Archives de l’auteur : Kostas Danas

CISM School on waves, June 19-23, Udine, Italy

Dear colleagues,

From June 19 to 23, 2023, we are organizing a thematic school at CISM (International Center for Mechanical Sciences),, in Udine. This school will deal with recent advances in dynamics of heterogeneous media. The following topics will be presented:

  • high order homogenization,
  • interface correctors,
  • topologically protected interface modes,
  • multistable architectural materials,
  • topological optimization.

They are addressed to PhD students as well as to experienced researchers. The speakers are Guillaume Bal, Rémi Cornaggia, Richard Craster, Dennis Kochmann, Bojan Guzina, Bruno Lombard.

We hope to see you there!

Sincerely yours,Bruno Lombard

Bruno Lombard
Directeur de recherches CNRS
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique
4 impasse Tesla, 13453 Marseille, France
bureau 121, tel : +33 4-84-52-42-53
mail :
Gdr MecaWave :
Erasmus Master WAVES :

Open postdoc position, Hormozi research group, Cornell University, USA

A full-time post-doctoral researcher position is immediately available in the group of Prof. Sarah Hormozi at Cornell University (

The project will involve flows of dense non-Brownian suspensions. Candidates are sought in all technical subdisciplines of soft matter physics with a strong background and publication record in experimental research. The candidate is expected to bring enthusiasm, deep thinking, broad curiosity, and creativity to the project.

Cornell University offers an intellectually stimulating environment with excellent facilities. Incredibly exciting is the opportunity for the candidate to interact with outstanding faculty on campus and scientists at other universities in the areas of soft matter physics and fluid mechanics. The successful candidate will benefit from the ongoing experimental projects at the Hormozi’s lab, research institutes such as the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility ( and the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source ( and collaborating with scientists in experimental, computational and theoretical physics.

This is expected to be a two-year position, with the second year contingent on project performance and funding.

To apply, please send a CV, names of three references, and up to three representative publications to Prof. Sarah Hormozi ( with the subject “Hormozi Group Postdoc Position.”

CISM School on nonlinear electro-magneto-mechanics, Udine, Italy

Please find below information on a CISM school on « Nonlinear electro- and magneto-mechanics: theory, computations and experiments » in the week of June, 12-16, 2023.

The school is organised by

  • Prashant Saxena (University of Glasgow, UK) and
  • Paul Steinmann (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany).

It will include lectures by the organizers and the following scientists:

  • Kostas Danas (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
  • Luis Dorfmann (Tufts University, USA)
  • Marc-Andre Keip (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Daniel Garcia Gonzalez (University of Carlos III Madrid, Spain)

For more information and subscription details on the course may be found in the attached flyer and the webpage:

Postdoc at LMS, Ecole Polytechnique

Dear all,

we open one year position (with possible prolongation) at Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau.

The job is concerned with kinematic analysis by digital image correlation of X-ray micro-tomography data obtained during in-situ triaxial testing of porous carbonate rocks. The aims are to charcterize localization, pore colapse and formation of compaction bands, for the purpose of underground storage and more particularly CO2 sequestration

The position starts as soon as possible 2023, is financed by the Interdisciplinary Center E4C (Energy for Clamate) and relates to CO2 geological sequestration.

Please, find details bellow:

Measurements of 3D full mechanical fields in porous carbonate rocks by digital image correlation and application to for geological sequestration of CO2

The general topic is concerned with energy transition and more particularly with underground sequestration of carbon dioxide in porous carbonate reservoir rocks.

Carbonate reservoir rocks present pronounced multiscale microstructural heterogeneities, which complicates the modeling of their short term hydro-mechanical behavior and long term integrity.

To understand the mechanical implications of these microstructural heterogeneities we use X-ray microcomputed tomography (Lab and Synchrotron radiation) and DVC (digital volume correlation), aiming to characterize the in situ development of localization patterns and compaction bands in porous carbonates experiencing triaxial loadings.

Persons to contact for further details:

Alexandre Dimanov ( and Michel Bornert (

Best regards,

Alexandre Dimanov

Directeur de Recherche

LMS, UMR7649

Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau

Full time and Part time Faculty Positions at Ecole Polytechnique

Trois postes d’enseignants en mécanique sont ouverts au concours à l’Ecole polytechnique cette année. Il s’agit de 

  • Prof. Assistant en mécanique des solides à temps complet (équivalent Maitre de Conférences)
  • Chargé d’Enseignement en mécanique expérimentale à temps incomplet (équivalent Maitre de Conférences, ce poste suppose d’avoir déjà un poste permanent par ailleurs)
  • Prof à temps incomplet résident en mécanique des solides, orientation matériaux  (équivalent Prof. 1ère classe, ce poste suppose non seulement d’avoir déjà un poste permanent par ailleurs mais également d’effectuer sa recherche dans un laboratoire de l’école)

Les fiches de poste sont jointes à ce message. N’hésitez pas à les relayer autour de vous, en particulier chez nos collègues à l’international.

La date limite de candidature est le vendredi 10 mars.

Description en français:

Description in English:

Postdoc on fatigue testing on synchrotron XRD, DTU, Denmark

Dear colleagues,

Prof. Wolfgang Pantleon (DTU, Denmark) is searching for a post-doc on a project on fatigue testing combined with synchrotron XRD experiments. If you are interested, then please see the link below. If you know someone who might be interested, then do not hesitate to forward this email to them.

Best regards,
Manas V. Upadhyay, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Solid Mechanics Laboratory (LMS), CNRS

11th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (IMA11), Bordeaux, FRANCE 19-22 June 2023.

You are cordially invited to participate in the 11th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (IMA11) which will take place in Bordeaux, FRANCE at the Campus of Talence (« Haut-Carré ») on 19-22 June 2023.
More information can be found on the following website:

We are looking forward to meeting you in Bordeaux in 2023.

Best Regards,
Professor Sakir AMIROUDINE
Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénieries, UMR CNRS 5295
Université de BordeauxBât A11, 351 cours de la Libération CS 10004 33405 Talence 
Tel :  +33 (0) 5 40 00 34 03

ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication (SCF), U. Washington (26-28 October 2022)

Hello Everyone,

We are excited to host the ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication (SCF) this October 26-28th at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle. SCF provides a holistic home for new research and developments in the interdisciplinary areas of digital manufacturing and computational design. The meeting provides a venue to discuss cutting-edge results and build cross-domain collaborations and connections. We are excited to bring this venue to the west coast for the first time!

Attendees and presenters have backgrounds in architectural design, computer science, mechanical engineering, human-computer interaction, biology, materials science, robotics, and math. The goal of SCF is to advance the state-of-the-art in computational fabrication via the exchange of new research, discussions, and collaborations and to become the pre-eminent venue for such activities in the burgeoning field of Computational Design and Fabrication.

Please join us! Register here:

Early Bird Closes on Oct 1st.

We hope to see you there,

Nadya Peek, Jeff Lipton, and Adriana Schulz
Assistant Professor 
University of Washington 
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Postdoc, Laboratoire ISTERRE Grenoble

Pour la fin du projet ANR e-WARNINGS*, nous cherchons un post-doc d’une duré de 18 mois avec un profil traitement du signal, sismologie et/ou sciences des matériaux.

*Early detection of fatigue and intermittent failure using full-field approved Acoustic Emission multiplets
(Détection précoce de la rupture par fatigue ou intermittente via les multiplets acoustiques validés en champ complet)

Suite à la mise en évidence de la détection de signaux d’émission acoustique spécifiques de la propagation de fissures par fatigue (multiplets), dans différents matériaux métalliques, le post doc aura pour but de développer de nouvelles méthodes et algorithmes de détection de ces multiplets, en particulier pour des situations de type industriel caractérisées par des rapports signal/bruit non optimisés et des histoires de chargement plus irrégulières.

Le post-doc se déroulera au Laboratoire ISTERRE Grenoble avec Jérôme Weiss, en collaboration avec la société Mistras Group et Mateis.