Archives de la catégorie: conférences/écoles


ICR – Rheology of living and active systems (Athens, Jul29-Aug4 2023)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our session on the « Rheology of living and active systems » at the 19th International Congress on Rheology to be held from July 29th to August 4th, 2023, in Athens Greece.

This session deals with rheological effects of living systems, such as bacterial colonies, or synthetic microswimmers, either in bulk or at interfaces. This includes both measurements and predictions of the rheological properties of such systems. We are particularly excited about the potential to deepen connections between the fields of biology, « active » matter, and rheology—whose intersection represents an important frontier for our field—through this session.

The submission deadline is January 10, 2023 and further details are available here.

Arezoo Ardekani, Purdue University
Sujit Datta, Princeton University


Workshop New Perspectives in active systems (Dresden April 24-28 2023)

We are organizing the workshop « New Perspectives in Active Systems” which will be held from April 24th to April 28th 2022 at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.

Invited speakers:

Gil Ariel (IL)
Clemens Bechinger (DE)
Debasish Chaudhuri (IN)
Iain Couzin (DE)
Olivier Dauchot (FR)
Erwin Frey (DE)
Daniel Goldman (US)
Silke Henkes (NL)
David L. Hu (US)
Jean-François Joanny (FR)
Enkeleida Lushi (US)
Andrea Perna (UK)
Pawel Romanczuk (DE)
Guy Theraulaz (FR)
Matthew Turner (UK)
Yilin Wu (HK)

For more information and to apply, see:

Cristian Huepe and Fernando Peruani


Summer school Complex motion in Fluids (Cambridge July 17-20 2023)

We are happy to announce that the 2023 edition of the Complex Motion in Fluids Summer School will take place at the University of Cambridge on 17-20 July 2023:

The school is organised by the University of Cambridge (UK) in collaboration with the University of Twente (NL), École Polytechnique (F) and the Technical University of Denmark (DK); this will be the 11th summer school in the “Complex Motion in Fluids” series. 

Speakers at the 2023 edition include: 
– Camille Duprat, LadHyX
– Jens Eggers, University of Bristol
– Christophe Eloy, IRPHE/Centrale Marseille
– Raymond Goldstein, University of Cambridge
– Yongyun Hwang, Imperial College London
– Anke Lindner, ESPCI/Sorbonne Université
– Shreyas Mandre, University of Warwick
– James Sprittles, University of Warwick
– Helen Wilson, University College London

Applications for the summer school will open on 15 January 2023. Places will be limited to 50 participants in the first instance, with priority given to early-career researchers such as PhD students and junior postdocs. The application deadline is 31 March 2023. The standard registration fee is to be confirmed but will likely be around £700, and it includes lectures, all meals, tea and coffee breaks, and accommodation for five nights.


Eric Lauga

Professor of Applied Mathematics

University of Cambridge, DAMTP


International Soft Matter Conference (Osaka, Sep 4-8, 2023)

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce that the 7th International Soft Matter Conference will finally be taking place in Osaka on Sept. 4-8, 2023. We greatly appreciate your continued support and patience during these past few years, as we have struggled to make this event a reality in the face of all the delays forced upon us by the global pandemic.

We invite you to join us and present your work with a contributed talk or poster at the conference, which will be held on-site only.
The call for papers has just started, with a deadline for abstract submission of March 15, 2023. Please visit the conference website for further details:

Ryoichi Yamamoto


Workshop SFP Navier-Stokes (Paris, 3-7 Jul 2023)

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Nous organisons une session sur les deux cents ans des équations de Navier-Stokes lors du congrès général des 150 ans de la Société Française de Physique qui aura lieu à Paris du 3 au 7 juillet 2023. Pour plus de précision:

Si vous souhaitez présenter vos travaux lors de cette session, merci de soumettre un résumé pour une présentation orale de 15 minutes via le site du colloque avant le 5 avril 2023 : lien d’inscription et de choisir MC24 (mini colloque sur les deux cents ans des équations de Navier Stokes). Nous souhaiterions que les exposés soient accessibles à la large communauté des physiciens de la SFP. Nous encourageons particulièrement les doctorants et post-doctorants à venir exposer leur travaux.
N’hésitez pas à faire suivre ce message à vos listes de diffusion.

Merci d’avance,

Mathieu Gibert, Romain Monchaux et Gautier Verhille


Colloque Plasticité (Lyon, 3-5 avril 2023)

Chers collègues,

Vous pouvez désormais déposer vos contributions au colloque Plasticité qui se tiendra à Lyon du 3 au 5 avril 2023.
Pour cela, il suffit de cliquer sur « Proposer un abstract / Submit an abstract » depuis le site du colloque: (les personnes ne possédant pas de compte sciencesconf devront en créer un)
Le format des résumés est d’une page maximum : merci de suivre le template que vous trouverez sur le site.

La date limite pour la soumission de résumés est fixée au 15 Janvier 2023.

Notez aussi que nous aurons une session en hommage à Ladislas Kubin. Ladislas, qui nous a quittés cet automne, participait très régulièrement au colloque Plasticité et a durablement marqué notre communauté tant scientifiquement qu’humainement.


Le comité d’organisation:
Tristan ALBARET (ILM, Univ Lyon 1)
Stéphanie DESCHANEL (MatéIS, INSA-Lyon)
Pierre-Antoine GESLIN (MatéIS, INSA-Lyon)
Gergely MOLNAR (LaMCoS, INSA-Lyon)
Michel PEREZ (MatéIS, INSA-Lyon)
David RODNEY (ILM, Univ Lyon 1)


Conference of the International Marangoni Association (Bordeaux, June 19-22 2023)

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to participate to the 11th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (IMA11), which will take place on 19-22 June 2023 in Bordeaux, France. This conference will provide the opportunity for scientists working on interfacial fluid dynamics to exchange their knowledge and discuss recent advances in the field. The topics covered by the conference include (but are not limited to) thermo- and soluto-capillary flows, interfacial instabilities, surface waves, thin films flows, droplet spreading, contact angle dynamics, phase transitions, boiling and evaporation, …

More information can be found on the website of the conference:

Submission of abstract (oral or poster presentation) is now open. Please note the deadline for abstract submission: Jan 31,2023. 

We are looking forward to meeting you in Bordeaux in 2023.

Best Regards,

The local organising comittee

S. Amiroudine (chair), A. Ahmadi-Senichault and T. Bickel


Ecole d’été Mécanique de l’endommagement et approche locale de la rupture (Banyuls, 21-31 août 2023)

L’école d’été MEALOR II a pour but de fournir aux participants une vision synthétique de la physique et de la mécanique de la rupture fragile et ductile sous chargement monotone allant des fondements théoriques, numériques et expérimentaux jusqu’aux applications et domaines de recherches les plus récents de l’approche locale de la rupture. Les mécanismes fondamentaux de la rupture seront au cœur des différentes approches.

Dates : lundi 21 août 2023 – vendredi 1er septembre 2023
Lieu : Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer, France


Outreach: Physics of Toys (Dec 2, 2023)

The IOP are organising a family-friendly outreach event focused on the Physics of Toys. On Friday 2nd December (5-6:30pm, GMT) celebrated soft matter scientists will be revealing the secrets of:  

  • the physics of poppits & jumping poppers (Prof Dominic Vella, Oxford)
  • the science of slime and stretchy arms (Prof Anke Lindner, ESPCI)
  • hidden toys in everyday life (Prof José Bico, ESPCI)

Aimed at toy enthusiasts of any age and conducted in a hybrid format both in-person and streaming live online. Please register here to sign up for the event and find out more:

Kind regards,

Finn Box
(Royal Society University Research Fellow & Chair of the IOP’s Nonlinear & Complex Physics Group)


EGU Geomorphology session (April 23-28 2023, Vienna)

Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to ‘From simple models to complex geomorphological systems: laboratory experiments and associated concept models’ in the Geomorphology section at EGU 2023 (23-28 April, Vienna and online) by January 10th. Below is the session description and a poster. We strongly encourage submissions from early career and underrepresented scientists.

The Earth’s surface is shaped by many processes occurring over a wide range of time and length scales, all of which are interdependent with each other. Unravelling this complex system is challenging, especially because of the wide range of scales involved, which makes observation difficult. Therefore, the use of simplified and controlled experiments is widely used to probe isolated processes or their interactions. Careful selection of experimental parameters allows the relevant space-time scales to be tuned to facilitate observation. Similarly, it allows to control the specific mechanisms to be included. After understanding the predominant mechanisms, it is possible to gradually increase the complexity of the experimental system to reduce the gap between the model and the natural system.

This session aims to bring together researchers from different communities working experimentally on various systems to facilitate knowledge exchange on experimental methods, measurement and data processing, and the fundamental processes ubiquitous in geomorphological systems.

We especially welcome contributions about systems involving fluid mechanics and/or granular flows, such as but not limited to:
– fluvial and coastal systems

– aeolian processes and arid environments
– systems associated with melting, dissolution and precipitation
– gravity-driven flows

Pauline Delorme, University of Hull
Cyril Gadal, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Anne Baar, University of Hull
Andrew Gunn, Monash University