution of viscous wind-
waves »  is available at laboratory FAST (Orsay-France), starting March 2020. 
More details at


Postdoc modelling of chemotactic and phoretic microswimmers (Univ. Amsterdam)

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to advertise one PhD position and postdoc position in modeling and simulation of active soft matter in my group at the University of Amsterdam.  More information about postdoc here :

The applications shall be submitted via the following website:
Best regards,Dr. Sara Jabbari Farouji

Institute of Theoretical Physics (UvA)
Science Park 904 
1098 XH Amsterdam 
Office: C3.229 
Tel: +31 525 7312