Archives de l’auteur : Julien Scheibert

Postdoc : Rupture fragile de matériaux poreux réalisés par fabrication additive (IMSIA/ENSTA ParisTech)


Je suis actuellement à la recherche d’un postdoctorant pour travailler sur la rupture fragile de matériaux poreux réalisés par fabrication additive. Le financement est acquis pour deux ans et le postdoc doit commencer avant fin 2019.

Merci de diffuser l’offre suivante au GdR Mephy:PostDocDGA

Véronique LAZARUS
Professor of Solid Mechanics ENSTA ParisTech

IMSIA - Institut des Sciences de la Mécanique et Applications Industrielles/ 
Institute of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications 
(CNRS - ENSTA Paristech - EDF - CEA) 

Office 107C
Centre de l’Yvette de l’ENSTA ParisTech
181 Chemin de la Hunière
91120 Palaiseau

Postdoc: 3D numerical modeling of ultrasonic wave propagation (CentraleSupélec)

Applications are invited for a 12 months postdoctoral position; which is part of a LaSIPS project named ModUS3D funded by Labex LaSIPS, which is the continuation of the research works that have been developed at MSSMat for several years on the numerical modeling of ultrasonic wave propagation in polycrystalline materials.  
To know more, please read this document: MSSMatCS_Postdoc2019_Mechanics

Prochaines journées du GDR MECAFIB, Nancy, 5-6 Décembre 2018

Les prochaines journées du GDR MECAFIB auront lieu à Nancy les 5 et 6 décembre prochains et porteront plus particulièrement sur les analyses (expérimentales, théoriques ou numériques) aux petites échelles pour le changement d’échelle dans ces milieux. Nous vous attendons nombreux pour présenter vos travaux et/ou venir discuter de ce thème pendant ces journées. Plus d’informations, notamment pour s’inscrire, se trouvent sur le site web de MECAFIB à cette adresse :

Postdoc in Mechanics and geometry of thin and slender structures (Aarhus University)

Applications are invited for a 2 year (1+1) postdoctoral position with a background in theoretical and
computational mechanics, soft condensed matter physics, or Applied Mathematics. This project focuses on
uncovering mathematical descriptions for use in the Japanese art of paper cutting, namely Kirigami, and
Reticulated Structures.

To know more, please read this document: AarhusUniv_Postdoc_ Mechanics

Postdoc on Simulation and modelling of shear-thickening suspensions in Grenoble

We have an opening for a 18-month postdoctoral researcher, starting from February 2019, to work on the simulation and modelling of shear-thickening suspensions in Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France. The work will be centered on understanding the emergence of instabilities and on modeling the transient interplay between dilation and pore pressure feedback as shear thickening occurs.

The position is funded by the ANR grant « ScienceFriction » led by B. Metzger (IUSTI, Marseille), which combines experimental, numerical  and theoretical approaches to the rheology of shear thickening, with a focus on transient phenomena and flow instabilities in close collaboration with H. Lhuissier, and Y. Forterre at IUSTI in Marseille, and M. Wyart at EPFL in Lausanne.

The succesful candidate will work with Romain Mari within the broader Statistical Physics and Modelling group in Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (« LIPhy »), affiliated to CNRS and Université Grenoble-Alpes. Research at LIPhy covers bio-, soft matter, and statistical physics, among others. It is based in Grenoble, one of the biggest academic cities in France, in the French Alps. 

Candidates should have a recent PhD (obtained after January 2017) and have a strong background in physics, ideally in numerical simulation and/or theory of soft materials.

Application consists of a CV, a cover letter, and 2 recommendation letters, and should exclusively be made via before November 5, 2018.

Post-doc at Navier lab: Numerical study of physical and mechanical aging in colloidal suspensions

Dear Colleagues,

A post-doctoral position is available at Laboratoire Navier to carry out a computational study of mechanical aging in dense silica suspensions. This investigation will proceed in close collaboration with experiments performed in our team.

Please find a detailed announcement here: announcement

Sincerely yours,
Anael Lemaitre