The school, addressed to PhD students and early postdocs, aims to provide
pedagogical introductions given by leading experts to fundamental areas of
statistical mechanics. The format of the school allows ample time for
discussions and interaction with the speakers and the other participants.
All participants are invited to present a poster of their own research.
Organizers: A. Gambassi, A. Rosso, T. Speck
Applications deadline: March 31st 2021
Archives de catégorie : conférences/écoles
Summer school on Wave Turbulence, 12-16 July 2021 (NYU Paris, France)
Summer school on Wave Turbulence, 12-16 July 2021, in NYU Paris, France
The Simons collaboration on wave turbulence will be organizing a summer school
to introduce PhD students and postdocs to subjects of current interest in Wave
Turbulence theory, but more senior researchers are of course most welcome!
This Summer school will discuss a number of questions from a mathematical as
well as physical viewpoint; the full program can be found at
People interested in this summer school are invited to register by contacting
Julian Lopez at
Organizers: L. Chevillard, I. Gallagher, P. Germain, N. Mordant.
CISM School on Electro-magneto Mechanics, June 7-11, 2021, Italy
Please find below the information for a CISM school entitled
Electro- and magneto-mechanics of soft solids: experiments, modeling and instabilities
that will take place on
June 7-11, 2021 at Udine, Italy.
Due to the current circumstances, an online/hybrid version of the course will be considered in case presence for all participants cannot be assured.
For those that interested to participate in this school, we invite you to subscribe by the CISM Secretariat not later than
April, 7th, 2021.
For more information see the attached flyer and visit the CISM website:
The School is addressed to doctoral students, post-docs and early career researchers with interest in active soft materials. The course is designed to give an integrated experimental, numerical and theoretical viewpoint on such novel material systems as well as possible future research directions in this field.
The organizers
Kostas Danas (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Oscar Lopez-Pamies (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
E-workshop on design and analysis of non-classical architectured materials, 8-9 Avril 2021
Site de l’événement:
Workshop on design and analysis of non-classical architectured materials
Voici une annonce pour un e-workshop sur les matériaux architecturés début avril:
« Workshop on design and analysis of non-classical architectured materials »
RENCONTRE DU NON LINÉAIRE (RNL 2021) (24 – 26 mars 2021 – online)
Rappel pour la soumission des résumés pour les exposés longs (date limite du 19 janvier étendue au 26 janvier 2021).
RENCONTRE DU NON LINÉAIRE (RNL 2021) du 24 au 26 mars 2021 à Paris, Université de Paris

La Rencontre du Non-Linéaire rassemble tous les ans l’essentiel de la communauté francophone travaillant sur la dynamique non linéaire (hydrodynamique, optique, plasmas, mécanique, mathématiques appliquées, physico-chimie, biophysique, …).
La 24e Rencontre du Non Linéaire 2021 aura lieu les 24, 25 et 26 mars 2021 à l’Université de Paris, à l’amphithéâtre Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris 13e.La RNL2021 aura lieu en présentiel si le contexte sanitaire l’autorise, sinon en visioconférence dans un format quasi-identique.
Cette année, les orateurs invités seront :
* Isabelle Gallagher (ENS, Paris) : « De Newton à Boltzmann, fluctuations et grandes déviations »
* Jean-François Joanny (Collège de France) : « Active turbulence »
* Anne Juel (Manchester University) : « Life and fate of a bubble in a constricted Hele-Shaw channel »
* Vincent Tournat (CNRS / Université Le Mans) « Nonlinear waves in flexible elastic metamaterials”
Cette année, le mini-colloque aura lieu le 24 mars 2021 et pour thème “Géométrie et élasticité ». Il est organisé par B. Roman (PMMH).
Calendrier et renseignements pratiques :* 26 janvier 2021 : date limite de soumission des résumés pour les exposés longs (~ 20 min)* Début février 2021 : sélection des exposés longs par le Comité Scientifique* 22 février 2021 : date limite de soumission des résumés pour les exposés courts/posters* 24, 25 et 26 mars 2021 : RNL 2021
* Vous êtes tous conviés à participer à cette manifestation et à présenter une communication. * L’inscription est gratuite et recommandée pour faciliter le travail des organisateurs. Elle est exigée pour présenter une communication.* Les actes de la conférence sont publiés dorénavant par EPJ PLUS sous le nom « Focus Point on Advances in NonLinear Physics 2021” ; nous invitons les contributeurs de la RNL à soumettre un article avant le 15 novembre 2021.* Pour plus d’informations et inscription :
Le Comité d’Organisation :
E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis et C.-T. Pham
Le Comité Scientifique :
J. Barré, E. Bayart, E. Falcon, M.-C. Firpo, D. Gérard-Varet, R. Marchiano, P. Marcq, F. Pétrélis, C.-T. Pham, S. Rafaï, B. Roman et P. Suret.
Reminder for the abstract submissions for the long contributions (deadline extended to 26 January 2021).
RENCONTRE DU NON LINÉAIRE (RNL 2021) from 24 to 26 March 2021 at Paris, Université de Paris
The « Rencontre du Non-Linéaire (RNL)” gathers every year the French-speaking community working on nonlinear dynamics (hydrodynamics, optics, plasmas, mechanics, applied mathematics, physical chemistry, biophysics, dynamical systems, …).
The 24th RNL 2021 will take place on March 24th, 25th and 26th, 2021 at the University of Paris, in the amphitheater Buffon, 15 st. Hélène Brion, 75 013 Paris.RNL2021 will take place face-to-face if the health context allows it, otherwise virtually by videoconferencing in an almost identical format.
Invited conferences:
* Isabelle Gallagher (ENS, Paris): « De Newton à Boltzmann, fluctuations et grandes déviations »
* Jean-François Joanny (Collège de France): « Active turbulence »
* Anne Juel (Manchester University): « Life and fate of a bubble in a constricted Hele-Shaw channel »
* Vincent Tournat (CNRS / Université Le Mans): « Nonlinear waves in flexible elastic metamaterials”
The satellite meeting, called mini-colloquium, will take place on March 24th, 2021 and will focus on “Geometry and elasticity ». He is organized by B. Roman (PMMH).
Schedule and practical informations:* January 26, 2021: deadline of abstract submissions for the long contributions (~ 20 min)* Beginning of February, 2021: selection of long contributions by the Scientific Committee* February 22, 2021: deadline of abstract submissions for short contributions/posters* March 24th, 25th and 26th, 2021: RNL 2021
* You are all urged to participate in the 24th RNL 2021 and to present a contribution. * The registration is free and recommended to facilitate the work of the organizers. It is required to present a contribution.* The conference proceedings will be published by EPJ PLUS as a « Focus Point on Advances in NonLinear Physics 2021”; we invite RNL contributors to submit a paper by November 15, 2021* For more information and registration:
The Steering Committee:
E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis et C.-T. Pham
The Scientific Committee:
J. Barré, E. Bayart, E. Falcon, M.-C. Firpo, D. Gérard-Varet, R. Marchiano, P. Marcq, F. Pétrélis, C.-T. Pham, S. Rafaï, B. Roman, and P. Suret.
European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC11 (Galway 4-8 July 2022)
(A NOTER : mini-symposium « Mechanics and Physics of Structures » )
We kindly inform you that the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC11) will take place in Galway (Ireland), 4-8 July 2022.
Please find attached a First Announcement Flyer for the conference.
The conference website is
With best regards,
Marc Geers and Jacques Magnaudet
Webinar on Materials and Systems under Extreme Conditions by ELyTMaX CNRS-Univ. Lyon-Tohoku University
Please find the flyer of the Webinar in the attached PDF. The webinar will take place at Zoom. To subscribe use the following Zoom link.
(start of webinar at 9:00 Paris-time, but the system will be open from 8:00)
International Soft Matter Conference (Osaka/online – 12-16 December 2021)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 6th International Soft Matter
Conference (ISMC2021) will be held in Osaka, Japan from 12-16 December
2021. ISMC2021 will be the very first ISMC outside of Europe. Previous
conferences in the series were held in Edinburgh (2019), Grenoble (2016),
Rome (2013), Granada (2010), and Aachen (2007), and brought together
hundreds of experimentalists and theoreticians working in all branches
of Soft Matter.
We invite you to join us and present your work, either with a
contributed talk or a poster. While we look forward to welcoming you in
Osaka, we understand that it might prove difficult to travel to Japan
due to the restrictions brought on by the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. If
this is unfortunately the case, we will implement a hybrid policy to
allow for on-site and virtual presentations.
We will focus on recent advances in Soft Matter Science, particularly
within the following topics
– Colloids & Emulsions
– Polymers
– Liquid Crystals & Anisotropic Soft Matter
– Glasses, Granular Materials & Arrested Soft Matter
– Self-Assembled Soft Matter
– Biological, Active & Living Soft Matter
– Rheology & Non-equilibrium Phenomena
– Interfacial Soft Matter, Meta-materials & Industrial Soft Matter
Plenary Speakers:
– Clifford P. Brangwynne (Princeton University, USA)
– Marjolein Dijkstra (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
– Zvonimir Dogic (UCSB, USA)
– Jian Ping Gong (Hokkaido University, Japan)
– Steve Granick (IBS Ulsan, Korea)
– Cristina Marchetti (UCSB, USA)
– Srikanth Sastry (JNCASR, India)
– Francesco Sciortino (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)
– Vincenzo Vitelli (University of Chicago, USA)
International Program Committee (IPC):
– Ryoichi Yamamoto (Japan, Chair)
– Hajime Tanaka (Japan, Co-chair)
– Gerhard Gompper (Germany)
– Peter Harrowell (Australia)
– Masayuki Imai (Japan, LOC)
– Wonho Jhe (Korea)
– Eugenia Kumacheva (Canada)
– Guruswamy Kumaraswamy (India)
– Andrea Liu (USA)
– Kunimasa Miyazaki (Japan, LOC)
– Zhongcan Ouyang (China)
– Wilson Poon (United Kingdom)
– Michael Rubinstein (USA)
– Emanuela Zaccarelli (Italy)
Further details are available through the conference’s website ( If you have any questions please contact the local
organizing committee (LOC) at
We look forward to your participation,
On behalf of the IPC,
Ryoichi Yamamoto and Hajime Tanaka
Micro and nano fluidics, and microrheology (virtual AERC meeting 13-15April 2021)
Dear all,
We hope you are all well!
Anke and I are organizing a session on “Micro and nano fluidics, and microrheology” at the virtual AERC meeting taking place from the 13th to the 15th of April 2021.
And while we are waiting to be able to meet in person again, we are looking forward to seeing you on the AERC avatar platform!
More details on the meeting can be found here:
Deadline for abstract submission (oral and poster) is January 15.
Don’t hesitate to forward this information to interested people.
Let us know if you have any questions and we are looking forward to seeing you in April!
Anke and Laura
-- Anke Lindner PMMH-ESPCI 7, quai St Bernard Barre Cassan A, 1er étage, case 18 75005 Paris